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Future continuous or future perfect?

1 Fill the gap with the future continuous or future perfect form of the verb in brackets.
1 He (stay) home all week because he has a chest infection.
2 By the end of this year, I (participate) in four different medical
trials! I get just over 200 for each one so I (earn) nearly
3 They (give) free flu immunisation injections at the doctors surgery
next Thursday and Friday for anyone who goes.
4 (you / come) to the hospital with me next week? I would really like it
if you could. Im a bit worried about the appointment.
5 In five years time, she (qualify) as a surgeon. In seven years time
she (perform) major transplant operations here in this hospital.
6 In another seven days, the parasite (reach) the sheeps heart. It
will be there. By that stage, the sheep (already / become) quite
7 Because of the obesity problem, it is likely that the number of new cases of diabetes
sufferers (increase) each month for the foreseeable future.
8 My hands hurt me now when I do small movements, so by the time Im 70, Im sure I
(suffer) from really bad arthritis.

Present continuous and will
2 Look at the gaps in Exercise 1. In which of these gaps could you also use the
present continuous form?

3 Look at the gaps in Exercise 1. In which of these gaps could you also use the will +
infinitive form?

Adverbs of certainty
4 Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct position in the sentence.
1 His chest infection will have got better by the weekend. (definitely)
2 You should go and talk to her now. The midwife wont have given her the injection
yet. (probably)
3 She will make an excellent surgeon. (certainly)
4 As the population gets older, arthritis will become a major problem that we have to
face. (certainly)
5 Whats worse is that the ways of treating arthritis wont have become much more
advanced by then either. (possibly)
6 You wont be able to get that drug from a pharmacist. (definitely)

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