Network2014 2-Wednesday

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ually Schedule
Week 2 - Wednesday

AcLlvlLy MulLlpoLenLlallLy 1lme
1he cosL of
1) 11W show Lhe 8S news Pour 8eporL abouL Lhe aradox of
Cholce (Lhls vldeo has been edlLed from Lhe orlglnal verslon - l
removed some of Lhe pollLlcal sLaLemenLs slnce Lhey were ouLdaLed
and unnecessary for Lhe dlscusslon)
Small Croup
ulscusslon - 1-
charL creaLlon
1) 1SW dlscuss Lhe cosLs and beneflLs of cholces wlLhln Lhelr llves by
creaLlng a group 1-charL
MulLlpoLenLlallLy 1) 11W gulde sLudenLs Lhrough Lhe owerolnL abouL mulLlpoLenLlallLy
2) 1SW creaLe a bubble charL wlLh all of Lhelr lnLeresLs and LalenLs
3) 1SW add poLenLlal careers and hobbles Lo each of Lhe bubbles
MaLrlx Analysls 1) 11W share how focuslng on speclflc aLLrlbuLes can help make
2) 1SW creaLe a maLrlx and analyze 4-3 opLlons for career and/or hobby
8eflecL 3) 1SW qulckly reflecL ln Lhelr [ournal 3

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