CEM600 Design Practice in Petrochemical

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A Thesis Presented to the
In Partia F!"i#ent o" the
Re$!ire#ents "or the De%ree o"
Construction Engineering an Manage!ent
June &''(
I dedi&ate this re'ort to #( 'arent, )i"e, Ai and Litte A#na
A&*no)ed%e#ent is d!e to +in% Fahd Uni,ersit( o" Petroe!# and Mineras "or
s!''ortin% this re'ort-
I )ish to e.'ress #( a''re&iation to Dr- Soi#an A Moha)is )ho ser,ed as #( ad,isor
"or a the s!''ort and %!idan&e- I aso )ish to than* Dr- Sadi Assa" "or a s!''ort and
F! Na#e o" St!dent / 0aha1 Sa#an A 2aro!di
TITLE OF STUDY / Desi%n Pra&ti&es in Petro&he#i&a Fir#s in Sa!di Ara1ia,
SABIC as St!d( Case
MA2OR FIELD / Constr!&tion En%ineerin% 3 Mana%e#ent
This report identifies and assesses the design practices at Sadi Basic Indstries
Corporation !SABIC" presented #$ Design Manage%ent Depart%ent !DMD"& It
assesses the degree of f'fi''ing the DMD design practices its c'ients( !SABIC
Affi'iates" re)ire%ents for their pro*ects& The data of design practices +as
o#tained fro% 'iteratres and inter,ie+s +ith DMD -e$ personne' sch as senior
design engineers and specia'ist design engineers& The data of affi'iate(s
satisfaction is o#tained fro% inter,ie+s +ith se'ected pro*ect engineers fro% for
different SABIC affi'iates& In conc'sion. affi'iates are satisfied %oderate'$ +ith
design practices )a'it$& This report ends p +ith so%e reco%%endations to
i%pro,e the crrent design practices at DMD and to f'fi''ing the affi'iates(
re)ire%ents& The reco%%endations are/ !0" introdce 1a'it$ Contro' S$ste%
edited #$ third part$. !2" introdce a contracti#i'it$ p'an and !3" prepares a
feasi#i'it$ std$ for proposed pro*ects&
D)a)ran* Saui Ara+ia
2UNE, 4556
Ta1e 7- Ran*in% o" 8!ait( Mana%e#ent A&ti,ities---------------------------------------------------------49
Ta1e 4- 8!ait( Man%ae#ent Area Con&!sions---------------------------------------------------------------4:
Ta1e ;- Per"or#an&e Attr1!tes "or En%ineerin% Desi%n Pro&ess--------------------------------------;4
Ta1e 9- Per"or#an&e Chart "or Desi%n Pro&ess-----------------------------------------------------------------;9
Ta1e <- Desi%n Pro&ess 0ei%hted E,a!ation For#---------------------------------------------------------;:
Ta1e :- A=E See&tion Criteria as Ran*ed 1( P!1i& Se&tor and Cons!tants-------------------97
Ta1e 6, SABIC>s Strate%i& B!siness Units and A""iiates-------------------------------------------------9<
Ta1e ?- E.e&!tion Strate%ies---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:6
Ta1e @- Desi%n Mana%e#ent De'rt#ent SiAe-------------------------------------------------------------------?5
Ta1e 75- A""iiates Destr1!tion-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?7
Ta1e 77- DMD E#'o(ees E.'erian&e-----------------------------------------------------------------------------?7
Ta1e 74- ProBe&ts Co#'eted 1( DMD on 455:---------------------------------------------------------------?;
Ta1e 7;- DMD ProBe&t Pattrens on 455:---------------------------------------------------------------------------?9
Ta1e 79- DMD E,a!ation Res!t-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?<
List of 4igres
Fi%!re 7- SABIC Or%aniAation Chart---------------------------------------------------------------------------------96
LIST O4 TABLES5555555555555555555555&55555i,
LIST O4 4IG6RES555555555555555555555555555,
1 INTRODUCTION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
7-7 Resear&h o1Be&ti,es----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
7-4 S&o'e o" the resear&h--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
7-; Si%ni"i&an&e o" the resear&h---------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
2 LITERATURE REVIEW-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<
4-7 Genera-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<
4-4 Chara&teristi&s o" Petro&he#i&a ProBe&t--------------------------------------------------------------<
4-; En%ineerin% ser,i&es--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
4-9 Desi%n and 'annin% ser,i&es-------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
4-9-7 S&o'e o" 0or*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@
4-9-4 Desi%n Dra)in%s----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------77
4-9-; S'e&i"i&ations---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7;
4-9-9 Cost Esti#ate----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------76
4-9-< Pro&ess HaAard Ana(sis CPHAD-----------------------------------------------------------------45
4-< 8!ait( Contro Pra&ti&es-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------44
4-<-7 Tota 8!ait( Mana%e#ent-------------------------------------------------------------------------4;
4-<-4 Constr!&ta1iit(------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4?
4-: Desi%n Pro&ess E,a!ation and Per"or#an&e Meas!re#ent------------------------------;7
4-6 En%ineerin% ser,i&es &ost-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;6
4-? Lo&a En%ineerin% Fir#s Roe in Petro&he#i&a Ind!str(---------------------------------;?
4-@ Pre,io!s st!dies--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;@
3 METHODOLOGY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------94
;-7 Re$!ired data------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------94
;-4 Data &oe&tion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------94
;-; Data ana(sis------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9;
4 SABIC ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT-----------------------------------------------------99
9-7 Genera---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------99
9-4 SABIC Or%aniAation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------99
9-; Shared Ser,i&es Or%aniAation CSSOD-----------------------------------------------------------------9?
9-9 En%ineerin% and ProBe&t Mana%e#ent---------------------------------------------------------------9@
9-9-7 En%ineerin% De'art#ent----------------------------------------------------------------------------9@
9-9-4 ProBe&t De'art#ent-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<5
9-9-; Site ProBe&t De'art#ent-----------------------------------------------------------------------------<5
9-9-9 Desi%n Mana%e#ent De'art#ent---------------------------------------------------------------<5
9-< A Co#'arison o" Od and Ne) Or%aniAation----------------------------------------------------<4
9-<-7 Od Or%aniAation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<4
9-<-4 The Ne) Or%aniAation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<<
5 DESIGN PRACTICES AT SABIC------------------------------------------------------------------------------<6
<-7 Front End En%ineerin% Pa&*a%e CFEEPD------------------------------------------------------------<6
<-7-7 Genera-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<6
<-7-4 0or* "o)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<?
<-7-; S&o'e o" 0or*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:5
<-7-9 Codes and Standards----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:7
<-7-< Sa"et( Re$!ire#ent------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:;
<-7-: Materias-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:9
<-7-6 E.e&!tion Strate%(-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------::
<-7-? Cost Esti#ate----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:?
<-7-@ Pan and S&hed!e--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:@
<-7-75 Dra)in%s----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------65
<-7-77 Res'onsi1iities------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------67
<-4 Detai Desi%n Pa&*a%e CDEPD----------------------------------------------------------------------------69
<-4-7 Genera-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------69
<-4-4 0or* Fo)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6<
<-4-; Do&!#ent Inde.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6<
<-4-9 S&o'e o" )or*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6:
<-4-< Detai Dra)in%s------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6:
<-4-: Te&hni&a re$!isition----------------------------------------------------------------------------------66
<-4-6 Materia ta*es o""----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------66
6 RESULT AND DISCUSSION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6?
:-7 Desi%n Mana%e#ent De'art#ent CDMDD Ca'a1iities--------------------------------------6?
:-7-7 Desi%n Mana%e#ent De'art#ent SiAe-------------------------------------------------------6?
:-7-4 DMD E.'erien&e----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?7
:-7-; T('e o" ProBe&ts Underta*en 1( DMD-------------------------------------------------------?4
:-7-9 DMD Desi%n 8!ait(---------------------------------------------------------------------------------?9
:-4 A""iiates satis"a&tion------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?<
:-; Re&o##endation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?:
7 REFERENCES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------??
7etroche%ica's are ,er$ i%portant in or dai'$ 'ife& The scope of prodcts
%anfactred fro% petroche%ica's is #road range fro%. ins'ators. ca#'e +rap.
ferti'i8ers. p'astic. and r##er to e,er$ da$ ite%s 'i-e ho%e frnishing. c'oths and
to$s& The de%and of petroche%ica' is increasing in the 'ast three decades as per
Sadi Ara#ia Genera' In,est%ent Athorit$ !SAGIA" anna' report !SAGIA. 299:"&
Sadi Ara#ia is ho%e of t+ent$;t+o petroche%ica' co%p'e<es 'ocated in
the t+o indstria' cities =a#ai' and >an#& These co%p'e<es are o+ned #$ the
Sadi Go,ern%ent and pri,et sector& So%e co%p'e<es are *oint ,entre #et+een
'oca' and internationa' in,estors& Sadi petroche%ica' prodction acconts for ?@
of the +or'd otpt and it is p'anned to reach 0:@ in 290: !A' Mad$ 299A"&
7etroche%ica' indstr$ is one of the %ost i%portant indstries in Sadi
Ara#ia& In 299: SABIC a'one had recorded profits of 0B&2 #i''ions Sadi ri$a's
!SABIC. 299:"& The a,erage gro+th of the petroche%ica' indstr$ in Sadi Ara#ia
o,er the 'ast fi,e $ears is :?@ !Ra%ad$ 299:"& This gro+th co%es as a response
to g'o#a' de%and of petroche%ica's& Co+e,er. the increases in de%and 'ead to
e<panding the e<isting p'ants and #i'd ne+ ones& 4or e<a%p'e SABIC has a
series e<pansionar$ pro*ects and ne+ petroche%ica' co%p'e< 'i-e >ANSAB and
7etroche%ica' pro*ects associated +ith the prodction of petroche%ica'
prodcts sch as inter%ediates. po'$ester. po'$o'efin and ferti'i8er& Those
pro*ects are high'$ technica' in natre and fre)ent'$ #i't #$ 'arge. specia'i8ed
indstria' contracting fir%s that do #oth design and constrction& Beside %ain
process re'ated pro*ects there are %an$ spport pro*ects that of 'ess co%p'e<it$
and can #e designed and constrcted #$ the petroche%ica' co%pan$ itse'f or #$
'oca' contractors& In #oth cases. design ser,ices are re)ired& 7etroche%ica'
pro*ects *st as other pro*ects need to #e e<ected as per the high )a'it$
specification. +ithin #dget and on ti%e& Moreo,er. each petroche%ica' pro*ect is
ni)e #ecase for each petroche%ica' prodct. there are indstria' codes and
standards +hich contro' the design and constrction of re'ated petroche%ica'
prodct& In addition. petroche%ica' pro*ects are high techno'og$ pro*ect and %ost
of the techno'ogies are patented& These patents %a-e the process of design and
constrction %ch co%p'icated& This research atte%pts to identif$ and assess the
design practices in SABIC and atte%pts to i%pro,e the crrent )a'it$ of design
ser,ices practices pro,ided #$ design %anage%ent depart%ent !DMD"&
1.1 Research objectives
The %ain o#*ecti,e of this research is to identif$ and assess the design
practices in petroche%ica' indstr$ in Sadi Ara#ia in genera' and in SABIC
partic'ar& This assess%ent atte%pts to i%pro,e crrent design practices& To
achie,ing this o#*ecti,e. the fo''o+ing )estions +i'' #e ans+ered/
0& What is the #est design practice app'ied in the internationa' petroche%ica'
2& What is the co%%on design practice app'ied in Sadi petroche%ica' fir%sD
3& What is SABIC design practice for petroche%ica' pro*ectsD
A& Co+ to %easre the perfor%ance of design practiceD
:& What is the ro'e of 'oca' engineering fir%s in petroche%ica' pro*ectsD
E& Co+ to i%pro,e the design ser,ices in petroche%ica' indstr$ in Sadi
1.2 Scope of the research
This std$ is 'i%ited to design practices perfor%ed in Sadi Basic Indstria'
Corporation !SABIC" #$ Design Manage%ent Depart%ent !DMD"&
1.3 Significance of the research
The significance of this std$ ste%s fro% its natre since it is re'ated to the
petroche%ica' indstr$. +hich p'a$s a ,er$ i%portant ro'e in the Sadi econo%$&
G'o#a''$. the de%and of petroche%ica' is increasing and Sadi Ara#ia is
considered one of the top petroche%ica' spp'iers sorce !RAMAD> 299:"& 4or
this reason. petroche%ica' indstr$ is e<panding to %eet the de%and& An
essentia' ingredient in %eeting this de%and is to e<pand e<isting p'ants and to
#i'd ne+ ones& Constrcting ne+ petroche%ica' p'ants needs to #e e<ected in
,er$ efficient %anner to %a<i%i8e the profit of the pro*ects& O#,ios'$. efficient
constrction depends on efficient design& As sch. design p'a$s an instr%enta'
ro'e to this critica' indstr$&
2.1 General
Genera''$. design ser,ices for indstria' pro*ects are pro,ided either #$ in;
hose engineering depart%ent or #$ professiona' AFE& As a reg'ation
re)ire%ent. engineering ser,ices %st #e pro,ided #$ appro,ed 'icensed
engineering fir%& The Ministr$ of co%%erce and indstr$ !MOCI" contro's the
indstria' pro*ects in the Sadi indstria' cities and The Ro$a' Co%%ission for
=#ai' and >an# !RC=>" +hich esta#'ished as an atono%os organi8ation of
the Sadi Go,ern%ent contro's the indstria' pro*ects e<ected in =#ai' and
>an# indstria' cities&
2.2 Characteristics of Petrochemical Project
7etroche%ica' fir%s are +e'' organi8ed and one of the %ost i%portant
depart%ents is Engineering Depart%ent& Most of petroche%ica' fir%s ha,e
contining constrction pro*ects either e<pansion or pgrading the e<isting
faci'ities& So%eti%es in;hose design depart%ent capa#i'it$ is not enogh to
hand'e the pro*ects de +or-'oad or de the co%p'e<it$ of the pro*ect& In this
case. the o+ner otsorces the engineering ser,ices& Otsorcing %ight #$ in
for% of %anpo+er spp'$ or as a contract +ith engineering fir% !C'ogh and
Sears. 0BBA"&
The t$pica' contracts t$pes in petroche%ica' pro*ects are/ Engineering.
7rocre%ent and Constrction !E7C". Engineering. 7rocre%ent. Constrction
and %anage%ent !E7CM" and '%p S% Trn Ke$ !LSTK"& These t$pes can #e
o#ser,ed fro% re,ie+ing the +or'd+ide petroche%ica' pro*ects profi'es !A%ison.
In E7C pro*ects. there is one entit$ +ho is responsi#'e to pro,ide the
engineering !#asic design and detai'ed design". the %ateria's and e)ip%ent. and
the constrction for the pro*ect& The attri#tes of E7C contract as the fo''o+ing/
The o+ner signs a sing'e contract +ith the C7M contractor 'i-e Bechte'
or Technip for the de'i,er$ of the entire pro*ect&
The design and constrction are ti%e o,er'apped +here constrction
%a$ #egin #efore design is 099@ co%p'ete&
7rocre%ent %a$ #egin prior to constrction&
Specifications are perfor%ance;#ased rather than prescripti,e&
Mini%a' o+ner in,o',e%ent and decisions are re)ired&
Design and constrction )a'it$ are contro''ed #$ the E7C Contractor&
Costs are -no+n once the E7C contract is a+arded. and t$pica''$ are
Transfer of responsi#i'it$ and %ost ris- fro% the o+ner to the E7C
contractor for the entire design and constrction&
Constrction e<perience is integrated into the design process&
Other t$pe of contract is E7CM +here the contract inc'des the pro*ect
%anage%ent +ithin the scope of the contractor& In LSTK there is 'itt'e or no o+ner
in,o',e%ent in a pro*ect +herein the contractor essentia''$ trns o,er the -e$s for
the faci'it$ to the o+ner at the end of constrction& In a'' E7C. E7CM and LSTK
contracts. co%%issioning and startp are often inc'ded in the contractor(s scope
of +or-& !Mascci and 4reidhei%. 299:"&
The histor$ of petroche%ica' pro*ects sho+s that. there are %an$ p'a$ers in
petroche%ica' constrction indstr$ inc'ding o+ner. engineering fir%.
constrction contractor. techno'og$ o+ner. 'icenser. ,endor !%ateria' spp'ier"
and pro*ect %anger& 7etroche%ica' pro*ects started +ith the se'ected of the
techno'og$ of prodcing the desired petroche%ica' prodct sch as po'$eth$'ene
or po'$prop$'ene for ne+ p'ant pro*ects& There are %an$ agencies pro,ide the
different techno'ogies to prodce sa%e prodct& The o+ner se'ects the
appropriate techno'og$ #ased on his priorities and his a#i'it$& Techno'og$ o+ner
%a$ de'egate the 'icense to another agent& In this case pro*ect o+ner has to pa$
the 'icenser for sing the techno'og$& After the techno'og$ is se'ected and
'icensed. o+ner can se'ects the t$pe of contract sch as E7C. E7CM or LSTK to
co%p'ete the pro*ect !Loder%i'- and Stein. 2992"&
2.3 Engineering services
Engineering ser,ices co,er a +ide range of ser,ices inc'ding design.
pro*ect ana'$sis and constrction spport ser,ices&
7ro*ect ana'$sis ser,ices are those ser,ices re'ated to the feasi#i'it$ of the
pro*ect& 4easi#i'it$ std$ addresses the need of the proposed faci'it$. the
econo%ic re)ire%ent. site accessi#i'it$. 'ocation sita#i'it$. 'ega' re)ire%ent.
operation %anpo+er to operate the ne+ faci'it$. ,a'e engineering. distr#ance of
ongoing operations and %ar-et ana'$sis& 7ro*ect sched'e is a %a*or
consideration in the pro*ect ana'$sis since it needs to #e se'ected in the right ti%e
to %ini%i8e shtdo+n ti%e and disrption of ongoing prodction&
7ro*ect spport ser,ices inc'de #id e,a'ation. technica' e,a'ation
constrction sper,ision. )antit$ sr,e$. cost contro' and constrction
2.4 Design an planning services
Design and p'anning ser,ices is the %ain fnction of engineering ser,ices&
De,e'oping design for a gi,en pro*ect entai's the preparation of the re)ired
engineering doc%ents to #i'd the pro*ect& Genera''$. the design pac-age of
petroche%ica' pro*ects inc'des scope of +or-. dra+ings. specifications. re)ired
ca'c'ations. %ateria' needed. pro*ect cost esti%ate and ha8ard identification
std$& Design pac-ages %a$ inc'de doc%ents sed for #idding and officia'
co%%nications !C'ogh and Sears. 0BBA"&
Design Best 7ractice can #e defined as a process or %ethod that. +hen
correct'$ e<ected. 'eads to enhanced s$ste% perfor%ance& Each fir% has its
o+n practices to de,e'op the design +or-s +ithin the genera' agreed practice
-no+n in each indstr$& Genera' agreed practices are issed #$ professiona'
organi8ations sch as the Constrction Indstria' Institte !CII". Nationa'
7etroche%ica' and Refiners Association !N7RA" and A%erican Che%ica' Societ$
!ACS"& Co+e,er. there are different approaches to de,e'op design ser,ices +hich
,ar$ fro% indstr$ to another and fro% fir% to another& Each indstr$ has its
nor%s and practices&
Genera''$. petroche%ica' design pac-ages inc'de pro*ect scope of +or-.
specifications. design dra+ings. %ateria' re)ired. cost esti%ate and process
ha8ards ana'$sis& Each of these ite%s is e<p'ained #e'o+&
2.4.1 Scope of Work
Scope p'anning is Gthe processes of progressi,e'$ e'a#orating and
doc%enting the pro*ect +or-s that prodces the pro*ectG !7MBOK 2999. p&::"&
The scope state%ent for%s the #asis for an agree%ent of the pro*ect o#*ecti,es
and its de'i,era#'e&
7reparing scope of +or- is a crcia' process #ecase it i%pacts a'' 'ater
stages& In petroche%ica' pro*ects the o+ner %st define the scope of +or-
precise'$& Becase ,age scope of +or- 'eads to ndesired res'ts& 4or e<a%p'e.
a ,endor or a contractor %a$ spp'$ or constrct so%ething that o+ner does not
need and %a$ cost the o+ner nnecessari'$&

