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Classroom Rules / Consequences

Theatre Arts / 9
Goals for my students:
Throughout this course my 9
grade students will develop a variety of
skills in ten key areas of theatre arts. These key areas include:
The Actors Instrument: Mind, ody and !oice
Acting and "haracteri#ation
The $tructure of %rama
(orking in )nsem*le
Theatre as +itual
Theatre as ,ife
Monologue -solo.performance/
$cene &resentation with a &artner
y the end of the course, students should *e a*le to:
demonstrate self.confidence and risk taking through the use of
a variety of theatre games, improvisation, and trust e0ercises
develop strategies and tactics for dealing with stage fright
synthesi#e physical and vocal work to take risks when working
alone or in groups
demonstrate the a*ility to perform alone or in front of peers with
e0press characters, movement and emotions with confidence in
front of peers
interpret the concept of 1fourth wall2 and use it in performance
analy#e real themes from student lives and demonstrate how
they can *e portrayed in a play
write short plays *ased on realistic themes
Procedure for entering Theatre Arts Classroom:
3ou are 45T to stand or wait around in the hallway.
$tudents should enter the theatre space $I,)4T,3.
&lace all *elongings on the *lue shelves *y the door.
Take out materials for T6I$ ",A$$ 54,3.
+etrieve your %rama 7ournal from the *ookshelf.
6ave a seat at your assigned desk. -It is a *ig theatre space
with lots of interesting things. %o not touch or play with any
props or costumes that may *e in the theatre space/.
"opy the 8ournal topic on the white*oard and respond in writing
in your 8ournal.
(hen finished place your 8ournal in the red *asket on my desk,
return to your desk, remain silent and wait for further
Procedure for entering Theatre Arts Classroom after class has
If you are tardy and arrive to class late you M9$T arrive with a
tardy slip from the office. 3ou will not *e allowed into class
without a tardy slip.
If you arrive late and you see that someone is performing
onstage, you M9$T wait outside until the presentation is over.
3ou must 45T interrupt any performance or student
presentation that is in progress. &ractice good theatre eti:uette.
(ait until the presentation is over *efore you walk $I,)4T,3 to
your assigned seat.
;/ egin and end each class period in a circle
Rationale: We form a circle at the beginning of each lesson to help us focus and
prepare for the work ahead by participating in warm-up exercises and improv games.
These may focus on voice work, physical activity or both We form a circle at the end of
our lesson to reflect on what we have learned and to share our thoughts on how we can
use what we have learned in our work!
</ +espect and *e sensitive to the ideas, opinions and property of
+ationale: 5ur work in this class will involve all of us sharing our ideas and opinions. In
order to create a safe environment in which everyone feels comforta*le sharing their
personal opinions, it is important that we respect everyones thoughts and *eliefs. At no
time shall anyone make fun of or put someone 1down2 *ecause of their ideas or
opinions. 5ur class is a $A=) #one.
>/ %o not consume food or drinks in the theatre. "hewing gum on.
stage will cost you ?;.
+ationale: Any food or drink spillage on our lighting e:uipment, sound e:uipment,
props and'or costumes may result in costly repairs or faulty e:uipment. 3ou will *e lia*le
for any damages that result if you are found responsi*le for damaging any e:uipment.
,et us work together in creating a theatre space that safe and en8oya*le to work in.
@/ +eport to class with all re:uired materials *efore the tardy *ell
rings, and wait to *e dismissed *y the teacher *efore leaving.
+ationale: &articipating in a theatre arts class re:uires teamwork and colla*oration. At
times you may *e called upon to create or *ring in materials or props for a scene,
presentation, or improvisation. (hen you are part of a group, your peers rely on you to
contri*ute in a responsi*le mannerA Also, the *ell does not dismiss you do. I do. In
order to maintain an organi#ed theatre space, I will dismiss class after all materials,
props, etc have *een stored in their proper locations.
B/ =ollow all school rules and e0pectations including dress code.
+ationale: In order to maintain a safe environment, one that is conducive to learning, it
is important that all school rules are adhered to. 9nder no circumstances will any form
of profanity, name.calling, *ullying or physical a*use *e tolerated. This will ensure that
we have access to a theatre space that is secure, safe and en8oya*le to work in.
As a 9
grader you are e0pected to know what constitutes
appropriate *ehavior in class. If you choose to *ehave
inappropriately, you will *e assigned the following conse:uences:
"tep #: "tudent conference
"tep $: %etention &your last chance to solve this problem on your
"tep ': (arent contact
"tep ): Referral to an *sst. (rincipal with a recommendation for
"aturday school or +"" &+n-"chool "uspension!
+ may skip steps if behavior is particularly severe.
Cood class participation, no negative *ehavior marks on the
discipline list, one tardy or less in a nine week period, one a*sence or
less in a three week period, ;DDE class work and homework
completed, a FB or a*ove grade average, no detention halls, will
result in one or more of the following:
;. !er*al praise
<. &ositive note'phone call to parents or guardian
>. ,unch unch -lunch with Mr. T and your choice of "% Gwith
appropriate lyrics/
@. =reaky =riday -your choice of theatre improv games G weekly/
B. 3our photo on our Theatre "all*oardH

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