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Fact sheet

What is heterotrophic bacteria?

Many bacteria are part of the normal ecology of the human body and are not a risk to human
health. They commonly occur throughout the environment including water.

What are the health implications of heterotrophic bacteria?

A WHO conference (2003) entitled "HPC and Drinking Water Safety: The Significance of
Heterotrophic Plate Counts for Water Quality and Human Health" addressed this aspect.
It was concluded that there was no significant risk to consumers of drinking water containing
a wide variety of these bacteria.

Heterotrophic pathogens in water

Heterotrophic bacteria are often in drinking waters even after disinfection.
When point-of-use water treatment systems have not been used for some time the water
should be run to waste before consuming the product. This is because there is a possibility
of limited bacterial growth within such systems that may give unpleasant tasting water. This
is overcome by flushing the system before use.

How can the CW42® system help?

When used on a continuous basis, the CW42® system controls the levels of heterotrophic
bacteria to levels where they do not impact on the quality of the water.
Like all point-of-use systems, after periods of non-use, the CW42® system should be run to
waste before using the water because of possible taste deterioration. It is recommend that
after overnight non-use flush for 2 minutes. For longer periods of non-use flush for 5

Disclaimer: Whilst the above is believed to be correct, the Company cannot be held responsible for any
inaccuracies due to changes in scientific knowledge between updates of this fact sheet.
Updated: 15th June 2003

Clear Water 42 Holding ASA

Trollaasveien 36
1414 Trollaasen

Tlf: +47 66 99 69 10
Fax: +47 66 99 69 11

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