The scope of re)ired engineering ser,ices is s#*ect to a considera#'e
,ariation. depending on the needs and +ishes of the o+ner& Basic to sch
ser,ices. are esta#'ishing the needs and desires of the o+ner. de,e'oping the
design. preparing the doc%ents re)ired for contractor #idding or negotiation as
+e'' as for contract prposes. aiding in the se'ection of a contractor. and %a-ing
an esti%ate of constrction cost !C'ogh and Sears. 0BBA"&

The scope of ser,ices pro,ided to the o+ner #$ the designer dring fie'd
constrction depends on the needs and preferences of the o+ner& Responsi#i'it$
of the designer to the o+ner %a$ end +hen the contract doc%ents are fina'i8ed
and de'i,ered& On the other hand. the o+ner %a$ re)ire f'' constrction;phase
ser,ices. inc'ding pro*ect inspection. the chec-ing of shop dra+ings. the
appro,a' of periodic pa$%ents to the contractor. the issance of a certificate of
co%p'etion. and the processing of change orders& A'thogh the designer is not a
part$ to the sa' constrction contract #et+een the o+ner and contractor. this
contract often con,e$s certain po+ers to the designer sch as the athorit$ to
decide contract interpretation )estions. *dge perfor%ance. re*ect defecti,e
+or-. and stop fie'd operations nder certain circ%stances !C'ogh and Sears.
2.4.2 Design Drawings
Dra+ings are the %ost i%portant part of the design pac-age since the$
contain the %a*or infor%ation needed for constrction& Dra+ings sho+ the
'ocation of the pro*ect site. 'ocation of e<isting ti'ities and access roads& In
addition. dra+ings sho+ the e)ip%ent 'a$ot and arrange%ent& Re)ired
)antities are sa''$ sho+n in detai'ed dra+ings in addition to insta''ation detai's&
Contractors refer to the dra+ing %ost of the ti%e dring a'' pro*ect phases
!C'ogh and Sears. 0BBA"&
Dra+ings of an$ petroche%ica' p'ant ndergo %an$ changes de to the
operation and %aintenance acti,ities& T$pica''$ this changes do not ref'ected in
the e<isting dra+ings to for% As Bi't dra+ings& The archi,ed %aster dra+ings
re%ained as it is +ithot change& This action creates pro#'e%s re)iring 'ong ti%e
and a 'ot of e<tra e<panses& To a,oid these pro#'e%s. an$ petroche%ica' fir% has
to app'$ Engineering Dra+ings 6pdate 7rogra% !ED67"& ED67 is a s$ste% to
-eep a'' i%portant dra+ings pdated de an$ change&

