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Presented by

ME-CHE Group
Ozone layer depletion, is
simply the wearing out
(reduction) of the amount of
ozone in the stratosphere.
Unlike pollution, which has
many types and causes,
Ozone depletion has been
pinned down to one major
human activity.
It is bad as you say,
So What are the Effects?
CFC is just one ea!p"e of
#$one %ep"etin& Substances'
(ut What Is )hese #$one
%ep"etin& Substances?
#$one %ep"etin& Substances
Synthetic che!ica" such as ch"orof"uorocarbon
*CFC+, ch"orof"uoro!ethane, or ha"on used
in aeroso" cans, p"astic foa!s, refri&erants, and certain so",ents'
-"thou&h ha,in& non-reacti,e *inert+ properties,
these co!pounds under&o deco!position in the hi&her reaches of
the at!osphere *stratosphere+ due to sun"i&ht'
.esu"tin& ch"orine ato!s cata"y$e the deco!position of
the o$one &as causin& /ide 0ho"es0 in the protecti,e o$one "ayer,
thus a""o/in& har!fu" u"tra,io"et rays to reach earth0s surface'
Montrea" Protoco", for!a""y Montrea" Protoco"
on Substances )hat %ep"ete the #$one
1ayer, internationa" treaty, adopted
in Montrea" on Sept' 23, 2456, that ai!ed to
re&u"ate the production and use of che!ica"s
that contribute to the dep"etion of
Earth7s o$one "ayer' Initia""y si&ned by 83
countries, the treaty no/ has near"y 9::

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