Black Forest Trifle

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Black forest trife

1 can of condensed milk

125 ml lemon juice
2 containers (250g) smooth cottage cheese
1 350g chocolate Swiss roll or base of chocolate cake
100ml cherries or an der hum li!uor
50g almond fakes"
1 bar chocolate fake or #e##ermint"
%hi# the condensed milk and lemon juice until thick"
&dd the cottage cheese and mi' till smooth"
(lace a la)er of choc cake in the bottom of a glass bowl and #our a third of the
li!uor" (lace some of the cherries on to# and s#rinkle with some almond fakes"
S#oon a third of the cottage cheese mi'ture on to# and s#rinkle a little of the
choc fakes" *e#eat la)ers until the ingredients hae been used" +nding the trife
with a la)er of cottage cheese" ,ecorate with remaining fakes and cherries " chill
until needed and sere - #eo#le"

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