Co+e,er. it is not feasi#'e to pdate a'' dra+ings sch as fa#rication
dra+ings and shop dra+ings& The critica' and i%portant dra+ings need to #e
pdated sch as 7iping and Instr%entation Diagra%s !7HID". 7rocess 4'o+
Diagra%s !74D". design dra+ings !inc'ding 'ocation. e)ip%ent 'a$ot. p'ot
p'ans and piping p'ans". e'ectrica' dra+ings !inc'ding Sing'e 'ine diagra%. ca#'e
'a$ot and sche%atics". ndergrond faci'ities dra+ings. Area C'assification
dra+ings and e)ip%ent data sheets #ased on inspection records& The ne+
change sha'' #e high'ighted #$ c'od or different pattern to #e identified ,er$
c'ear'$& Re,ision n%#er %st #e sho+n +ith +ritten description of the change to
-eep the record in the dra+ing itse'f !Go$a'. 2992"&
Iendors participate in the design process #$ spp'$ing prodcts data to the
designer& Iendor data are the technica' infor%ation pro,ided prior to e)ip%ent
de'i,er$ for the prpose of incorporation into design dra+ings and specifications&
In so%e cases. the incorporation is %ade in as #i't dra+ing after the constrction
is co%p'eted& Iendor data can #e a dra+ing. ta#'e. cross section or f'o+
diagra%s !Cocha and OJConnor 0BBE"&
The co%pter prodction of constrction design and dra+ings is no+ an
i%portant and gro+ing area& Co%pter;assisted design and drafting !CAD"
s$ste%s are no+ #eing sed #$ engineers. o+ners. and contractors to design
strctres and prodce finished. di%ensioned +or-ing dra+ings for fie'd
constrction se. a process that %a-es their operations %ch %ore prodcti,e
and profita#'e& CAD s$ste%s faci'itate the rapid de,e'op%ent of the design and
prodction of high;)a'it$ constrction dra+ings that con,e$ %ch %ore
infor%ation than their %ana''$ created conterparts& With CAD the designer can
dra+. %a-e changes. %ode'. and e<peri%ent +ith speed. efficienc$ and
precision& The %ost fa%os t+o CAD soft+are sed in the indstr$ are AtoCad
and MicroStation&
E'ectronic dra+ing %a-es the co%%nication %ch easier especia''$ in
petroche%ica' indstr$ +here the designer office is apart fro% the o+ner office&
Designer can send the design dra+ings to the o+ner for re,ie+ and appro,a'&
O+ner can re,ie+ and co%%ents the dra+ings and resend the% #ac- to the
designer to isse fina' dra+ings&
CAD dra+ings can #e continos'$ pdated re'ati,e to changes and
%odifications %ade to p'ans and e'e,ations& Man$ of these s$ste%s a'so
deter%ine the fie'd )antities of +or- as the design proceeds. +hich %a-e it
possi#'e for the designer to prepare a #i'' of %ateria's for #idding prposes& A'so
a,ai'a#'e is soft+are that generates iso%etric dra+ings fro% p'ot p'an !ISOGEN"&
Ad,ance CAD soft+are has the capa#i'it$ to enhance a'' data re)ired for the
p'ant sch as e)ip%ent data sheet and re'ated ca'c'ations h$per'in-ed to the
dra+ing !s%artp'ant"&
2.4.3 Specifications
Specifications descri#es in +or'ds of +hat is to #e done and ho+ it is to #e
insta''ed& The ter% specifications refer to the description of a prodct or a
%ethod& So%eti%es specifications refer to the co%p'ete design pac-age that
inc'des dra+ings and the +ritten description #ond in a #oo- to spp'e%ent the
dra+ings& The genera' practice is to refer to dra+ings as p'ans and to the #oo- as
the specifications !C'ogh and Sears. 0BBA"&
Specifications are di,ided into three di,isions/ #idding doc%ents.
conditions and technica' di,ision& Bidding doc%ents contains in,itation to #id.
instrctions for #idders and proposa' for%& Conditions inc'de the genera' and
specia' conditions of the contract #et+een the o+ner and constrction contractor&
Both #idding doc%ents and conditions di,isions are sed for contracting
%anage%ent& Genera''$. #oth di,isions are not changed e<cept the specia'
conditions are re,ised to site each pro*ect& Depending on the o+ner po'ic$(s and
r'es. those t+o di,isions %a$ ta-e different shapes& 4or p#'ic pro*ects +hen the
go,ern%ent %anages the pro*ects and the #idding is open for a'' )a'ified
contracts to participate +ith sa%e doc%ent for%at& In the case of petroche%ica'
pro*ects on'$ fe+ )a'ified contractors +hose a'read$ fa%i'iar +ith o+ner(s
contracting s$ste% are #idding for the pro*ect& Ths. the #idding doc%ent and
conditions can #e csto%i8ed&
Nor%a''$. #ig petroche%ica' organi8ations procre%ent depart%ent ta-e
care of #idding doc%ents and conditions di,ision& Contractors sa''$ s#%it a
pre)a'ification to procre%ent depart%ent and if the contractor satisfies the
%ini%% o+nerJs re)ire%ents. the contractor is appro,ed& Once a contractor is
appro,ed. he is e'igi#'e to #e in,ited for #id& 4or that reason. appro,ed
contractors are a+are a#ot o+ner r'es and conditions&
Technica' di,ision is pre'$ engineering doc%ent& There is no ni)e
%ethod to +rite the technica' specifications& Co+e,er. there are si< #asic t$pes of
specifications/ perfor%ance. description. #rand na%e. c'osed. open and reference
specifications& In addition. co%#ination specification containing t+o or %ore t$pe
%a$ #e sed in so%e cases !C'ogh and Sears. 0BBA"&
7erfor%ance specification is one +here the perfor%ance of the prodct
rather than the prodct itse'f is specified& E<a%p'e of perfor%ance specifications
is +hen a p%p is re)ired for p%ping 09 ga''on per %inte +ith 39 pond per
s)are inch !7SI"K %otor po+er sha'' #e fi,e horsepo+er +ith 229 ,o'ts&
Descripti,e specification is perfor%ance specification p's other criteria
sch as shape. si8e or co'or& In pre,ios p%p e<a%p'e. p%p s-id si8e or
arrange%ent can #e added to the specification to #eco%e descripti,e
specifications& Descripti,e and perfor%ance specification are ca''ed open
Brand;na%e specification is +here a specific prodct is specified #$
%anfactring na%e and %ode' n%#er& Brand;na%e specification is c'osed
specifications& A'thogh. in c'osed specification %an$ #rands %a$ #e specified as
a'ternati,es& In this case. the specification ca''ed %'ti;prodct specification& A'so.
this c'osed specifications can #e %ade open #$ adding Gor appro,ed e)a'G&
Reference specification is +here the ite% desired is referred to #$ a n%#er
corresponding to a n%#er in p#'ished specification& This t$pe sed +hen the
o+ner print co%p'ete specifications on co%%on'$ sed prodcts& 6sa''$ this
t$pe sed for specific o+ner pro*ects on'$&
Co%#ination of specifications t$pes %a$ #e sed in so%e cases& It sed
+here a prodct is needed +ith specific %echanica' characteristics and co%p'$
+ith certain standards& 4or e<a%p'e. a p%p is needed +ith partic'ar
perfor%ance para%eters p's co%p'iance +ith A7I;E09 !A%erican 7etro'e%
Institte. centrifga' p%p standards"&
In petroche%ica' pro*ects. perfor%ance specifications are sed %ost
fre)ent'$& Co+e,er. #rand na%e specification is sed too for t+o reasons/ to
%atch e<isting e)ip%ent and to redce %aintenance& 6sing sa%e #rand a'' o,er
the p'ant 'eads to redced spare parts in,entor$ and %aintenance effort& On the
other hand sing #rand;na%e %a$ cost the o+ner %ore since there are cheaper
a'ternati,es& 7erfor%ance specification gi,es chance to se'ect the #est offer
satisf$ing the re)ire%ent !A%ison.299:"&
7etroche%ica' processes are ,er$ ad,anced techno'og$ that inno,ated #$ a
co%pan$ or #$ research institte& The patent is issed for the inno,ator +ho %a$
not in,o',e in the %ar-eting or #siness indstr$ rather than research or
prodcing& Therefore. inno,ator or patent ho'der fir% %a$ need a third part$ to
%ar-et its inno,ation to the c'ients& In this case. the 'icense is issed for the tired
part$ +ho ca''ed the 'icenser& The ne+ techno'og$ e)ip%ent is %anfactred #$
appro,ed %anfactrer& Most of petroche%ica' process prodcts %ar-et is
%onopo'$ %ar-et +here ni)e prodct contro''ed #$ sing'e fir% !A%ison.299:"&
Conse)ent'$. pro*ect o+ner interference is ,er$ 'i%ited in process re'ated
pro*ects and specification t$pe is #rand;na%e specification in this case& 6sa''$
o+ner is in,o',ed in ti'it$ and spport pro*ects +here no patent or 'icense
a,ai'a#'e& 4or those pro*ects. perfor%ance specifications can #e sed&
2.4.4 Cost Estimate
Cost esti%ate is part of engineering ser,ices& The cost esti%ate is an
i%portant doc%ent +hich assists in decision %a-ing and cost contro''ing
processes& Cost esti%ate is defined as the techni)e that is fo''o+ed in order to
deter%ine the a%ont in %onetar$ ter%s necessar$ to nderta-e an acti,it$& The
deter%ination acconts for %ateria's. 'a#or. e)ip%ent. and %an$ other ,aria#'es
that affect condcting that acti,it$& O+ner figres ot +hether the a,ai'a#'e
#dget is enogh to satisf$ the pro*ect criteria or not after de,e'oping the
feasi#i'it$ esti%ate !A';Thnaian. 0BBE"&
A pre'i%inar$ !Concepta'" esti%ate is de,e'oped as part of the pro*ect
concepta' p'an to set an appro<i%ate cost for the pro*ect& It is considered %ore
sond than feasi#i'it$ esti%ate and cost esti%ation %ethods sch as range
esti%ate. factor esti%ate. and para%eter esti%ate are sed& Detai'ed Esti%ate is
de,e'oped for #idding prposes& It in,o',es the de,e'op%ent of )antit$ ta-e;off.
'a#or cost. e)ip%ent cost. and other cost affecting para%eters& The o+ner %a$
se'ect to de,e'op it in order to #e a#'e to co%pare and ana'$8e #ids !A';Thnaian.
Detai'ed cost esti%ate is prepared after co%p'eting the detai'ed design& A''
re)ired %ateria' is e<tracted fro% pro*ect dra+ings& E<act prices of e)ip%ent
and insta''ation can #e ta-en direct'$ fro% the ,endors& Constrction +or- cost
can #e esti%ated #$ sing the pre,ios si%i'ar pro*ect cost records !A';Thnaian.
Econo%$ theor$ of spp'$ and de%and states that. the price is affected #$
spp'ied and de%anded )antities& 4or that reason and #eside other reasons the
prices are not fi<ed& Nor%a''$. each )otation has a ,a'idit$ period& The ,a'idit$ is
,ar$ing fro% one %onth to three %onths& 7rice insta#i'it$ is a potentia' pro#'e% in
cost contro'& The t$pica' scenario is +hen the cost +as esti%ate prepared #ased
on a )otation and the prchasing of an e)ip%ent is %ade dring constrction
at that ti%e the prices has changed !Strts and Griffis. 299:"&
Contingenc$ percentage is sed to o,erco%e prices ,ariation pro#'e%&
Contingenc$ percentage depends on the organi8ation cost po'ic$ and the natre
of the prodcts& G'o#a' econo%ic sta#i'it$ 'eads to 'o+er contingenc$ percentage
and ,ice ,ersa&
O,erhead costs !OC" are those charges that cannot #e attri#ting
e<c'si,e'$ to a sing'e prodct or ser,ice or the costs that are not a co%ponent of
acta' constrction +or- #t incrred #$ the contractor to spport the +or-&
O,erhead constitte ,er$ i%portant portion of cost. +hich ,aries #et+een ?@ to
39@ of %ateria'. 'a#or. and e)ip%ent cost or 02@ to :9@ of 'a#or cost& Becase
of this reason so%e of contractors +ho nderesti%ate o,erhead 'ose their
#siness !Assaf et a'. 2990"&
The #est costing practice is to opti%i8e !OC" 'e,e' to acco%p'ish its
strategic goa's at 'o+est possi#'e genera' e<pense& Reasons +h$ it is diffic't to
%easre the effecti,eness of OC costs inc'des/
6ncertaint$ of defining the acti,ities that generate OC cost&
The i%portance of the indirect acti,ities and its i%pact in the )a'it$
of the perfor%ance&
A%#igit$ of the cost of indirect acti,ities&
Defensi,e %echanis% %a$ occrred #ecase of ctting OC cost&
Lac- of p'anning and deter%ining the priorities&
In Sadi Ara#ia. the ratio of co%pan$ OC cost to pro*ect direct cost on the
a,erage is a#ot 03@. +hi'e the ratio of co%pan$ OC cost to anna' constrction
,o'%e is 0A&3 @& Cases of increased co%pan$ OC cost inc'de de'a$ed
pa$%ent. 'ac- of ne+ pro*ects. cost of inf'ation and go,ern%ent reg'ations&
4actors affecting Co%pan$ OC costs are/ ato%o#i'e and e)ip%ent cost. head
office e<penses. 'a#or re'ated cost and financing cost !Assaf et a' 2990"&
In Sadi Ara#ia. %ost of engineering fir%s se #dgetar$ )otations fro%
,endors to co%p'ete the cost esti%ate& Big organi8ations sch as Sadi Ara%co
and SABIC ha,e their o+n %ateria' %anage%ent s$ste% that pro,ides 'atest
prices of fre)ent'$ sed %ateria's& In so%e %ega pro*ects the +or- in,o',es
repetitios acti,ities sch as pro,iding co%%nication to+ers a 'ong a high+a$&
Wor- acti,ities are the sa%e #t the )antities ,ar$ for each 'ocation& In sch
case. designer predefines the +or- acti,ities and as-s contractors !on #eha'f of
the o+ner" to #id for each acti,it$& Once contractors s#%it their #ids. the
engineer e,a'ates these #ids and hires the constrction contractor& The contract
is #ased on nit price and %an$ contractors %a$ #e hired for sa%e pro*ect& In this
case the designer +i'' deter%ine the cost esti%ate after co%p'eting the design
and preparing the re)ired )antities for #oth %ateria' and 'a#or #$ sing the
pro*ect cost inde<&
2.4.5 Process Hazard na!"sis #PH$
7etroche%ica's #$ natre are potentia' for ha8ards since the$ are
f'a%%a#'e. e<p'osi,e and ha,e to<ic effects& Moreo,er. a'' petroche%ica's
operations are associated +ith high ris- since a'' reactions ta-e p'ace in high
pressre high te%peratre& 4or these reasons petroche%ica' process needs
ha8ards ana'$sis +hich for%a''$ -no+n as process Ca8ards Ana'$sis !7CA"&
The %ain prpose of 7CA is to identif$ high;ris- ha8ards associated +ith a
che%ica' process& Once the high;ris- ha8ards ha,e #een identified. correcti,e
action can then #e ta-en either to e'i%inate the% or to %ini%i8e their i%pact
!Stton 2993"&
7CA has three goa's/ the first goa' is to identif$ ha8ards. +here a ha8ard is
defined as the potentia' conditions that %a$ case a significant incident& The
second goa' is to identif$ the ha8ards that re'ated to process& The third goa' of a
7CA ana'$sis is to concentrate on high;ris- ha8ards rather than high
conse)ences !Stton 2993"&
The occpationa' Safet$ and Cea'th Association !OSCA" pro,ides an
o,er,ie+ of the -e$ 7CA %ethodo'ogies that inc'de the fo''o+ing/
Ca8ard and Opera#i'it$ Method !CALO7"
What;If F Chec-'ist
4ai're Modes and Effects Ana'$sis !4MEA"
4a't Tree Ana'$sis
Other Appropriate Methods !sch as Monte Car'o Ana'$sis"
None of the a#o,e %ethods is inherent'$ #etter than an$ of the others& The$ a''
ha,e their p'ace. and are often sed in co%#ination +ith one another !Actech
Genera''$. CALO7 %ethod is the %ost rigoros and ti%e cons%ing
%ethod& It is the %ost s$ste%atic and thorogh t$pe of 7CA. the CALO7
techni)e is so%eti%es sed si%p'$ to ensre %a<i%% co%p'iance +ith
reg'ations. e,en thogh it %a$ not #e the #est technica' choice. and e,en
thogh one of the other %ethods can #e *st as effecti,e at finding the ha8ards in
a partic'ar sitation& 4re)ent'$. co%pan$ 'ega' ad,isors reco%%end the se of
CALO7 %ethod #ecase of its co%p'eteness and #ecase of its acceptance #$
reg'ator$ agencies !Actech 299E"&
CALO7 can #e defined as Ga strctred and s$ste%atic e<a%ination of
p'anned or e<isting process or operation in order to identif$ and e,a'ate
pro#'e%s that %a$ represent ris- to personne' or e)ip%ent or pre,ent efficient
operationM !Actech 299E. p 9N&"& Nor%a''$ the CALO7 std$ is carried ot +hen
the detai'ed design has #een co%p'eted& CALO7 reco%%endations and
co%%ents are incorporated to re'ease the fina' design re,ision& The CALO7 is
sa''$ carried ot as a fina' chec-& A CALO7 std$ %a$ a'so #e condcted on an
e<isting faci'it$ to identif$ %odifications that sho'd #e i%p'e%ented to redce ris-
and opera#i'it$ pro#'e%s !Stton 2993"&
2.! "#alit$ Control Practices
1a'it$ contro' is ,er$ essentia' isse in design process to de'i,er design
otpt that %eeting the pro*ect re)ire%ent in safe and econo%ic %anners& The
)a'it$ contro' practices for petroche%ica' pro*ects inc'de tota' )a'it$
%anage%ent and constrcta#i'it$&
2.5.1 %ota! &'a!it" (anagement
1a'it$ %anage%ent s$ste% is ,er$ essentia' in the design process& The
genera' practice of design )a'it$ %anage%ent is to se tota' )a'it$
%anage%ent T1M s$ste%& T1M is a strctred approach sed to i%pro,e the
design )a'it$& It is a continos process to identif$ing o+ner(s re)ire%ents and
ensres that the o+ner is satisfied +ith design ser,ices pro,ided& Whereas
)a'it$ assrance is a s$ste%atic action ta-en to pro,ide confidence that the
co%p'eted design +i'' satisf$ o+ner(s re)ire%ents !B#shait and A';Ati). 0BBB"&
ISO B990!1a'it$ Manage%ent S$ste%s Re)ire%ents" is i%p'e%ented #$
%ost of design fir%s to #e )a'it$ assrance certified& ISO B990 deter%ine the
)a'it$ %anage%ent re)ire%ents. responsi#i'ities. resorce %anage%ent.
procedres. and %onitoring that necessar$ to esta#'ish )a'it$ %anage%ent
s$ste% !ISO B990. 2999"&
A';A#dra88a- prepared a std$ a#ot )a'it$ %anage%ent acti,ates in
design and constrction !A';A#dra88a-. 0BB3"& In this std$ 2B )a'it$
%anage%ent acti,ates dring the design phase are identified and ran-ed as
sho+n in the ta#'e #e'o+& The ran-ing is #ased on a sr,e$ condcted for 3?
Sadi design fir%s&
Ta+,e -. Ran/ing o0 1ua,it2 Manage!ent Acti3ities
)actor &'a!it" (anagement cti*it"
Dra+ing chec-sFRe,ie+
0E 4nctiona'it$ Re,ie+
7ro,ision of c'ear. concise and nifor% p'ans and
B Specification chec-sFRe,ie+
00 Re,ie+ of c'ientJs co%%ents
02 Re,ie+ F chec- of standards
0A Re,ie+Fchec- of space a''ocation
0N Capacit$ re,ie+
22 7ro,ision of technica''$ )a'ified design tea% %e%#ers
23 7ro,ision of cost esti%ate of the pro*ect
Esta#'ish%ent of )a'ification para%eters for persons
+hose acti,ities affect the )a'it$ of +or- 3
N Ca'c'ation chec-s of the design
09 4or%a' drafting chec-FRe,ie+
03 Re,ie+Fchec- of reg'ations
0: Re,ie+Fchec- of aesthetics
0B 4re)ent contacts #et+een the pro*ect parties
2A S#%ission of progress reports to the o+ner
20 Co%%nication to reso',e conf'icts
2: Standardi8ation of office procedres
Doc%entation of an$ doc%ents re'ated to the design
tea% %e%#ers
A On the *o# training for e%p'o$ees
2E Office 'i#rar$ faci'ities
Definition of the interre'ationship and responsi#i'ities of the
)a'it$ progra% %anage%ent and direction
29 Co%%nication progra% ?
Esta#'ish%ent of an incenti,e s$ste% to %oti,ate persons to
prodce )a'it$ +or-
2B Arrange%ents for pro*ect peer re,ie+ 09
: Short corses for e%p'o$ees
00 E Se%inars for e%p'o$ees
2? Arrange%ents for organi8ationa' peer re,ie+
Sorce/ A';A#dra88a-.0BB3
Another std$ condcted #$ 4aroo) !0BBN" +here he ana'$8ed se,ent$
)a'it$ state%ents %easring fifteen )a'it$ %anage%ent areas& The s%%ar$ of
the i%portance of the fifteen )a'it$ areas and reco%%endations for their
i%pro,e%ent are 'isted #e'o+& 1a'it$ areas are ran-ed as per their i%portance&
Ta+,e &. 1ua,it2 Mangae!ent Area Conc,usions
I%portant Conc'sions !S%%ari8ed"
1a'it$ 7o'ic$
Need for %ore effort in esta#'ishing and pdating the
)a'it$ %ana'&
Strong need for esta#'ish%ent of a design code for
Sadi Ara#ia&
Training and
Second 'east pre,a'ent 1MA& Cigh need for %ore *o#
training and pro,ision of short corses to train 'oca'
A Design 7'anning
Need for %ore e%phasis to+ards identif$ing design
interfaces in pre'i%inar$ design&
: Design inpts
S'ight need for identif$ing and defining responsi#i'ities
of trans%ission of design inpts&
E Design 7rocess
Need for %ore assign%ent of pro*ect +or- to a sing'e
tea%& Need for %ore trst and cooperation +ith
contractor. to increase the pre,a'enc$ of specif$ing
i%portant constrction %ethods in design doc%ents&
N Interface Contro'
Need for greater interface contro'. and confir%ation in
+riting of infor%a''$ trans%itted infor%ation #et+een
interfacing entities&
? Design Re,ie+
The %ost pre,a'ent 1MA& A s'ight increase in the
pre,a'enc$ of aesthetic re,ie+ is reco%%ended&
B Design Changes The second %ost pre,a'ent 1MA&
Ier$ s'ight need for %ore e%phasis in se'ecting and
contro''ing s#contractor organi8ations&
00 Doc%ent Contro' The third %ost pre,a'ent 1MA&
S'ight need for ensring ease of %aintaina#i'it$ +hi'e
specif$ing %ateria' in design doc%ents&
03 Co%pter 6sage Need for %ore fre)ent se of CAD too's&
Need for encoraging %ore c'ient interaction& Cigh
need for #i'ding p %ore trst and cooperation +ith
the contractor&
1a'it$ Adit
Cigh need for end of the pro*ect stdies for ftre
reference& 6rgent rectification of the crrent 'o+
pre,a'ence of e,a'ation re)est fro% the c'ient and
the contractor at the end of the pro*ect&
So!r&e/ Faroo$,7@@6

Genera''$. independent design offices or cons'tants at Sadi Ara#ia are
ISO certified #ecase it is one of the contracting re)ire%ents& Co+e,er. in;
hose engineering depart%ents are not certified or adited #$ e<terna' third part$&
E,en. prodcts of in;hose engineering ser,ices are chec-ed and certified #$
interna' )a'it$ contro' tea% #t it +o'd it #e sa%e )a'it$ as the e<terna' aditor&

