Network2014 2-Monday

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ually Schedule
Week 2 - Monday

AcLlvlLy Welcome & erfecLlonlsm ulscusslon 1lme
lnLros &
1) 11W share 1hreshold guldellnes and general expecLaLlons for Lhe
Chenllle SLem
CreaLlon [Cr
call Lhem
old school!]
1) 11W pass ouL plpe cleaners Lo each sLudenL (Lhere should be aL leasL 2 for
each sLudenL - hand ouL addlLlonal lf you have exLra)
2) 11W encourage sLudenLs Lo quleLly creaLe someLhlng ouL of Lhe chenllle
sLems LhaL descrlbes Lhem. (1he ower olnL ls Llmed Lo counL down lf
you use Lhe downloaded verslon - Lhls wlll noL work lf you play lL dlrecLly
from Lhe web.) lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Lhey see or hear Lhe Llme remalnlng
for Lhls parLlcular acLlvlLy. lf Lhey ask quesLlons, reread Lhe senLence
CreaLe someLhlng LhaL descrlbes you." lf Lhey ask Lo use addlLlonal
maLerlals, read Lhe senLence agaln. ?es, some mlghL geL frusLraLed.
(Popefully, some wlll - aL leasL geL a blL uncomforLable!)
3) 1SW wlll qulckly lnLroduce Lhemselves and explaln how Lhelr chenllle
sLem creaLlon descrlbes" Lhem.
1) 11W hand ouL 3 sheeLs of noLebook paper, one rubber band and one
sheeL of cardsLock for each sLudenL and sclssors for each Lable (as
avallable) nC1L: lf sLudenLs are aLLendlng boLh weeks of 1hreshold, you
can glve Lhem 10 sheeLs of paper so Lhey can puL all acLlvlLles/reflecLlons
lnLo one [ournal
2) 1SW wrlLe name on Lhelr [ournal
SLudenLs should be encouraged Lo decoraLe Lhelr [ournal LhroughouL Lhe
noLe: Cbvlously, Lhls ls a camp seLLlng, so do noL expecL LhaL sLudenLs Lake
perfecL noLes ln Lhelr [ournals. 1he [ournals are meanL for a chance for
sLudenLs Lo reflecL and hopefully have someLhlng Lo look back Lo ln Lhe
fuLure. (ldeallsLlcally Lhlnklng!) 1he reflecLlons each day can be a few words,
a poem, a plcLure - anyLhlng LhaL embodles Lhe meanlng of LhaL day Lo Lhem.
1) 11W gulde sLudenLs Lhrough Lhe owerolnL dlscusslon on erfecLlonlsm.
2) 1SW reflecL on Lhelr chenllle sLem creaLlon process.
a. uld Lhey ask quesLlons Lo clarlfy Lo make sure Lhey were dolng
Lhlngs correcLly?
b. uld Lhey hold back Lo see whaL oLhers were dolng and Lhrow
Lhelrs LogeLher aL Lhe lasL momenL?
c. uld Lhey feel any anxleLy durlng Lhls process?
8eflecL 1) 1SW qulckly reflecL ln Lhelr [ournal 3

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