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Group and Individual Work Contract

Commitment to my Individual Work

List below all of the positive things that you will do while working independently, and the regularity
with which you will do those.
Ex. I will work hard every class on completing my assignments.

List below all of the negative things that you will NOT do while working independently, and the
regularity with which you will NOT do those.
Ex. I will never distract other classes when Im in the hallways taking pictures.

Commitment to my Work with my Team(s)

List below all of the positive things that you will do for your team/in a group, and the regularity with
which you will do those.
Ex. I will always work on the task my group is doing.

List below all of the negative things that you will NOT do while on your team/in a group, and the
regularity with which you will NOT do those.
Ex. I will never take my team off-task.

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