2.5.2 Constr'cta-i!it"
Constrcta#i'it$ can #e considered as one of the )a'it$ %anage%ent
acti,ities and can #e inc'ded +ithin T1M& Not app'$ing constrcta#i'it$ princip'es
in design stage %a$ 'ead to specification pro#'e%s and nrea'istic sched'es that
create significant diffic'ties that +i'' face constrction contractor& To app'$
constrcta#i'it$ princip'es. coordinated efforts #et+een o+ner. designer and
constrction contractor need to #e %ade to achie,e sa,ing in cost and ti%e of
pro*ects !A';>osef. 2990"&
The Constrction Indstr$ Institte !CII" defines constrcta#i'it$ as OOthe
opti%% se of constrction -no+'edge and e<perience in p'anning. engineering.
procre%ent and fie'd operations to achie,e o,era'' o#*ecti,esJJ !CII.0B?E. pp3N"&
CII ot'ined the fnda%enta's of constrcta#i'it$ as 0N princip'es that app'$ to for
phases of a pro*ect/ the concepta' p'anning. design. procre%ent. and fie'd
operations& These princip'es are 'isted #e'o+/
Concept'a! P!anning P.ase
0& A for%a' constrcta#i'it$ progra% is %ade an integra' part of the pro*ect
e<ection p'ans&
2& Ear'$ pro*ect p'anning acti,e'$ in,o',es constrction -no+'edge and
3& Constrction personne' are in,o',ed in de,e'oping the pro*ect contracting
A& 7ro*ect sched'es are sensiti,e to constrction re)ire%ents&
:& Basic design approaches consider %a*or constrction %ethods sch as
%od'ari8ation or preasse%#'$&
E& Site 'a$ots pro%ote efficient constrction !e&g&. ade)ate space for
'a$do+n and fa#rication $ards and efficient site access"&
N& 7ro*ect tea% participants responsi#'e for constrcta#i'it$ are identified
ear'$ in the pro*ect&
?& Ad,anced infor%ation techno'ogies sch as 3D co%pter %ode'ing or fie'd
note#oo- co%pters are app'ied&
Design and Proc'rement P.ases
B& Design and procre%ent sched'es are constrction sensiti,e&
09& Designs are configred to ena#'e efficient constrction considering isses
'i-e si%p'icit$. f'e<i#i'it$. se)encing of insta''ation. and 'a#or s-i'' and
00& Design e'e%ents are standardi8ed inc'ding %a<i%% se of
%anfactrersJ standards and standardi8ed co%ponents&
02& Constrction efficienc$ is considered in specification de,e'op%ent
inc'ding prior re,ie+ of specs #$ constrction personne'&
03& Mod'arFpreasse%#'$ designs are prepared to faci'itate fa#rication.
transportation. and insta''ation&
0A& Designs pro%ote constrction accessi#i'it$ of personne'. %ateria's. and
0:& Designs faci'itate constrction nder ad,erse +eather&
0E& Design and constrction se)encing faci'itates s$ste% trno,er and start;
)ie!d +perations P.ase
0N& Inno,ati,e constrction %ethods are sed sch as inno,ati,e se)encing
of fie'd tas-s. or se of te%porar$ constrction s$ste%s. or inno,ati,e
se of constrction e)ip%ent&
=ergeas and Ian der 7t prepare a std$ a#ot the #enefits of
constrcta#i'it$ on constrction pro*ects !=ergeas et a'. 2990"& The std$ ends p
+ith for reco%%endations to get the #enefit of app'$ing contracti#i'it$ princip'es
in a pro*ect&
0& In,o',e constrction e<pertise in design process since the initia' stages of
design& Constrction e<pertise sho'd #e the contractor +ho +i'' #e
constrction contractor other+ise third part$ +i'' not pa$ enogh attention
to participate in a pro*ect +hich %a$ #e not responsi#'e for e<ection of the
2& Enhance co%%on o#*ecti,es. share responsi#i'ities. and trst #et+een
pro*ect p'anners. designers. and constrctors that can #e %aintained o,er
the 'ong ter% #$ creating shared ,ision and co%%it%ent to the sccess of
the pro*ect at the concepta' stage&
3& Change the traditiona' design;#id;#i'd contracting %ethod in fa,or of an
approach that #rings the constrction contractor into the pro*ect fro% the
,er$ #eginning #efore the design. specifications. and procre%ent strateg$
ha,e #een esta#'ished& This re)ires de,e'oping c'ose cooperation
#et+een a'' pro*ect participants. +ith each poo'ing their -no+'edge and
their resorces in a tre partnership +or-ing as a tea% to achie,e co%%on
A& Co%%it%ent to tr$ ne+ approaches in the interest of achie,ing significant
gains in pro*ect cost. sched'e. perfor%ance. and safet$&
2.% Design Process Eval#ation an Performance &eas#rement.
Design processes need to #e e,a'ated to %easre the perfor%ance
efficienc$& The o#*ecti,e of the e,a'ation is sed to identif$ the strengths of
design process and the +ea-nesses +hich need to #e treated&
One +or-shop +as ho'd at Western Michigan 6ni,ersit$ !WM6" in ='$
2993 to create a perfor%ance %easre%ent for the engineering perfor%ance
process& 4orteen fac't$ %e%#ers and ad%inistrators representing the %a*or
engineering discip'ines !%echanica'. e'ectrica'. ci,i' and che%ica'" and non;
technica' discip'ines +ere participated in this +or-shop& The tea% identified 09
attri#tes of a sccessf' design process #ased on #eha,iors that sho'd #e
e<hi#ited #$ an engineer +ho is a sccessf' designer& The attri#tes ran-ed as
per it i%portance !0 is the %ost i%portance" as sho+n in the #e'o+ ta#'e !Andre+
et a'&. 2993"&
Ta+,e 4. %er0or!ance Attr+utes 0or Engineering Design %rocess
Ran- 7erfor%ance Area Description
0 Pro-!em Definition/
Inter,ie+ing c'ient. needs ana'$sis. identif$ing isses H
constraints. de,e'oping specifications. define fnctionsFses.
perception chec-
2 Comm'nication/
Infor%ing c'ientFtea%%ates. persona' doc%entation. ora'
presentations. +ritten reports. ,isa' and graphic e'e%ents.
3 Prior 0now!edge/
Locating H re,ie+ a,ai'a#'e resorces. app'$ing e<isting
-no+'edgeFprincip'esFso'tions. e,a'ate e<terna' infor%ation.
depth H #readth of interna'i8ed -no+'edge. identif$ing 'earning
A Di*ergent t.inking/
Brainstor%ing. generating a'ternati,e so'tions. )antit$.
ni)eness. no,e't$. pro#'e% refor%'ation
: So!'tion 1a!idation/
Interpreting H %ediating re)ire%ents. creating an appropriate
test p'an. %easring for sccess. satisf$ing societa'
re)ire%ents. pho'ding professiona' responsi#i'ities. csto%er
E Decision (aking/
Inc'sion of sta-eho'ders. e,a'ating a'ternati,es against
criteria. *stif$ing se'ection. cost;effecti,eness. 'e,e' of
consenss o#tained
N Create2fo!!ow p!an/
Tas-s and %i'estones c'ear'$ defined. 'ogica' H organi8ed
p'anFti%eta#'e. ta-ing action. doc%entation of progress
Appropriate too' se'ection. too' proficienc$. para%eter
identification. s$ste% %ode'ing. sensiti,it$ ana'$sis. esti%ating.
e<peri%enting. opti%i8ation
B %eamwork/
Be'onging. co%%it%ent. o+nership. cooperation. perfor%ing
+ithin ro'es. %anaging conf'icts. efficient'$ singFcreating
3terating 4
Ongoing. captres and app'ies 'essons 'earned fro% prior
iterations. assess so'tions. assess process fo''o+ed. oriented
to+ard continos i%pro,e%ent
Sorce/ !Andre+ et a'&. 2993"
The tea% ended p +ith t+o for%s of e,a'ation engineering design
process. one is perfor%ance chart for% !Ta#'e;A" and the other one is +eighted
e,a'ation for% !Ta#'e;:"& 4or perfor%ance chart the perfor%ance descriptions
are distri#ted into fi,e s-i'' 'e,e' categories/ E<pert Designer. Senior Designer.
Apprentice Designer. Intern and Trainee& 6nder each categor$ of designer s-i''s
'e,e' there is an e<pected action or #eha,ior %atching +ith the 'e,e' of s-i''s for
each tas-& The e,a'ator has to se'ect the appropriate description of the designer
or design tea% #eha,ior to identif$ the s-i'' 'e,e' in each perfor%ance area !K'ine
et a'&.2993"&
4or +eighted e,a'ation for% !Ta#'e;:". each tas- +ithin perfor%ance areas
has a +eight factor #ased on its i%portance& The e,a'ator has to e,a'ate each
tas- on a sca'e of 0 to : and %'tip'$ #$ +eighted factor& The fina' score is sed
as indication of s-i''s 'e,e' of the designer or design tea%& The score rang is
#et+een 299 to 0999 points and each 299 points represent a 'e,e' of s-i''s !K'ine
et a'&.2993"&
7erfor%ance Chart for% !Ta#';A" is diffic't to se de to the co%p'e<it$ of
,oca#'ar$ sed in the description of acti,ities& Co+e,er. the +eighted e,a'ation
for% is not accrate #ecase the +eighted factors %a$ ,ar$ fro% e,a'ator to
other depends on his priorities&
Ta+,e 5. %er0or!ance C)art 0or Design %rocess
%er0or!er666666666666 Assessor666666666666666 Date6666666666
Performance rea %rainee 3ntern pprentice Designer Senior Designer E5pert Designer
Pro-!em Definition/
Identif$ Needs 7erfnctor$ Loc-ed on one Sees se,era' Ran-ed set Contrasted set
Esta#'ish Re)ire%ents 6nsre of need Sees the need Defines so%e Defines %ost 7aints #ig pictre
Identif$ Constraints Disregards One at a ti%e T+o at a ti%e Sensiti,e to a'' 7'aces a'' in s$ste%
Define 4nctions Open;ended 7ri%ar$ se Secondar$ se M'tip'e se Csto%i8ed %'tip'e se
7erception Chec- 7'a$s ro'e +anted Does +hat to'd Ia'es the ro'e 4'fi''s the ro'e 4aci'itates in)ir$
Prior 0now!edge/
LocateFre,ie+ resorces Mini%a' Effort Basics readi'$ a,ai'a#'e E<tensi,e in discip'ine E<tensi,e a'' discip'ines
6se of 7rincip'es 6ses inappropriate'$ o#,ios +e'';-no+n s#t'e H +e'';de,e'oped essentia' H co%p'ete
E,a'ate e<terna' info Se'do% e,a'ates Often %isses appro,ed #$ others Critica''$ e,a'ates Correct'$ e,a'ates
Interna'i8ed -no+'edge Sperficia' 7artia' Ade)ate E<tensi,e Nationa''$ recogni8ed
7rofessiona' Gro+th On'$ +hen forced When cha''enged reacti,e 7roacti,e Continos
Di*ergent %.inking/
1antit$ 4e+ So%e Se,era' Large E<tensi,e
Distincti,e'$ ni)e Cop'e 4e+ So%e Se,era' Large
Ot of the nor% Rare'$ Se'do% Often Cop'e Se,era'
Cases redefinition Rare'$ Se'do% Occasiona''$ Often Cop'e
Ot of the #o< I%pro#a#'$ Rare'$ Occasiona''$ Often Consistent'$
Professiona! na!"sis/
6ses -e$ para%eters Li%itedFMan$ E<tra So%eF4e+ E<tra Near'$ a''FOften E<tra A''FRare'$ E<tra Right on
Too'#o<Fsage S%a''FIneffecta' Li%itedFBasic StandardFMargina' Co%prehensi,eFeffecti,e Too' #i'derF%aster
Esti%ating Wa$ off Sporadic accrac$ Consistent'$ in #a''par- Consistent'$ c'ose Intiti,e'$ correct
E<peri%enting Rando% tria's 6ses gi,en e<peri%ents Adapts e<peri%ents Designs e<peri%ents Creati,e e<peri%ents
S$ste% %ode'ing Si%p'istic Bare #ones Near'$ co%p'ete Dea's +ith #ondaries Integrates other %ode's
Decision (aking/
Inc'des sta-eho'ders 6na+are +ho the$ are Incorporates o#,ios Kno+s the% a'' Acconts for a'' Ta-es e,er$ perspecti,e
Consenss Rare'$ Se'do% Occasiona''$ Often Consistent'$
Cost;Effecti,e O#'i,ios Not nder contro' Reasona#'e Consistent'$ contro''ed Ier$ efficient
6ses design criteria Sporadica''$ Mini%a''$ 7eriodica''$ 4re)ent'$ Consistent'$
=stification Rando%'$ Occasiona''$ Dependa#'$ 4re)ent'$ A'+a$s
Performance rea %rainee 3ntern pprentice Designer Senior Designer E5pert Designer
Create and )o!!ow P!an
Defines tas-s Sporadic Rdi%entar$ Contri#tes Thoghtf' Iisionar$
Ot'ines %i'estones 6na+are Short Range E<ectes Modifies Originates
Organi8ed H 'ogica' Confsing Scattered Mechanica' So'id Directs
Trac- H re,ise p'an Dis*ointed 7assi,e Spports I%p'e%ent Change Assesses
Doc%ent 7rogress Incoherent 7erfnctor$ Methodica' Co%p'ete Co%prehensi,e
3terate 4 ssess/
4re)enc$ Sporadic Methodica' Consistent Continos 7ara''e' 7rocessing
Re,ie+ pre,ios c$c'es Se'do% Most Recent Tries to e<tend Captres %ost Integrates a''
Assess design process On'$ %o,es for+ard After #ig steps At tro#'e steps After a'' steps Continos'$
Assess design so'tions On'$ +hen caght When things go +rong When nco%forta#'e When s#standard To opti%i8e
Effecti,e iteration Capha8ard When re)ired In o#,ios sitations 7rposef''$ 4or significant ,a'e
1a!idate So!'tions/
Interpret Re)ire%ents O#'i,ios Kno+s o#,ios ones Kno+s the% a'' Meets the% a'' E<ceeds the% a''
Mediate Re)ire%ents 6na+are of conf'ict Mini%a' he'p Can #e he'pf' 4air'$ effecti,e Lea,es a'' satisfied
Bi'd Test 7'an Atte%pts S-etch$ 7'an +ith ho'es So'id E'egant
Test against criteria Erratic Inco%p'ete Inconc'si,e Conc'si,e Cigh re'ia#i'it$
Sta-eho'der acceptance 6na+are of need Tries to achie,e Ce'ps to achie,e Significant'$ contri#tes Assres
Written reports 6ninte''igi#'e Sperficia' Mechanica' Infor%ati,e Co%prehensi,e
Ora' co%%nication Often Incoherent Inconsistent Trans%its 7rposef' 7ersasi,e
7ro*ect doc%entation When dictated 7ersona''$ sef' Li%ited adience S#stanti,e Thorogh
Iisa's H graphics Confsing E'e%entar$ Spporti,e I''strati,e Interpreti,e
7rofessiona'is% 6na+are 6nco%forta#'e Atte%pts Consistent 7o'ished
6se of resorces Mini%a' Responds Re)ests See-s ot Gets the #est
Managing conf'icts 7otentia' tro#'e%a-er Si'ent o#ser,er 7art of so'tion Steps in to reso',e Learning e<perience
Shared Consenss Not on #oard Wi''ing to go a'ong Sees the ,ision Acts on ,ision Shapes ,ision
Be'ongingFCo%%it%ent Erratic Co%p'iant Sees #enefits Enro''ed Co%%itted
7erfor%ing Ro'es 7'a$s ro'e +anted Does +hat to'd Ia'es the ro'e 4'fi's the ro'e 4aci'itates a'' ro'es
Sorce !Andre+ et a'&. 2993"
Ta+,e 7. Design %rocess Weig)te E3a,uation For!
Performance rea ,aw
Weig.t d6'sted
Performance rea ,aw
Weig.t d6'sted
Pro-!em Definition
Identif$ needs
Esta#'ish re)ire%ents
Identif$ Constraints
Define 4nctionsFses
7erception Chec-
Create and )o!!ow p!an
Defines tas-s
Ot'ines %i'estones
Organi8ed H 'ogica'
Trac- H re,ise p'an
Doc%ent progress
pp!"ing Prior 0now!edge/
LocateFRe,ie+ resorces
6se of princip'es
E,a'ate e<terna' info
Interna'i8ed -no+'edge
7rofessiona' gro+th
3terating and ssessing
Re,ie+ pre,ios c$c'es
Assess design process
Assess design so'tions
Effecti,e iteration
Di,ergent Thin-ing/
Distincti,e'$ ni)e
Ot of the nor%
Cases redefinition
Ot of the #o<
So!'tion 1a!idation/
Interpret re)ire%ents
Mediate re)ire%ents
Bi'd test p'an
Test against criteria
Sta-eho'der acceptance
Professiona! na!"sis/
6ses -e$ para%eters
S$ste% %ode'ing
Written reports
Ora' co%%nication
7ro*ect doc%entation
Iisa's H Graphics
Decision (aking/
Inc'sion of sta-eho'ders
6ses design criteria
6se of resorces
Managing conf'icts
Shared consenss
7erfor%ing ro'es
%ota! Score::::::::::::::::
!Andre+ et a'&. 2993"
2.' Engineering services cost
Engineering ser,ices pricing is not eas$ *o#& E<pertise. creati,it$ and )a'it$
are diffic't to )antif$& Co+e,er. there are so%e %ethods sed to de,e'op prices
for engineering ser,ices& These %ethods are percentage of constrction cost.
%'tip'e of sa'ar$ cost. %'tip'e of sa'ar$ cost p's non;sa'ar$ e<pense. fi<ed
'%p;s% fee. tota' e<pense p's professiona' fee and %an;hor charge
!B#shait et a'. 0BB?"&
In Sadi Ara#ia. the co%%on %ethod is %an;hor rate& Engineering fir%s
esti%ate the re)ired tota' %an;hors to co%p'ete the *o#& Tota' %an;hors are
categori8ed into engineers. drafts%enFdesigners. pro*ect spport and pro*ect
%anage%ent& 4or each categor$. there is an agreed rate& Depends on *o# tit'e
and nationa'it$ the %an;hor rate is deter%ined& =o# tit'es are a''ocated as per
personne' -no+'edge and e<perience& Sadi Engineering Conci' proposed for
categories of engineers/ engineer. associated engineer. professiona' engineer
and cons'tant& The tota' cost of design ser,ices is the %'tip'e of n%#er of
re)ired %an;hor and its rate for each categor$ !B#shait et a'. 0BB?"&&
The other co%%on %ethod sed is a '%p s% fee +here the designer
recei,es a fi<ed '%p s% a%ont for the co%p'ete ser,ices& In the case of in;
hose design ser,ice. the cost is deter%ined sa''$ #$ sing %an;hor %ethod
to contro' pro*ect cost and %onitoring the )a'it$&
As per a std$ condcted #$ Sadi Conci' of Engineers. the %a<i%%
design fee in Sadi Ara#ia is 2&:@ of tota' constrction cost and acconting for A:
to A? #i''ions anna''$& Whereas the design cost reaches to N@ of constrction
cost in other GCC contries !4aden 299A"&
E<perience and )a'ifications of design fir% are the %ost i%portant factors
effecting the engineering ser,ices cost& E<pert engineers +ith high 'e,e' of design
)a'ifications prodce high )a'it$ design ser,ices that satisf$ the o+ner
re)ire%ents& Conse)ent'$. high )a'it$ design ser,ices cost high rate !B#shait
et a'. 0BB?"&
2.( )ocal Engineering *irms Role in Petrochemical +n#str$
There are 0A99 engineering fir%s 'icensed in Sadi Ara#ia !4aden 299A"&
Most of these fir%s +or- in %nicipa'. co%%ercia' and residentia' indstries& On'$
:@ of engineering fir%s are handing the indstria' pro*ects !A';Msa''a%i. 0BB2"&
This 'o+ percentage of participation in indstria' pro*ect is de the specia'
re)ire%ent of indstria' pro*ects& Most of the 'oca' engineering fir%s are 'ac-ing
of the e<perience and -no+'edge to hand'e the indstria' pro*ect& So%e of the
'oca' engineering fir%s esta#'ish a *oint ,entre +ith a foreign engineering to get
an access to the indstria' pro*ects& A'so. 'oca' engineering fir%s as s%a'' entities
are recei,ing technica' and financia' spport fro% #oth p#'ic and pri,ate
indstria' sectors& 4or e<a%p'e Sadi Ara%co and Ro$a' Co%%ission are
de,e'oping the 'oca' engineering fir%s #$ direct and indirect edcationa'
progra%s and on *o# training progra% for their design contractors to i%pro,e their
design capa#i'it$ !Ra%ad$.2993"& The ro'e of 'oca' engineering fir%s in
petroche%ica' indstr$ is %inor de to their 'i%ited capa#i'it$&

