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Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez

Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners

Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST

Project # 5: Shared Reading Protocol

Big Book: La Sanda Gigantesca
( The Enormous Watermelon)
Language: Spanish
Genre: Fiction/Fantasy Author: Brenda Parks, Jude Smith
Grade Level: Kindergarten/First Grade
Purpose of the Reading: Review reading strategies: Problem and
Solution, Characters, Sequence of Events, and Make Connections.
Other Skills/Strategies: Make Predictions, Background Knowledge,
Author Purpose.
Focus: Fiction/Fantasy elements
Vocabulary: jalaron, llevaron, pudieron, comieron, gigantesca, jugosa.
Phonemic Awareness: Words ending with the hiato a.
Fluency: Expression, phrasing, and accuracy.
First Reading

Purpose for Reading: Identify Characters and Make Connections.

Building Background Knowledge: The teacher will write on chart paper the
word watermelon (sanda) and students will use their background
knowledge to brainstorm about it.
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST

Fluency Focus: Expression.

Introduce the Vocabulary: The teacher will introduce the vocabulary
words on sentence strips and will ask students to read them, count the
syllables, and make the words actions (TPR).

Introduce the book: The teacher will show the cover of the book and will
ask some questions:
What does the title make think about? Qu nos hace pensar el
What can you picture in your mind? Qu visualizamos en nuestra
What do you think the story is about? De qu crees que se tratar
la historia?

During Reading: The teacher will read to demonstrate fluency and
expression. Also, the teacher will stop frequently to briefly think aloud or
make predictions. Students will be able to join during the reading if they
want to. Some questioning for this reading will be:
Who do you think Doa Mara is calling next? A quin llamar/pedir
ayuda doa Mara ahora?
Why do you think they cannot pull out the watermelon? Porqu ser
que no pueden arrancar la sanda?
This character looks familiar Who can remember who this is? Este
personaje se me hace conocido Alguien tiene una idea de quin

After Reading: The students will briefly recall what the characters did in
the story. Also, the teacher will ask about the kind of connections they
made with the story (text to self, text to text, text to the world). Finally
the students will be ask to recall the characters of the story and the
teacher will write their names in chart paper.

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
Follow-Up: For this lesson in specific, the follow up will be to do a bridge
activity in which the students match the character in Spanish, to their
counterparts in English, briefly describing why they are famous for.

Second Reading

Purpose for Reading: Identify Problem and Solution.

Fluency Focus: Phasing and expression.

Review the vocabulary: The teacher will review the vocabulary by asking
the students to reread the words, write the number of syllables, and make
the words actions (TPR).

Introduce the book: The teacher will ask students to briefly recall the
main idea of the book:
Talk to a partner and tell him/her what the book was about.
Comparte con un compaero acerca de lo que se trataba el libro.
Talk to a partner about the characters in the story. Comparte con un
compaero acerca de los personajes de la historia.
Who can tell me, using your own words, what the story was about?
Quin me puede decir, usando sus propias palabras, de qu se
trataba la historia?

During Reading: This time, the teacher will highlight/underline the
vocabulary words and will ask the students to read them aloud. The
teacher will emphasize the repetitive patterns and will encourage students
to join and participate more.

After Reading: The teacher will have a graphic organizer with two spaces:
problem and solution. The teacher will guide the discussion about the
problem of the story. The students will also suggest some reasons of why
the watermelon grew so big. Then, the students will analyze how Doa
Mara solved the problem. The teacher will recall all the information in a
graphic organizer.
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
What was Doa Marias problem? Cul es era el problema que tenia
Doa Mara?
Why did the watermelon grow so big? Porqu habr crecido tanto la
How does Doa Mara solve the problem? Cmo resolvi el problema
Doa Mara?
How else could she solve the problem? De qu otra forma pudo
haber resuelto el problema?

Follow-Up: Ask the children to brainstorm and make a list of synonyms for
the word gigantesca. Then, ask the students to respond by doing to any
of the following reader response prompts:
Use the pictures in the chart to retell the story to a friend.
With a partner, act out some parts of the story.
Tell how ____________ might have felt when they could not pull
the watermelon out.

Last Reading

Purpose for Reading: Identify the Sequence of Events and Elements of
Fiction Texts.

Fluency Focus: Accuracy.

Review the vocabulary: The teacher will review the vocabulary by asking
the students make a sentence using the words.

Introduce the book: The teacher will begin by asking the students to
recall what was the problem and solution in the story.
Talk to a partner and tell him/her what the problem in the story was.
Comparte con un compaero acerca del problema en la historia.
Talk to a partner about the solution. Comparte con un compaero
acerca de los cmo se resolvi el problema.

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
During Reading: This time, the teacher will highlight/underline the words
with a, and will emphasize them during the reading. Choral reading will be
expected, especially in the repetitive patterns in the story.

After Reading: The teacher will have the pictures of the characters and
using a backdrop on chart paper, will ask students to order them in
sequence. The teacher will label the characters using sequencing words and
the characters names. Lastly, the teacher will ask why this story is a work
of fiction and what the authors purpose was.
Who was the first person trying to pull the watermelon out? Quin
fue la primera persona tratando de jalar la sanda?
Who was next/after/later? Quin siguie despus, luego, ms tarde?
This is a work of fiction. How do we know? Esta es una obra de
ficcin. Cmo lo sabemos?
Why do you think the author wants us to learn from this story?
Qu crees que el autor quiere que aprendamos de esta historia?

Follow-Up: Ask the students to respond by writing to any of the following
reader response prompts:
Recreate a scene from the book and write about it.
Draw your favorite character and use a speech bubble to show
something the character might say.
Draw and write what you think is most important in the book.

After the third reading, the book will be available for the students to read
it with a partner or independently.

Video-taped Lessons Links:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST

Capellini, M. (2005). Balancing Reading & Language Learning, A Resource for Teaching
English Language Learners, K-5. Portland, ME. Stenhouse Publishers.

Parkes, B., Smith, J. (2009) La Sanda Gigantesca. Pelham, NY. Benchmark Education

Pinnell, G. S., Fountas, I. C. (2007). The Continuum of Literacy Learning, Grades K-2, A Guide
to Teaching. Porstmouth, NH. Heinemann.

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