2., Previo#s st#ies
Most of the pre,ios stdies in the design ser,ices in Sadi Ara#ia +ere
focsed on #i'ding pro*ects and none +as for indstria' pro*ects&
A';Msa''a%i !0BB2" %ade a std$ tit'ed GO+ner satisfaction +ith
cons'tanc$ practices in Sadi Ara#iaG& This std$ discssed the re'ationship
#et+een p#'ic o+ner and 'oca' AFE fir%s in Sadi Ara#ia& This std$ atte%pted
to find ho+ 'oca' AFE fir%s are f'fi''ing the o+ner(s re)ire%ents and to +hat 'e,e'
p#'ic o+ners are satisfied +ith the pro,ided ser,ices& The std$ proposed for
criteria for *dging the o,era'' satisfaction/ fnction. aesthetics. cost effecti,eness
and constrcta#i'it$& This std$ conc'ded that the 'e,e' of p#'ic satisfaction is
%oderate de so%e pro#'e%s cased #$ AFE& The %ost i%portant pro#'e% is
fa't$ design that cases high n%#er of change orders& AFEs are not satisfied
+ith 'o+ o+ner in,o',e%ent in the design process and +ith o+ner nder
perception for AFE ro'e in the pro*ect that conse)ent'$ ref'ect the 'o+ pa$%ent of
design ser,ices& The athor reco%%ended the fo''o+ing actions to o,erco%e
pro#'e%s #et+een p#'ic o+ners and the AFE/
0& The o+ner sho'd state the needed scope of +or- ,er$ c'ear'$
2& Constrcta#i'it$ and design re,ie+ sho'd #e done to a,oid fa't$
design and associated de'a$s and cost o,er rn&
3& Increase co%%nication and o+ner in,o',e%ent dring the design
A';Basher !0BB?" in his std$ tit'ed cons'tant se'ection in Sadi Ara#ia
stated in his std$. the o+ner need constant. co%prehensi,e and f'e<i#'e
%ethodo'og$ criteria for the se'ection of a cons'tant& Thirteen criteria +ere
identified and ran-ed in accordance to the ,ie+s of the o+ners and the
cons'tants as sho+n in Ta#'e;E& The ran-ed 'ist of AFE criteria for%s a so'id too'
for se'ecting the %ost appropriate AFE fir% to perfor% the re)ired ser,ices&
Ta+,e 8. A9E Se,ection Criteria as Ran/e +2 %u+,ic Sector an Consu,tants.
Ran-ing #$
7#'ic Sector
The AFE Se'ection Criteria Description
Ran-ing #$
0 Staff and 1a'ifications A
2 E<perience 0
3 1a'it$ 7erfor%ance 3
A pro*ect Manage%ent Capa#i'it$ ?
: 7ast 7erfor%ance E
E 1a'it$ Contro' :
N References 2
? Crrent Wor- Load N
B 4ir% Organi8ation 09
09 4ir% Capacit$ 02
00 Econo%ica' Constraints B
02 E<perience in Geographic Location 00
03 Cead Office Location 03
So!r&e/ AGBasher, 7@@?

3.1 Re-#ire ata
The re)ired data for this research can #e s%%ari8ed as/
0& Characteristics of 7etroche%ica' pro*ects&
2& Best design practices for petroche%ica' pro*ects app'ied #$ internationa'
petroche%ica' fir%s&
3& SABIC design practices&
A& Loca' engineering fir%s ro'e in design ser,ices for the petroche%ica'
3.2 Data collection
The re)ired data +i'' #e co''ected fro% t+o %ain sorces/ 'iteratres and
inter,ie+s& Literatres inc'de design procedre and gides prepared #$
petroche%ica' organi8ations& Inter,ie+s +i'' #e %ade +ith -e$ personne' in,o',ed
in engineering ser,ices in SABIC and +ith Design Manage%ent C'ients !SABIC
Affi'iates" pro*ect engineers&
3.3 Data anal$sis
The co''ected data fro% #oth 'iteratres and inter,ie+s +i'' #e ana'$8ed to
%easre the efficienc$ of petroche%ica' design practices app'ied in SABIC&
Affi'iates satisfaction +i'' #e ta-en as a %easre%ent of sccess of design
%anage%ent at SABIC& Ana'$sis is ai%ed to %a-e reco%%endations to i%pro,e
the design practices in SABIC&
4.1 General
The Sadi Basic Indstries Corporation !SABIC" +as esta#'ished prsant
to Ro$a' Decree No& M EE dated 03FBF03BEC !corresponding to Septe%#er E.
0BNE"& The idea #ehind SABIC +as to ti'i8e natra' gas associated +ith crde
oi'& The principa' prposes of Sadi Basic Indstries Corporation !SABIC" and its
affi'iates inc'de. a%ong other things. the setting p. operating and %ar-eting of
petroche%ica's. ferti'i8er. iron and stee'. a'%in% and other h$drocar#on #ased
indstries in Sadi Ara#ia&
SABIC is o+ned #$ the Sadi Go,ern%ent !N9@" and pri,ate in,estors
!39@"& SABIC o+ns %ore than 22 petroche%ica' and %eta' co%p'e<es in Sadi
Ara#ia. Erope and Asia& 4or co%p'e<es are o+ned +ho''$ #$ SABIC and the
others are *oint ,entres +ith 'oca' and internationa' in,estors sch as
E<<onMo#i' and She''&
4.2 S./+C 0rgani1ation
Since 0BNE. SABIC +as acting as the o+ner for its affi'iates on'$.
%anage%ent of each affi'iate has no direct re'ation +ith other SABIC affi'iate& In
Septe%#er 2992. SABIC reorgani8ed its affi'iates. and got %ore in,o',ed in their
%anage%ent and contro'& SABIC had #een di,ided into si< Strategic Bsiness
6nits !SB6" as fo''o+ing/
0& Basic Che%ica's
2& Inter%ediates
3& 7o'$o'efins
A& 7IC and 7o'$ester
:& 4erti'i8ers
E& Meta's
Most of SABIC affi'iates in Sadi Ara#ia are #ased in the A';=#ai' Indstria'
Cit$ on the Ara#ian G'f& T+o are 'ocated in >an# Indstria' Cit$ on the Red Sea
and one in Eastern 7ro,ince cit$ of Da%%a%& SABIC affi'iates are distri#ted
a%ong the SB6s as per the #e'o+ ta#'e&
Ta+,e (* SABIC:s Strategic Business Units an A00i,iates
Inter%ediates 7o'$o'efins
4erti'i8ers Meta's
Beside the si< SB6s. there are for corporate depart%ents consisting of
Corporate 4inanceK Corporate C%an ResorcesK Corporate Contro' and
Research and Techno'og$ !RHT" spport the SB6s in their sectors& A ne+
featre is the creation of a Shared Ser,ices organi8ation !SSO" +hich operated
in 2993 to pro,ide a range of co%%on ser,ices to a'' Strategic Bsiness 6nits
and Corporations&

Figure -. SABIC Organi;ation C)art
4.3 Share Services 0rgani1ation 2SS03
In 2993. SABIC for%ed a Shared Ser,ices Organi8ation to pro,ide
co%p'e%entar$ ser,ices #et+een SABIC and its affi'iates and to he'p SABIC
achie,es its strategic o#*ecti,es throgh increased efficienc$ and efficient
ti'i8ation of a,ai'a#'e resorces& Shared Ser,ices Organi8ation +as esta#'ished
in order to pro,ide for #est ti'i8ation of resorces and to centra'i8e the
%anageria' ser,ices for a'' SABIC affi'iates& SSO co,ers se,en areas/
0& Infor%ation Techno'og$ !IT".
2& Acconting&
3& E%p'o$%ent ser,ices&
A& Genera' ser,ices&
:& Spp'$ %anage%ent !procre%ent"&
E& 7'anning and contro''ing&
N& Engineering and 7ro*ect Manage%ent&
This report is concern a#ot design practices perfor%ed #$ Design
%anage%ent Depart%ent +hich is one di,ision of Engineering and 7ro*ect
Manage%ent& 4or that reason. on'$ Engineering and 7ro*ect Manage%ent is
e'a#orated in ne<t section&
4.4 Engineering an Project &anagement
Engineering and pro*ect %anage%ent is one of shared ser,ices
organi8ation !SSO" its fnction is to pro,ide effecti,e )a'it$ pro*ect
%anage%ent. effecti,e process engineering. pro*ect spport and engineering
e<pertise ser,ices to a'' SABIC affi'iates& Engineering and 7ro*ect Manage%ent
inc'des for depart%ents/ Engineering Depart%ent. 7ro*ect Depart%ent. Site
7ro*ect Manage%ent and Design Manage%ent Depart%ent& The fnction of each
of these depart%ents is descri#ed #e'o+&
4.4.1 Engineering Department
Engineering Depart%ent !ED" fnction is to prepare and contro' the
re)ired standards and to pro,ide technica' spport for a'' affi'iates& Standards
ser,ices inc'de safe +or-ing procedres and #est )a'it$ processes. e,a'ation
ser,ices inc'ding p'ant assess%entFTechnica' Bench%ar-ing re,ie+s as +e'' as
1a'it$. Cea'th. Safet$ and En,iron%ent re,ie+s& Specia'i8ed technica' spports
are pro,ided for p'ants. e)ip%ent i%pro,e%ents. tro#'eshooting ser,ices. as
+e'' as genera'i8ed e<pert technica' spport for e'ectrica'. %echanica'.
instr%entation and contro' s$ste%s& ED consists of fi,e sections/
0& 7rocess H process safet$ engineering section
2& E'ectrica' H process contro' engineering section
3& Mechanica' H ci,i' engineering section
A& Codes H standards section
:& 1a'it$ assrance H inspection section
4.4.2 Pro6ect Department
7ro*ect %anage%ent !7D" fnction is to %anage the constrction of the
%ega pro*ects !%ore than SR :9 %i''ion"& 4or each %ega pro*ect there is a
pro*ect %anger assigned #$ the 7D Manager to %anage the pro*ect& 7D
pro,ides a'' pro*ect spport ser,ices fro% initia' stages ti'' the acceptance #$ the
o+ner and c'ose ot the pro*ect inc'ding re,ie+ design pac-ages. procre%ent
e)ip%ent and %ateria' for constrction. re,ie+ the e)ip%ent specifications.
coordinate #et+een affi'iate and contractors. testing and inspection.
co%%issioning and pro*ect c'oseot&

4.4.3 Site Pro6ect Department
The %ain fnction of Site 7ro*ect Depart%ent !S7D" is to %ange affi'iate
pro*ects !Site 7ro*ect" +here the #dget is %ore than t+o %i''ions and 'ess than
fift$ %i''ion Sadi Ri$a's& 7ro*ect %anage%ent inc'des pro*ect e<ection. spport
ser,ices starting fro% concepta' design to constrction sper,ision and pro*ect
trac-ing& Spport ser,ices dring the co%p'etion phase of the pro*ect inc'ding
%echanica' co%p'etion and c'ose;ot. pre;co%%issioning and a'' re'e,ant
4.4.4 Design (anagement Department
Design Manage%ent Depart%ent !DMD" inc'des three sections/
%echanica' and ci,i' section. e'ectrica' and instr%entation section and CAD
section& Ser,ices pro,ided #$ DMD are ,aries fro% concepta' design to detai'ed
design& Concepta' Engineering or ad,isor$ spport ser,ices at the ear'$ stages
of a pro*ect. inc'ding cost esti%ation. concepta' design. site a,ai'a#i'it$.
'ogistics. s$nerg$ +ith other p'ants. accessi#i'it$ of ra+ %ateria's&
DMD ser,ice inc'des a'so pro*ect p'anning ser,ices sch as cost
esti%ation. resorce and %ateria' p'anning. pro*ect e<ection p'an. sched'ing.
#asic design pac-age preparation and in,itation to #idding !ITB" doc%entation&
Another %ain fnction of DMD is drafting and dra+ing ser,ices !CAD
ser,ices" for either pro*ects or separate re)ests fro% affi'iates& Drafting ser,ices
are inc'ding confir%ing and inde<ing AS B6ILT dra+ings and other e<isting
doc%ent into E'ectronic Doc%ent Manage%ent S$ste% !EDMS"&
4.! . Comparison of 0l an 4e5 0rgani1ation
4.5.1 +!d +rganization
Before esta#'ishing the strategic Bsiness 6nits in 2992. SABIC +as acting
on'$ as the o+ner representing the Sadi Go,ern%ent +ith 'i%ited ro'e of
hand'ing trading. %ar-eting and 'ega' %atters #et+een SABIC affi'iates and its
csto%ers& E,er$ affi'iate +as operated and %anaged #$ its o+n %anage%ent&
4or pro*ects and engineering ser,ices each affi'iate had its o+n %ethod and
po'icies in pro*ect %anage%ent and design practices de to its prodcts
characteristics and Non;SABIC o+ner interfere in the %anage%ent of the
co%pan$& Genera''$ in each affi'iate. engineering pro*ects +ere di,ided into t+o
categoriesK %odification pro*ects and ne+ pro*ects& Ne+ pro*ects sch as
constrction of a ne+ p'ant. e<panding an e<isting p'ant or an$ pro*ect e<ceeding
fi,e %i''ions Sadi Ri$a's& This t$pe of pro*ects is hand'ed #$ an integrated pro*ect
%anage%ent tea% !+ithin the affi'iate" that responsi#'e for preparation the
feasi#i'it$ stdies of the pro*ects and in,itation to #idding !ITB" pac-age&
Engineering depart%ent dea's +ith the %odification pro*ects& A %odification
pro*ect starts #$ an engineering +or- re)est raised fro% the operation
depart%ent !end ser"& This re)est #rief'$ descri#es the pro#'e% spported +ith
e<isting dra+ings. re'ated data sheets and s-etches for ne+ arrange%ent&
Engineering depart%ent recei,es the re)est and the %anger for%s a pro*ect
tea%& Depending on the natre of the pro*ect and its do%inant acti,ities. the
pro*ect 'eader +i'' #e assigned& 4or e<a%p'e. in piping pro*ects a piping engineer
or a %echanica' engineer +i'' #e assigned as pro*ect 'eader& 7ro*ect 'eader ro'e is
to coordinate #et+een a'' discip'ines participated in the pro*ect to co%p'ete the

The design process starts +ith a -ic-;off %eeting #et+een the engineering
tea% and the operation depart%ent !o+ner of the pro*ect"& The %ain prpose of
the %eeting is to ensre a c'ear nderstanding for the pro*ect and to fina'i8e the
scope of +or-&
Design starts after ensring the scope of +or- fro% the o+ner& Design is
prepared as per app'ica#'e standards for si%p'e and rotine pro*ects& After the
design is co%p'eted #$ a'' discip'ine. the pac-age is re,ie+ed #$ senior pro*ect
engineers& Then the pac-age is sent to o+ner for his co%%ents& In addition a
cop$ of the design pac-age is for+arded to process engineering depart%ent to
re,ie+ the pac-age fro% safet$ and en,iron%ent points of ,ie+s !CSE re,ie+"&
7rocess engineering depart%ent ro'e is to decide either ha8ard and opera#i'it$
ana'$sis !CALO7" std$ is re)ired or process safet$ re,ie+ is re)ired to #e
papered for the pro*ect& Moreo,er. constrction depart%ent is re,ie+ing the
pac-age considering the constrcta#i'it$ and capa#i'it$ of in;hose constrction
section to e<ecte the pro*ect&
Engineering depart%ent incorporate recei,ed co%%ent fro% a''
depart%ents and isse fina' pac-age according'$& Genera' Manager appro,ed the
design pac-age after chec-ing that a'' co%%ents ha,e #een incorporated& If the
in;hose constrction section can e<ecte the pro*ect. the pac-age +i'' sent to
%aintenance depart%ent to start the constrction& Other+ise. the pac-age +i'' #e
sent to procre%ent depart%ent to in,ite contractors to #id for the pro*ect&
Depends on pro*ect si8e. the n%#er of in,ited contractors is decided& 6sa''$ for
s%a'' *o# !'ess than one %i''ion" on'$ one contractor is in,ited to #id& Biddings are
e,a'ated and the 'esser one is the +inner one&
Co+e,er. process pro*ect that in,o',e high'$ technica' processes sa''$ it
re)ire per%ission fro% the 'icenser& In sch cases the pro*ect is handed o,er
co%p'ete'$ to the 'icenser on a '%p s% #asis& L%p s% #asis or !engineering.
procre%ent and constrction !E7C" #asis is sed a'so +hen engineering
depart%ent o,er'oaded #$ other pro*ects de either the shortage of engineers or
ti%e constrains to %eet a certain sched'e&
4.5.2 %.e ;ew +rganization
After Engineering and 7ro*ect Manage%ent !EH7M" has #een e,o',ed.
engineering pro*ects are hand'ed co%p'ete'$ #$ SABIC EH7M& ne+ SABIC
pro*ects are c'assified into three grops/
0& Engineering Notifications +here the #dget 'ess than t+o %i''ions
Sadi Ri$a's& This t$pe of pro*ect can #e hand'ed #$ affi'iate
engineer depart%ent +ithot referring to EH7M&
2& Site 7ro*ects +here the #dget is %ore than t+o %i''ion Ri$a's #t
'ess than fift$ Mi''ion Sadi Ri$a's& This t$pe is hand'ed #$ t+o
depart%ents of EH7M. Design Manage%ent Depart%ent !DMD"
and Site 7ro*ect depart%ent !S7D"&
3& Mega 7ro*ects +here the #dget is %ore than fift$ %i''ion Sadi
Ri$a's& This t$pe of pro*ects is hand'ed #$ another t+o depart%ents
of EH7M. Engineering Depart%ent !ED" and 7ro*ect Depart%ent
According to EH7M procedres. each pro*ect has to pass throgh si<
phases or gates as 'isted #e'o+/
0& Gate;0/ Concept and pre;feasi#i'it$
2& Gate;2/ 4easi#i'it$ and Ientre phi'osoph$
3& Gate;3/ 7ro*ect Strateg$ and e<ection p'an
A& Gate;A/ Detai'ed Design
:& Gate;:/ Constrction
E& Gate;E/ C'ose p and Re;Appraisa'
Gate;0 is initiated #$ the end ser !affi'iate" in cons'tation +ith the Site
7ro*ect Depart%ent !S7D" +here the concepta' design pac-age !CD7" is
prodced #$ #oth affi'iate engineer and site pro*ect engineer& CD7 is for+arded to
the Design Manage%ent Depart%ent !DMD" to prepare a 4ront End Engineering
7ac-age !4EE7" +hich is Gate;2& After 4EE7 is %ade. DMD for+ards it to S7M
to s#%it to the affi'iate(s %anage%ent in order to std$ and appro,e the pro*ect
strategies and e<ection p'an !Gate;3"& Once Gate;3 is appro,ed #$ the affi'iate.
detai'ed design is prepared either #$ DMD or #$ Design Office !Gate;A"& DMD
prepares the constrction pac-age a'ong +ith contracting doc%ent to start the
constrction !Gate;:"& After constrction is co%p'eted S7D and the concerned
affi'iate inspect the faci'it$& Once the affi'iate is satisfied +ith ne+ faci'it$. the
pro*ect is c'osed ot #$ issing a %echanica' co%p'etion certificate !MCC" #$
As descri#ed a#o,e the si< pro*ects phases are distri#ted #et+een S7M
and DMD& Since this std$ focses on design practices. on'$ the re'ated fnctions
!phases" carried ot #$ DMD is discssed& These phases inc'de 4easi#i'it$ and
Ientre 7hi'osoph$ !Gate;2". Detai'ed Design !Gate;A" and constrction spport
dring the Constrction phase !Gate;:"& 4or Gate;2. DMD prepares the 4ront End
Engineering 7ac-age !4EE7" and for Gate;A DMD prepares Detai'ed Engineering
7ac-age !DE7"& In so%e cases DMD pro,ides constrction spport ser,ices 'i-e
#id e,a'ation. +itnessing tests and inspections& Chapter;: discsses the DMD
ro'e in site pro*ect and design practices&
Design practices at SABIC inc'des the engineering process for preparation
the #asic design and detai' design pac-ages& Design pac-age consist of
engineering dra+ings. ca'c'ation. technica' specification. cost esti%ate. sched'e
and 'ist of pro*ect %ateria's&
!.1 *ront En Engineering Pac6age 2*EEP3
4ront End Engineering 7ac-age !4EE7" or so%e ti%es ca''ed 4ront End
Engineering Design !4EED" consist of a #asic design that inc'des a feasi#i'it$
std$. design a'ternati,es. fnds. cost esti%ate and e<ection strategies&
5.1.1 <enera!
At SABIC the 4EE7 is a concepta' design pac-age +ith feasi#i'it$ std$& It
co,ers and descri#es the fo''o+ing ite%s/
0& 7ro*ect S%%ar$
2& Scope of Wor-
3& App'ica#'e Codes and Standards
A& Responsi#i'ities
:& Safet$ Re)ire%ents
E& Materia'
N& E<ection strateg$
?& Cost Esti%ates
B& 7ro*ect 7'anning and Sched'ing
5.1.2 Work f!ow
The initia' stage of an$ pro*ect starts +ith an idea in the o+ner %ind& Site
7ro*ects ,aries in si8e. t$pe. scope. and other characteristics depending on the
idea #ehind the pro*ect& So%e pro*ects are rep'ace%ent of e<isting o#so'ete
s$ste% #$ ne+ one& Other pro*ects are %odifications of an e<isting s$ste% to
%eet ne+ re)ire%ents& Nor%a''$. the pro*ect initiator is the end ser of the
faci'it$ 'i-e the operation depart%ent& An affi'iate engineer !end ser" de,e'ops a
concepta' design pac-age !CD7" +hich inc'des a #rief description of the
pro*ect spported #$ dra+ings and s-etches&
The CD7. after getting appro,ed #$ the affi'iate. is for+ard to the Site
7ro*ect Engineer !S7E" +ho is 'ocated in the affi'iate offices for eas$
co%%nication& Then S7E for+ards the CD7 to the Lead 7ro*ect Engineer !L7E"&
L7E recei,es the CD7 and register it in the Access Soft+are for %onitoring and
trac-ing the pro*ects& Then L7E for%s the design tea% co%prising of Discip'ine
Design Engineers. Designers FCAD Operators& Depending on %a*or discip'ine
in,o',ed. the L7E assigns one of the Engineers of that discip'ine to co;ordinate
design acti,ities and re'ated isses& The L7E re,ie+s the CD7 and distri#tes a
cop$ to the Design Tea% %e%#ers for re,ie+ and co%%ents& L7E for+ards a''
co%%ents and nc'ear points to S7E re)esting to organi8e a -ic- off %eeting
and site ,isit +ith the Affi'iate Engineers& The design tea% e,a'ates the pro*ect
e<ection strateg$ either E7C #asis or con,entiona' !4EE7FDE" rote. and share
the approach +ith the participants of -ic-;off %eeting& In genera'. ,endor dri,en or
'icensor dri,en pro*ects +i'' #e considered as E7C pro*ect&
The L7E a'ong +ith the assigned design tea% participate in -ic-; off
%eeting. c'arif$ing a'' concerns. fi< the pro*ect scope and fina'i8e the e<ection
strateg$& A'' isses. re)iring frther c'arification are considered as part of the
%intes of %eeting +ith a target c'osing date& Depending on the natre of n;
c'arified isses. a *oint nderstanding is %ade. dring corse of -ic- off %eeting.
+hether to co%%ence the 4EE7 preparation or +ait ti'' the n;c'arified isses are
L7E and S7E fo''o+ p to c'ose a'' action ite%s of the %intes of %eeting
as per agreed date& I%%ediate'$ after c'osing of %intes of %eeting action ite%s.
L7E. +ith the cons'tation of the Design Tea% %e%#ers esti%ate the re)ired
%an;hors to co%p'ete the 4EE7& L7E for+ards the esti%ated %an;hors to the
S7E to sign;off& After fi<ing of the scope. c'osing of the CD7 c'arification
co%%ents. and recei,ing S7E consent on 4EE7 %an;hors and its s#%ission
date. the L7E ad,ices the Design Tea% to co%%ence the 4EE7 preparation&
4EE7 inc'des pro*ect s%%ar$. scope of +or- for each discip'ine.
responsi#i'ities for each part$. pro*ect cost esti%ate. pro*ect p'an and sched'e.
design #asis and app'ica#'e standards. re)ired %ateria' and e<ection strateg$&
The design tea% co%p'etes the 4EE7 to for% B9@ pac-age. and for+ards to the
technica' Assrance Tea% !TAT"& TAT re,ie+s the B9@ 4EE7 and signs Qoff after
incorporating a'' the co%%ents of design tea%& L7E isses the appro,ed B9@
4EE7 to the S7E to re,ie+ and for+ard to the Affi'iate for its re,ie+ and
co%%ents& The Affi'iate re,ie+ inc'des 7rocess Ca8ardos Ana'$sis !7CA" F
Ca8ard and Opera#i'it$ std$ !CALO7" if re)ired& 6pon recei,ing co%%ents
fro% S7E. the Design Tea% incorporates app'ica#'e co%%ents and re,ises the
4EE7 to for% 099@ pac-age& The Technica' Assrance Tea% re,ie+s the 099@
4EE7 and signs;off& L7E ensres co%p'eteness of 099@ 4EE7 and for+ards to
DMD Section Cead for appro,a'& Then L7E isses the appro,ed 099@ 4EE7 to
S7E to app'$ for Gate;3 appro,a' !7ro*ect Strateg$ and E<ection 7'an"&
5.1.3 Scope of Work
In petroche%ica' pro*ects genera''$. there are fi,e engineering discip'ines
in,o',ed in the design inc'ding process. %echanica'. e'ectrica'. ci,i' and
instr%entation& Thogh these discip'ines are interconnected the scope of +or-
for each discip'ine is 'isted separate'$&

Site pro*ect is initiated either to %odif$ the e<isting s$ste% to %eet ne+
re)ire%ents or to so',e a pro#'e% facing the p'ant& 4or e<a%p'e recent'$ the
Ro$a' Co%%ission i%posed ne+ en,iron%enta' re)ire%ents that contro' the
p'ants e%issions and +aste disposa' s$ste%& Conse)ent'$. a'' affi'iates sha''
response to this ne+ re)ire%ent and initiate pro*ects to %eet the ne+
4or e<a%p'e. in case of high e%ission #oi'ers. 'o+ e%ission #rners need to
#e rep'aced the e<isting ones& So. the scope of +or- is to rep'ace the e<isting
#rner #$ ne+ #rner +ith 'o+ e%ission& Co%pati#i'it$ of the ne+ #rners +ith the
re%aining s$ste% need to #e chec-ed and confir%ed #$ #rner spp'ier& In %ost
cases. spp'iers donJt reco%%end to se the e<isting a<i'iar$ s$ste% sch as
attached piping and e'ectrica' ca#'e& The scope of +or- is sa''$ deter%ined
after ,endor ana'$sis is condcted to ascertain the co%pati#i'it$ of proposed ne+
s$ste% +ith other e<isting s$ste%s& The design engineer has to ,erif$ and
fina'i8es the proposed scope of +or-&
5.1.4 Codes and Standards
GA standard is a set of specifications for parts. %ateria' or processes
intended to achie,e nifor%it$. efficienc$ and a specified )a'it$G !Ed+ard 0BBN
7age No&09"& The %ain i%portant prpose of a standard is to p'ace a 'i%it on the
n%#er of ite% in the specifications so as to pro,ide a reasona#'e in,entor$ of
too'ing. si8es. design shapes and ,arieties& GA code is a set of specifications for
the ana'$sis. design. %anfactre and constrction of so%ethingG !Ed+ard 0BBN
p&09"& The prpose of a code is to achie,e a specified degree of safet$. efficienc$
and perfor%ance or )a'it$& Standards and codes are co%p'eting each other as
gide'ines for the proper design& !Ed+ard 0BBN. p&09"
There are %an$ internationa' organi8ations and societies concerned +ith
and isse standards for different fie'ds& The organi8ations of interest to
petroche%ica' pro*ects are/
A%erican Societ$ of Mechanica' Engineer !ASME"
A%erican Societ$ of Testing and Materia' !ASTM"
A%erican 7etro'e% Institte !A7I"
A%erican We'ding Societ$ !AWS"
Nationa' 4ire 7rotection Association !N47A"
6nder+riters La#oratories !6L"
6nifor% Mechanica' Code !6MC"
6nifor% Bi'ding Code !6BC"
6nifor% 7'%#ing Code !67C"
7rocess Indstr$ 7ractices !7I7"
Institte of E'ectrica' and E'ectronics Engineers !IEEE"
Internationa' E'ectrotechnica' Co%%ission !IEC"
Genera' Te'ephone and E'ectronics !GTE"
E'ectronic Indstries Association !EIA"
A%erican Societ$ of Ci,i' Engineers !ASCE"
A%erican Institte of Stee' Constrction !AISC"
Internationa' Mariti%e Organi8ation Standards !IMOS"
Co+e,er. internationa' standards and codes need to #e s'ight'$ %odified to
%eet the 'oca' re)ire%ents #ecase internationa' standards and codes +are
prepared to %eet 6S or Erope re)ire%ents& 4or Sadi Ara#ia and partic'ar'$
SABIC. there is so%e de,iation fro% the origina' standards& These de,iations are
re'ated to the geographica' 'ocation and natra' en,iron%ent sch as a%#ient
te%peratre and +ind speed etc&
Each SABIC affi'iate had its o+n standard& EH7M. Engineering Depart%ent
!ED" create a co%%on standard for a'' its affi'iates& In the sa%e ti%e the o'd
indi,ida' standards are sti'' sed to -eep the nifor%it$ in each p'ant& Ne+
SABIC Standards are app'ied on'$ for ne+ %ega pro*ects& Once conf'ict #et+een
standards occrred. SABIC has to decide +hich code to #e fo''o+ed&
5.1.5 Safet" ,e='irement
Manfactring and hand'ing 7etroche%ica's are of serios hea'th. safet$
and en,iron%ent concerns& These concerns dri,e %ore safet$ re)ire%ents to
a,oid accidents and pro,ide %ore pre,enti,e %easres& 4or that reason a'' safet$
isses are addressed in this section of 4EE7& 7CA and CALO7 re)ire%ent
sa''$ addressed if re)ired&
CALO7 std$ is %ade in see- of pre,enting an$ ha8ardos and potentia' of
accidents& CALO7 Std$ at SABIC is co%p'eted in t+o stages& The first stage is
start +ith preparing of the 4EE7 dring Gate;2 and the other stage is start after
co%p'eting Gate;A !Detai' Design"& 7CA and CALO7 are condcted #$ CALO7
teat that a'read$ for%ed in each affi'iate& The t$pica' CALO7 tea% %e%#ers are/
0& Tea% 'eader !sa''$ fro% Affi'iate Operation"
2& Secretar$
3& 7ro*ect engineer!S7M"
A& 7rocess engineer
:& Contro' and instr%entation engineer
E& Safet$ engineer
N& Operation specia'ist
5.1.9 (ateria!s
Materia's are categories into t+o grops/ %ateria' ta-e off !MTO" and 'ong
'ead ite%s& MTO 'ists the re)ired %ateria's that are genera''$ spp'ied #$ the
constrction contractor& These %ateria's are she',e;%ateria' +hich are a,ai'a#'e
%ost of the ti%e +ithot specia' order& The de'i,er$ of these ite%s sa''$ ta-es
fro% for +ee-s to si< +ee-s&
Long 'ead ite%s are these %ateria's +hich need specia' order& Technica'
re)isitions attached +ith the 4EE7 are sa''$ sed for prchasing the re)ired
'ong 'ead ite%s& De'i,er$ ti%e of 'ong 'ead ite%s p'a$s an i%portant ro'e in pro*ect
ti%e& Most of the 'ong 'ead ite%s are %anfactred in Erope or A%erica and
their de'i,er$ ti%e ta-es fro% si< %onths to %ore than one $ear& Becase of this.
'ong 'ead ite%s are %ade in a separate 'ist to start ordering and prchasing
process as ear'$ as possi#'e&
Long 'ead ite%s need to #e specified ,er$ c'ear'$& A separate technica'
re)isition is %ade for each ite% contains the specification. e)ip%ent data
sheet. de'i,era#'es and attach%ent&
The specifications sed are sa''$ perfor%ance t$pe. n'ess the affi'iate
reco%%ends a specific #rand na%e to %atch the e<isting #rand that a,ai'a#'e in
the p'ant for eas$ %aintenance& The specifications descri#e the %ini%%
technica' and safet$ re)ire%ent as per app'ica#'e indstria' codes and SABIC
re)ire%ents& App'ica#'e codes and standards are 'isted in the specification&
There is a data sheet for each e)ip%ent +hich inc'des/ prchasers
reference. ser,ices of the e)ip%ent. site condition. operation conditions.
perfor%ance data. constrction and %ateria' data. inspection and test
specifications& Data sheets are fi''ed #$ three parties/ the design engineer. the
process engineer !affi'iate" and the ,endor& 6sa''$ design and process parts are
fi''ed dring the 4EE7& Iendor part is fi''ed after the prchase order is isse and
e)ip%ent se'ected&
De'i,era#'es is the 'ist of re)ire%ents that the Iendor is re)ired to s#%it
a'ong +ith 'ong 'ead ite%& A t$pica' 'ist of de'i,era#'es is/ ,endor data sheet.
e)ip%ent detai' dra+ings. t+o $ears spare parts 'ist. test and inspection
certificates. 'icense doc%ent and the +arrantee&
So%eti%es a ,endor needs %ore data and infor%ation to spp'$ the proper
e)ip%ent& In this case. a'' re)ired doc%ent are attached in the technica'
re)isition& The attach%ent co'd #e piping and instr%entation diagra%. process
f'o+ diagra%. p'ant p'ot dra+ings etc&
5.1.8 E5ec'tion Strateg"
E<ection strateg$ depends on #oth natre of the pro*ect and SABIC in;
hose capa#i'it$& Licensed and patent pro*ects for e<a%p'e are hand'ed +ith
Engineering. 7rocre%ent and Constrction !E7C" contract +here the contractor
+i'' #e responsi#'e for engineering. procre%ent and constrction& In other cases
the detai' design is either done in hose or otsorced to a design office either
#ecase the pro*ect is ti%e cons%ing t$pe or #ecase the +or- 'oad&
4or si%p'e pro*ect 'i-e rep'acing an e<isting e)ip%ent. in;hose
%aintenance grop can #e ti'i8e for constrction& 4or co%p'e< pro*ect
%aintenance grop do not ha,e the re)ired capa#i'it$ so that the constrction
contractor is hired& Moreo,er. for shtdo+n pro*ects constrction contractor is
hired since the %aintenance grop is #s$ +ith shtdo+n acti,ities 'i-e
o,erha'ing rotar$ e)ip%ents and other sched'ed %aintenance acti,ities&
7ro*ect sta-eho'ders !Affi'iate Engineer. Site 7ro*ect Engineer and Design
Engineer" are agree on the e<ection strateg$ dring the c'arification %eeting&
The %a*or factors t$pica''$ considered in se'ection the pro*ect e<ection strateg$
inc'de natre of the pro*ect. capa#i'it$ and crrent 'oad of DMD. ti%e of
e<ection. and capa#i'it$ of the %aintenance grop&
E<ection strategies for pro*ects other than LSTK pro*ects can #e
s%%ari8ed in the #e'o+ ta#'e&
Ta+,e <. E=ecution Strategies
7ro*ect Acti,it$ 7ossi#'e Strateg$
Design Office
7ro*ect Manage%ent SABICFS7M
SABIC Maintenance Grop
Materia' 7rocre%ent
Constrction Contractor
5.1.> Cost Estimate
At SABIC cost esti%ate is prepared #$ a'' design engineers +ho in,o',ed in
the pro*ect& Each discip'ine engineer is responsi#'e for his discip'ine& After the
scope of +or- is fina'i8ed. design engineer for+ard the scope of +or- and
re)ired %ateria' to appro,ed contractors and ,endors for their #dgetar$
)otation& Nor%a''$. three contractors and three ,endors are re)ested for
#dgetar$ )otations&
One of the pro#'e%s facing DMD regarding cost esti%ate is #ad response
fro% contractors and ,endors& Contractors and ,endors ignore the #dgetar$
)otations in)iries for %an$ reasons& So%eti%es ,endors or contractors are
#s$ on ongoing pro*ects so the$ find no ti%e for #dgetar$ )otation& Co+e,er.
pro,iding #dgetar$ )otation does not %ean #idding& 4or this reason. so%e
contractors and ,endors donJt find #dgetar$ )otation +orth the efforts. so the$
ignore the re)est&
Another pro#'e% is )otation ,a'idit$ period& 6sa''$ the ,a'idit$ period is
thirt$ !39" to si<t$ !E9" da$s& The %a<i%% period can #e gi,en #e ,endor or
contractor is three %onths& Cost esti%ate is attached +ith 4EE7 to get Gate;3
appro,a' !7ro*ect Strateg$ and E<ection 7'an" +hen the #dget is a''ocated as
per the cost esti%ate s#%itted& Contracts and prchase orders are issed on
Gate;E !Detai' Design and Constrction"& The nor%a' ti%e re)ired to reach to
Gate;E is for %onths fro% date of the )otation& Once it co%es for constrction
the prices %a$ increase& In this case. #dget need to #e re,ised to %eet the
change in process& 7ro*ect %a$ #e ho'd de this change #ecase the tota'
appro,ed #dgets for pro*ect is not co,er the ne+ change&

5.1.7 P!an and Sc.ed'!e
Site pro*ects are c'assified as shtdo+n pro*ects and nor%a' pro*ects&
Shtdo+n pro*ects are critica' pro*ects since shtdo+n is re)ired to co%p'ete the
constrction& In so%e cases. the pro*ect is a co%#ination of #oth shtdo+n and
nor%a' acti,ities&
Since nsched'ed shtdo+n %st #e a,oided to -eep prodction.
shtdo+n pro*ects and shtdo+n acti,ities %st #e sched'ed in the shtdo+n
period& Co+e,er. for critica' and rgent pro*ects. constrction can #e perfor%ed
+hi'e the p'ant is rnning +ithot distr#ing the prodction& 4or e<a%p'e. #$ sing
hot tapping techni)e in piping pro*ects. tie;in can #e %ade +ithot distr#ing the
process& Bt in this case. cost of constrction +i'' increased since ad,anced
techno'og$ is sed& Genera''$ shtdo+n ta-es p'ace dring the trn arond
process& This occrred t+ice a $ear. Ma$ and No,e%#er&
De'i,er$ ti%e of 'ong 'ead ite%s is one of the %ost i%portant factors
effecting the pro*ect dration& Dration of the de'i,er$ and constrction sa''$
pro,ided #$ ,endors and constrction contractors& 4or other acti,ities dration is
esti%ated #ased on pre,ios e<perience&
Sched'ed prepared is si%p'e Gant Chart +ithot sho+ing the re'ationship
#et+een the acti,ities& WBS is ,er$ genera' and no detai'ed acti,ities sho+n&
Microsoft 7ro*ect is sed as the sched'ing soft+are&
Co+e,er. this sched'e focses on'$ in the design acti,ities& 4or
constrction acti,ities on'$ tentati,e sched'e on'$& 6sa''$ constrction
contractor pro,ides detai'ed sched'e for constrction acti,ities as part of his
dties #efore starting the +or-&
5.1.1? Drawings
4EE7 dra+ings are concepta' design dra+ings that sho+ the #asic idea of
the pro*ect on'$& Nor%a''$. dra+ings attached +ith the 4EE7 are piping and
instr%entation diagra% !7HID". process f'o+ diagra% !74D". p'ot p'an.
e)ip%ent 'a$ot and s-etch of the ne+ proposed arrange%ent& In so%e cases
e,en the dra+ings are not re)ired& 4or e<a%p'e in case of rep'ace%ent of an
e<isting e)ip%ent +ith a ne+ one. 4EE7 is %ade +ithot an$ dra+ing& If the
dra+ings need to #e re,ised to sho+ ne+ e)ip%ent. ,endor or constrction
contractor re,ised the e<isting dra+ing and pro,ides the AS B6ILT dra+ings&
Retrie,ing the e<isting dra+ings is ti%e cons%ing in so%e p'ants #ecase
a 'ot of doc%ents are %issing or the$ are not in the right p'ace& So%e affi'iates
ha,e Engineering Dra+ing Manage%ent S$ste% !EDMS" +here dra+ings and
other doc%ents can #e searched ,er$ eas$&
There is a nifor% drafting %ana' for SABIC& This %ana' is i%p'e%ented
on'$ for the ne+ %ega pro*ects& Crrent'$. it is diffic't to se the nifor% drafting
%ana' in a'' affi'iates site pro*ects #ecase each affi'iate has its o+n drafting
standards& Recent'$. SABIC started a digiti8ing pro*ect to con,ert a'' e<isting
dra+ings !hard cop$" to digita' !soft cop$" as the first step in app'$ing the ne+
nifor% drafting standard& SABIC p'ans to create g'o#a' EDMS for a'' affi'iates
and %a-e accessi#'e for a'' concerned personne'& This s$ste% +i'' redce the
searching for e<isting doc%ents&
5.1.11 ,esponsi-i!ities
This section descri#es the predefined ro'es and responsi#i'ities of a'' pro*ect
sta-eho'ders/ Design Engineer. Site 7ro*ect Engineer. Affi'iate Engineer. safet$
and 1a'it$ Contro'. Iendor and Contractor& The t$pica' responsi#i'ities are 'isted
Design Manage%ent Depart%ent !DMD"
- 7repare 4EE7
- 7repare Detai'ed Engineering 7ac-age
- 7repare Technica' Re)isitions !,endor en)ir$ pac-ages"
- 7repare Technica' Bid Ana'$sis
- 7repare Constrction Scope of Wor-
- Re,ie+ and appro,a' of ,endor dra+ings

Site 7ro*ect Manage%ent Depart%ent !S7M"
- O#tain Gate;3 !pro*ect strateg$ and e<ection p'an" appro,a'
- Re,ie+ doc%ents fro% DMD&
- Coordinate for re,ie+ of a affi'iate Depart%ents&
- Initiate 7rchase Re)isition !7R" and 7rchase Order !7O"&
- Coordinate for ,endor dra+ing s#%itta' and appro,a'&
- Recei,e %ateria' and coordinate for inspection&
- Sper,ise constrction acti,ities&

Affi'iate Depart%ent
- Re,ie+ 4EE7 and appro,e
- Re,ie+ specsFdata sheets and other pro*ect doc%ents
- Condct CALO7 F 7CA if re)ired
- 7'an for shtdo+n re)ired !if an$"&
- Coordinate +ith Site Mgt tea% for insta''ation F constrction&
- 7ro,ide assistance in issance of per%it and safet$ gide'ines
- 7erfor% the 7re;Start p Safet$ Re,ie+ !7SSR"
Safet$ and 1AF1C
- 7erfor% 1A F 1C chec-
- 7erfor% %ateria' inspection
- Spp'$ re)ired %ateria'
- 7ro,ide necessar$ engineering doc%ent for appro,a'
- 7ro,ide perfor%ance garantees
- 7ro,ide the insta''ation re)ire%ent
- Spport contractor in insta''ation if re)ired
- 7ro,ide Spare 7arts and re)ired %aintenance spport after
insta''ation as re)ired&
Constrction Contractor
- E<ecte the pro*ect as per detai'ed design pac-age
- Spp'$ re)ired %ateria' as per %ateria' ta-e off!s"&
- Test. inspect a'' constrction +or- as per SABIC and Indstr$
- Start p and co%%issioning&
Depends on the natre and characteristics of each pro*ect. responsi#i'ities
%a$ #e re,ised to %eet the specia' re)ire%ent for each pro*ect&
!.2 Detail Design Pac6age 2DEP3
5.2.1 <enera!
At SABIC on'$ 09@ of tota' pro*ects are detai'ed designed in;hose& The
%a*orit$ of petroche%ica' process pro*ects are constrcted nder E7C contract
+here the contractor is responsi#'e for preparation of the detai' design& In the
case of E7 pro*ect. the ,endor pro,ides detai'ed design. fa#rication. asse%#'$
and de'i,ers the re)ired e)ip%ent to the site& A constrction contractor is hired
to insta'' and e<ecte the pro*ect as per the ,endor dra+ings& In #oth cases the
ro'e of DMD is to re,ie+ and appro,e ,endor detai'ed design&
4or reg'ar pro*ects +here ,endor(s scope is 'i%ited. detai'ed design is
either prepared #$ DMD or #$ a design office depending on the +or- 'oads at
DMD& The detai'ed design pac-age inc'des a'' necessar$ doc%ents re)ired to
e<ecte the pro*ect& These doc%ents are c'assified into t+o t$pes/ technica'
doc%ents and contracting doc%ents& Technica' doc%ents are prepared #$ the
DMD and inc'de engineering dra+ings. constrction scope of +or-. #i'' of
%ateria's and technica' specifications& Contracting doc%ents are prepared #$
Spp'ied Manage%ent Organi8ation !SMO" and inc'de/ genera' conditions.
specia' conditions and contracting for%ats&
5.2.2 Work )!ow
After recei,ing Gate;3 appro,a' and Site 7ro*ect Engineer consent to
proceed for detai'ed engineering& Once B9@ Detai'ed Engineering 7ac-age
!DE7" is co%p'eted and chec-ed #$ the Technica' Assrance Tea% !TAT" and
appro,ed #$ the section head. it is for+arded to the proponent affi'iate throgh
S7M& After the affi'iate(s engineer and the pro*ect engineer re,ie+ the pac-age
the$ send it #ac- to DMD +ith their co%%ent if an$& DMD incorporates a''
co%%ents and isses the fina' pac-age for constrction& The detai'ed design
pac-age is for+arded for S7M for contracting and constrction after #idding
5.2.3 Doc'ment 3nde5
The detai'ed design pac-age inc'des a detai'ed engineering doc%ent
inde< +hich 'ists a'' de'i,era#'es. genera' scope of +or- and detai' design
doc%ents for each discip'ine& It is sorted #$ discip'ine and indicates the t$pe of
doc%ent. si8e. tit'e. n%#er of sheets and progress stats
!percentage"&Doc%ent inde< is sed to contro' the pac-age and record the
stats of each doc%ent dring the design de,e'op%ent process&
5.2.4 Scope of work
Whi'e 4EE7 scope of +or- is +ritten for interna' se. detai' engineering
scope is +ritten for e<terna' and contracting prposes& 4or e<a%p'e in 4EE7 the
state%ent sa$s Ginsta'' ne+ centrifga' p%p +ith 39 G7M and A9 ft headG !No
%atter ho+ +i'' insta'' this p%p"& The i%portant in the 4EE7 is +hat to #e
insta''ed& Bt in the detai'ed design scope of +or- the state%ent sa$s G,endor
sha'' spp'$ centrifga' p%pG and G contractor sha'' insta'' the p%pG& The detai'
design pac-age focs on GWho +i'' do +hatG&
The scope of +or- deter%ines the re)ired pro*ect tas-s for each discip'ine
to co%p'ete the pro*ect& The scope of +or- depends on the e<ection strateg$
that has #een appro,ed in the 4EE7 and in Gate;3& Co+e,er. a'' parties in,o',ed
in the pro*ect sha'' f''$ nderstand their scope of +or-& 4or that reason. DE7
scope of +or- is segregated #$ part$& These parties are/ constrction contractor.
,endor. DMD. S7M and affi'iate&
5.2.5 Detai! Drawings
Dra+ings for detai'ed design contain %ore detai's that 4EE7 dra+ings& Most
of the cases. detai'ed dra+ings %odif$ e<isting ones& 4or ne+ faci'ities or ne+
e)ip%ent that %ade #$ ,endor. DMD recei,ed ,endor dra+ings for re,ie+& Then
,endor dra+ings are con,erted or adapted to %atch +ith SABIC drafting
5.2.9 %ec.nica! re='isition
Technica' re)isitions +hich +ere prepared dring 4EE7 are ti'i8ed for
DE7& In so%e cases ne+ re)ire%ents or ne+ %odifications appear de design
de,e'op%ent process& As a res't. technica' re)isition is re,ised according'$ to
sho+ the 'atest re)ire%ents&
5.2.8 (ateria! takes off
Bi'' of %ateria's sho+ in detai's the re)ired %ateria' since it is e<tracted
fro% the detai'ed design dra+ings& 4or piping %ateria' for e<a%p'e. each pipe is
i''strated in a separate iso%etric dra+ing that deter%ines the re)ired %ateria'
for that 'ine&
Detai'ed %ateria' 'ists are 'eading for accrate cost esti%ate that reach p to
:@ accrac$& Bi''s of %ateria's are ti'i8ed in the pro*ect %ateria' %anage%ent&
The re)ired data as %entioned ear'ier is co''ected fro% t+o %ain sorces.
'iteratres and inter,ie+s +ith -e$ personne' in,o',ed in design processes& So%e
of the re)ired data sch as internationa' petroche%ica' fir%s( design practices
co'd not #e o#tained de the confidentia'it$ and access pro#'e%& These
practices are not p#'ished and it sed +ithin the co%pan$ on'$& Sadi
petroche%ica' fir%s !e<cept SABIC" are either nder constrction or s%a'' p'ants
+ith fe+ pro*ects& Co+e,er. the genera' design practices sed in petroche%ica'
indstr$ is i''strated in the 'iteratre re,ie+&

%.1 Design &anagement Department 2D&D3 Capabilities
Capa#i'it$ of DMD is %easre #$ the si8e. e<perience. design )a'it$ and
affi'iates satisfaction&
9.1.1 Design (anagement Department Size
The si8e of DMD is %easred #$ n%#er of the e%p'o$ees& DMD has 0:?
e%p'o$ees inc'ding %anage%ent. engineers. designers. CAD operator.
doc%ent contro' and secretar$ as sho+n in Ta#'e;B& The tota' n%#er of
e%p'o$ees is 0:? inc'des E? engineers. 2A designers and 3N cad operators& The
engineers are distri#ted on fi,e areas and each area co,ers n%#er of SABIC
affi'iates as sho+n in the Ta#'e;09& Engineers and designers are fro% for
discip'ines. ci,i'. %echanica'. instr%entation and e'ectrica'& O#,ios'$. DMD
does not ha,e 7rocess engineer& This #ecase DMD does not hand'ed process
pro*ect %ore fre)ent'$& If the process engineer is re)ired for an$ pro*ect. a
process engineer fro% the proponent affi'iate is assigned for that pro*ect&
DMD is ser,ing fifteen affi'iates !SABIC has 22 affi'iates #t DMD is ser,ing
on'$ 0: affi'iates"& These fifteen affi'iates are distri#ted into fi,e areas/ Cadeed
Area. Soth Area. East Area. West Area and 4erti'i8ers Area as sho+n in Ta#'e;
09& So. the n%#er of engineers and CAD operators is enogh to co,er the
design 'oad& Each affi'iate ser,ed #$ appro<i%ate'$ one engineer fro% each
discip'ine and t+o CAD operators& Bt the n%#er of designers is not enogh
#ecase #$ a,erage each designer co,ers three affi'iates& This o,er 'oad cases
de'a$ and 'o+ )a'it$ prodcti,it$& A'so. Technica' Assrance Tea% !TAT" +hose
chec- the design pac-ages. is ,er$ s%a'' n%#er since each TAT engineer
co,ers a'' the fifteen affi'iates&
Ta+,e >. Design Manage!ent De?rt!ent Si;e
Discip!ine ;'m-er of Emp!o"ees
Ci,i' 0A
Mechanica' 0B
E'ectrica' 02
Instr%ent 0?
Ci,i' E
Mechanica' ?
E'ectrica' :
Instr%ent :
Cad Operator 3N
Technica' Assrance Tea% :
Doc%ent Contro' 0N
Secretar$ :
Sper,isors 3
Section Cead 3
Manager 0
%ota! 15>
Ta+,e -'. A00i,iates Destr+ution
Area Affi'iates Ser,iced
Cadeed Area CADEED
Soth Area RI>ADC Cead 1arter. KEM>A. 7ETROKEM>A. SABTANK
9.1.2 D(D E5perience
The e<perience of DMD is %easre #$ design e<perience of its engineers.
designers and CAD operators& E<perience is categori8ed into fi,e categories for
each c'ass as sho+n in the Ta#'e;00& E9@ of the engineering personne' ha,e E to
09 $ears e<perience and 29@ ha,e %ore than ten $ears e<perience& This 'e,e' of
e<perience is enogh to hand'e the design ser,ices of the %ost site pro*ects&
Ta+,e --. DMD E!?,o2ees E=?eriance
N%#er of >ears Engineers Designers Cad Operators Tota'
9;: 02 ; 0E 2?
E;09 3: 2A 20 ?9
00;0: 0E ; ; 0E
0E; 29 : ; ; :
9.1.3 %"pe of Pro6ects @ndertaken -" D(D
DMD in,o',es in site pro*ects +ith #dget of t+o %i''ion Sadi Ri$a's and
'ess than SR :9 %i''ion& The t$pe of pro*ects nderta-en #$ DMD ,aries fro%
#i'dings. process. ti'it$. secrit$. fire fighting to en,iron%enta'& Bi'ding pro*ects
inc'de Ceat. Ienti'ation and Air Conditioning !CIAC" s$ste% i%pro,e%ent.
p'%#ing pro*ect. offices rearrange%ent. #i'ding %aintenance and #i'ding
e<pansion& 7rocess pro*ects an$ pro*ect re'ated to prodction process& E<a%p'e
of process pro*ects are cata'$st %odification. re,a%p the reactor. insta'' ne+
frnace and ,esse' rep'ace%ent& 6ti'it$ inc'des +ater spp'$. drainage. stor%
+ater. co%pressed air and 'ighting and po+er spp'$ to the p'ants and #i'dings&
Secrit$ pro*ects are re'ated to access gates. e'ectronic persona' gates.
%onitoring ca%eras s$ste%. radio net+or- and e%ergenc$ contro' center& 4ire
fighting pro*ects inc'de #oth #i'dings and p'ants firefighting s$ste% either ne+
insta''ation or %odification the e<isting s$ste%& En,iron%enta' pro*ects are those
re'ated to re'ease gases. disposa' of +aste che%ica's and +aste +ater treat%ent&
Ta+,e -&. %ro@ects Co!?,ete +2 DMD on &''8
7ro*ect T$pe N%#er of 7ro*ects 7ercentage
Bi'ding AB 03@
7rocess 032 3E@
4irefighting 3N 09@
6ti'it$ N? 20@
Secrit$ 0N :@
En,iron%ent :9 0A@
Tota' 3E3
7ro*ect t$pe(s percentages are sho+n in Ta#'e;02& 7rocess pro*ects present
the %a<i%% percentage !3E@" of tota' pro*ects& The ne<t t$pe is ti'it$ pro*ects
+ith 20@ then the en,iron%enta' and #i'ding pro*ects +ith 03@&
A'' 4ront End Engineering 7ac-ages of site pro*ects are prepared #$ DMD.
#t not a'' Detai' Engineering 7ac-ages prepared #$ DMD& On'$ 09@ of the
pro*ects are detai' designed #$ DMD +hereas the rest of pro*ects either designed
#$ design offices or nder Engineering. 7rocre%ent and Constrction !E7C"
contract +ith professiona' constrction contractor sch as 6dhe or Technip& E7C
contract is fre)ent'$ sed for B9@ of process pro*ects and a'%ost a'' secrit$
pro*ects& The o,era'' a'' percentage of E7C pro*ects is ?A@ +hich represents the
%a*orit$ of the e<ection strateg$& Ta#'e;03 sho+s the detai' of the pro*ects t$pe
Ta+,e -4. DMD %ro@ect %attrens on &''8
7ro*ect T$pe
N%#er of
#$ DMD
DE7 #$
Bi'ding AB AB E 02 30
7rocess 032 032 02 ; 029
4irefighting 3N 3N ; ; 3N
6ti'it$ N? N? 29 09 A?
Secrit$ 0N 0N ; ; 0N
En,iron%ent :9 :9 ; ; :9
%ota! 393 393 3> 22 3?3
Percentage 1??A 1?.5A 9.1A >3.5A
9.1.4 D(D Design &'a!it"
There is no )a'it$ contro' F )a'it$ assrance !1CF1A" s$ste% sch as ISO
B990 !1a'it$ Manage%ent S$ste%s Re)ire%ents" app'ied in DMD& As
%entioned ear'ier. Technica' Assrance Tea% re,ie+s the design pac-ages once
it is co%p'eted #$ design tea%& This practice 'eads to 'o+ )a'it$ otpts& E,en
+ith e<pert engineers and designers. )a'it$ contro' procedres are re)ired to
%a-e sre that there are no design fa'ts&

%.2 .ffiliates satisfaction
T+o pro*ect engineers fro% for different affi'iates ha,e #een inter,ie+ed to
e,a'ate the design ser,ices pro,ided #$ DMD& These eight pro*ect engineers are
se'ected rando%'$ as a sa%p'e of other affi'iates& The e,a'ation points +ere
a#ot )a'it$ of design. cost effecti,eness of design. constrcta#i'it$ and the
o,era'' e,a'ation of the design& 1a'it$ %eans that the design pac-age is
f'fi''ing affi'iate(s re)ire%ent as per the appropriate design standards and
codes& Whi'e cost effecti,eness %eans that the design has #een co%p'eted in
econo%ic %anners sch as se'ecting the opti%% a'ternati,es and proposing the
efficient constrction %ethodo'og$& Constrcta#i'it$ %eans that pro*ect can #e
e<ected practica''$ as per design +ithot %a-ing change orders& The e,a'ation
#ased on sca'e of poor. fair. good. ,er$ good and e<ce''ent& The res't of the
e,a'ation is s%%ari8ed in Ta#'e;0A& The res't of the e,a'ation sho+s that. the
degree of affi'iate(s satisfaction is good& That %eans DMD %eets the design
re)ire%ents of the affi'iates #t the affi'iates are e<cepting %ore fro% the DMD
as ne+ organi8ation&
Ta+,e -5. DMD E3a,uation Resu,t
Affi'iate 1a'it$
CADEED Good 4air Good Good
SCAR1 Good Good Good Good
KEM>A Ier$ Good Good Good Good
GAS Good Good 4air Good
%.3 Recommenation
The %ain o#*ecti,e to identif$ and assess the design practices in SABIC and
atte%pts to i%pro,e the crrent )a'it$ of design ser,ices practices pro,ided #$
design %anage%ent depart%ent !DMD"& Design practices ha,e #een i''strated&
The efficienc$ of DMD design practices is %easred #$ the degree of c'ients
!SABIC affi'iates" satisfaction& The c'ients are practica''$ satisfied +ith the
pro,ided ser,ices #t the$ are e<pecting %ore fro% DMD& To i%pro,e the e<isting
)a'it$ of design ser,ices pro,ided #$ DMD the fo''o+ing reco%%endation are
0& DMD sha'' introdce )a'it$ contro' s$ste% sch as ISO B990.
! 1a'it$ %anage%ent s$ste% re)ire%ent" to i%pro,e the )a'it$
of design pro,ided to its c'ients&
2& DMD sha'' inc'de Constrcta#i'it$ p'an for each pro*ect to ensre
the possi#i'it$ of constrction +ith opti%% change in the e<isting
3& O#,ios'$ the feasi#i'it$ std$ is not prepared #$ DMD. instead the
feasi#i'it$ std$ is prepared #$ the affi'iate(s engineers since the$
are c'ose to the dai'$ operation and %aintenance pro#'e%s& The
practices is that the affi'iate(s %anage%ent is appro,ing the pro*ect
#efore sending the Concepta' design 7ac-age !CD7" to DMD& The
feasi#i'it$ std$ sha'' #e condcted #$ DMD and a'' re)ired data
sha'' #e pro,ided to faci'itate their *o#&
A& 7rocess engineer is ,er$ i%portant in process pro*ects& DMD sha''
ha,e process engineers +ithin the design tea% and not fro%
affi'iate staff&

0& Actech. !299E". 7rocess Ris- Manage%ent. Hazard and +pera-i!it"
2& A';A#d'ra88a-. Ah%ed !0BB3". &'a!it" (anagement cti*ities in Design
and Constr'ction P.ases in Sa'di ra-ia. %aster thesis in constrction
engineering and %anage%ent. King 4ahd 6ni,ersit$ of 7etro'e% and
Minera's. Dhahran. Sadi Ara#ia&
3& A';A%r. A';Eid$. Sai'i%$ and Bataraf !299E". De*e!oping t.e ;ationa!
S"stematic Sc.eme for Professiona! &'a!ification of Engineers. Sadi
Conci' of Engineers. Sadi Ara#ia&
A& A';Basher. M#ara- !0BB?". Concept'a! (ode! foe Cons'!tant
Se!ection in Sa'di ra-ia. %aster thesis in constrction engineering and
%anage%ent. King 4ahd 6ni,ersit$ of 7etro'e% and Minera's. Dhahran.
Sadi Ara#ia&
:& A';Mad$ !299A". <rowt. of t.e (idd!e East Petroc.emica! 3nd'str".
Nationa' 7etroche%ica' and Refiner$ Association. Anna' conference
paper. San Antonio. Te<as. Ma$ 299A&
E& A';Msa''a%i. Ah%ed !0BB2". +wner Satisfaction wit. cons'!tanc"
Practices in Sa'di ra-ia. %aster thesis in constrction engineering and
%anage%ent. King 4ahd 6ni,ersit$ of 7etro'e% and Minera's. Dhahran.
Sadi Ara#ia&
N& A';Thnaian. Sa'eh !0BBE". Cost Estimation Practices for B'i!dings -"
2E )irms in t.e Eastern Pro*inceC Sa'di ra-ia. %aster thesis in
constrction engineering and %anage%ent. King 4ahd 6ni,ersit$ of
7etro'e% and Minera's. Dhahran. Sadi Ara#ia&
?& A';>osif. 4a+8i !2990". ssessment of Constr'cta-i!it" Practices
mong <enera! Contractors in %.e Eastern Pro*ince of Sa'di ra-ia.
%aster thesis in constrction engineering and %anage%ent. King 4ahd
6ni,ersit$ of 7etro'e% and Minera's. Dhahran. Sadi Ara#ia&
B& A%ison. Martin !299:". Constr'ction contracts for petroc.emica!sC of
(idd!e East B'siness Daw ,e*iew& S%%er 299: edition&
09& Andre+ K'ine. Ed%nd Tsang. Bets$ A''er. =ohnson As%ad. =i% Morgan.
Ste,en Be$er'ein. and Denn$ Da,is !2993". Creating and @sing a
Performance (eas're for t.e Engineering Design Process. A%erican
Societ$ of Engineering Edcation Anna' Conference H E<position.
A%erican Societ$ for Engineering Edcation. 2993&
00& Assaf S&. B#shait A&. Ati$ah S& and A' Shahri M& !2990". %.e (anagement
of Constr'ction Compan" +*er.ead Cost. Internationa' =orna' of
7ro*ect Manage%ent Io'& 0B. 2B:;393&
02& B#shait and A' A#d'ra8a- !0BBE". Design &'a!it" (anagement cti*ities.
=orna' of 7rofessiona' Isses in Engineering Edcation and practice&
03& B#shait. A and A';Ati). Ta+fi) !0BBB". 3S+ 7??? &'a!it" Standards in
Constr'ction. =orna' of Constrction Engineering and Manage%ent
ASCE. No,e%#erFDece%#er. Io'%e 0:. Isse E. pp& A0;AE&
0A& B#shait. A' Said and A#o'nor !0BB?". Design )ee 1ers's Design
Deficienc". =orna' of Architectra' Engineering& Io'%e A. Isse 2. pp&
AA;AE !=ne 0BB?"
0:& B#shiat. 4aroo). =annadi and Assaf !0BBB". &'a!it" practices in design
organizations. constrction %anage%ent and econo%ics& 7p NBB;?9B&
0E& C'ogh and Sears !0BBA". Constr'ction Contracting. si<th edition. A Wi'e$
internationa' p#'ication
0N& Constrction Indstr$ Institte !CII". Constrcta#i'it$ Tas- 4orce.
Constr'cta-i!it" a Prime. Astin. Te<as. 0B?E&
0?& Cocha and OJConnor !0BBE". ,edesign of 1endor Data processes for
ind'stria! Pro6ects. =orna' of Manage%ent in Engineering. pp :3;E0&
0B& Ed+ard !0BBN". (ec.anica! Engineering Design. 4ifth Edition. Mc Gra+
Ci''. Ne+ >or-&
29& 4aden !299A". Design +ffices/ t.e -sent Present in design ser*ices
de*e!opment for'm. Ar Ri$adh ne+spaper 02BNN&
20& 4aroo). G'a% !0BBN". &'a!it" (anagement Practices mong 2E
+rganizations. %aster thesis in constrction engineering and
%anage%ent. King 4ahd 6ni,ersit$ of 7etro'e% and Minera's. Dhahran.
Sadi Ara#ia&
22& Go$a' O& 7&. !2992". %reat a Drawings @pdate Program as a Hea!t."
3n*estment. C$drocar#on 7rocess =orna'. Io'& ?0 No& A Apri' 2992&
23& ISO B990/ &'a!it" management s"stems E,e='irements. 2999
2A& =ergears and Ian der 7t !2990". Benefits of Constr'cta-i!it" on
Constr'ction Pro6ects. =orna' of Constrction Engineering and
Manage%ent ASCE. ='$FAgst. Io'%e 02B. Isse 3. pp& 2?0;2B9&
2:& Loder%i'- and Stein !2992". 3mpro*e t.e Capita! in*estment decisionF
making process. C$drocar#on 7rocess =orna'. Io'& ?0 No& A Apri' 2992&
2E& Mascci. Marice R&. 4reidhei%. Kitt$ !299:". +wnersG <'ide to !ternate
Pro6ect De!i*er" S"stems. Ci'' Internationa'. Inc
2N& 7OMBOK !2999". Pro6ect (anagement Bod" of 0now!edge. 7ro*ect
Manage%ent Institte. 6SA&
2?& 7'as-i and Cor%an !299:". +rganizing Constr'cta-i!it" 0now!edge for
Design. =orna' of Constrction Engineering and Manage%ent ASCE.
2B& Ra%ad$. Moha%ed !299:". %.e Sa'di ra-ian Econom"/ Po!iciesC
c.ie*ements and C.a!!enges& Springer;Ier'ag Ne+ >or- Inc& !No,
39& Ra%ad$. Moha%ed !299E". (ega ,efiner" Pro6ects at H'-ai! and Ian-'
+pen Door for S(Es. ARABNEWS. Monda$.02. =ne. 299E&
30& SABIC !2993". Pro6ect (anagement (an'a!&
32& SABIC !299:". nn'a! ,eport&
33& Sadi Ara#ia Genera' In,est%ent Athorit$ !SAGIA". nn'a! ,eport of
3n*estment Performance. 299:&
3A& Strts and Griffis !299:". Pricing Engineering Ser*ices. =orna' of
Manage%ent in Engineering. Apri'&
3:& Stton Technica' #oo-s !2993". Process Hazard na!"sis. +++&st#9N&co%&
Waha# A' =arodi +as #orn in 1daih. 1atif in March 0BNN& Ce gradated fro%
1daih Secondar$ Schoo' in 0BBA& Ce co%p'eted #ache'or degree in App'ied
Mechanica' Engineering fro% King 4ahd 6ni,ersit$ of 7etro'e% and Minera's in
0BBB& 6pon gradated fro% K467M he *oined A8%i A#d'hadi and A#d''ah A'
Moai#ed Cons'ting and Design Engineering co%pan$ !AMCDE" as Design
Engineer for si< $ears& Crrent'$ he is +or-ing as Design Engineer at SABIC&

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