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Grammar Tips


This grammar tips are about subject verb agreemet !hich are ver" importat to ma#e
right setece$ %or &eve'opig "our spo#e accurac" as !e'' as so'vig prob'ems o(
setece bui'&ig)this o'ie grammar 'esso p'a"s a sigi(icat ro'e$
Subject Verb Agreemet is the s"stem ho! verb is use& a(ter subject$
She is m" teacher$
The" are m" (rie&s$
There is *sigu'ar verb+ a(ter *sigu'ar subject+
Shahe& learns Eg'ish
The" learn Eg'ish
A bab" is cr"ig
The babies are cr"ig$
*,'ura' verb+ shou'& be use& a(ter *p'ura' verb+
M" (rie& was preset i the meetig$
M" (rie&s were preset i the meetig$
Sigu'ar subjects ta#e *p'ura' verb+ i( the" are coecte& b" *A&+
Shahe& and Sabbir are goo& (rie&s$
Shamim and -eba he'p each other$
But *Sigu'ar verb+ is re.uire& a(ter and i( t!o subjects re(ers to the same perso
S'o! a& stea&" wins the race$ /A&0hp1u2'1C S2he pgm .u3 4
Brea& a& butter is m" (avorite (oo&$
The 5 subject 5 a& 5 subject 6 *,'ura' verb+
The teacher and the guest have joie& the semiar$
The pricipa' a& the chairma are ta#ig rest$

The 5 subject 5 a&5 subject 6 *Sigu'ar verb+
The teacher and guest has joie& the semiar$
The pricipa' and chairma is ta#ig rest$

*Verb+ ca be use& both *sigu'ar a& p'ura' (orm+ i case o( mathematica' ca'cu'atio$
7 p'us 8 makes 9 or
7 p'us 8 make 9$

*:e o(+ ta#es *p'ura' ou;,roou+ a(ter it but *verb+ is sigu'ar$
ne !" the bo"s is a goo& p'a"er
ne !" them has p'a"e& !e''$

A umber o( peop'e
have visite&
A umber o( stu&ets are 'earig phoetics$

The umber o( peop'e has visite& !ebsite
The umber o( stu&ets is 'earig phoetics$

There is a'!a"s *sigu'ar verb+ a(ter the ames o( coutries) persos) :rgai4atios etc
eve i( the" e& !ith *S+
Joh keats is ca''e& the poet o( beaut"$
James is a popu'ar ba& siger$
The uite& nati!ns r&les the !or'&$

There;here ta#es *verb+ accor&ig to the *ou or proou+ a(ter it$
There are ma" resear'hers i E<RC project$
=ere is a (i"t (or "ou$
A umber o( 5 ,'ura' ou 5 ,'ura' verb
The umber o( 5 ,'ura' ou 5 Sigu'ar verb


*Sigu'ar verb+ shou'& be use& a(ter *n!)
*! chi'& is cute here
*! a&vice was he'p(u' (or him$

>he phrase;C'ause;?(iitive is use& as a *Subject+ the it ta#es *Sigu'ar verb+
T! walk is a goo& e@ercise$
Swimmin( is goo& (or hea'th$

Ucoutab'e ou is a'!a"s *Sigu'ar+
>ater is a 'i.ui& substace$
%i(t" &o''ars is a huge amout$

Co''ective ou Geera''" ta#es *Sigu'ar verb+
The "amil+ lives together$
But *verb+ becomes p'ura' a(ter co''ective ou+ !he it is &ivi&e&$
The (ami'" 'ive separate'"$
The (irst part is cosi&ere& as subject !hi'e there is prepositio at the mi&&'e poit o(
, -asket o( app'es has bee so'&$
The '!l!r o( his e"es is b'ue$
The (o''o!ig ous seem to be p'ura') but the" are Sigu'ar A
B Civics) ecoomies) po'itics) ph"sics) ethics) mathematics) ath'etics) iigs
ga''o!s) optics) mumps) e!s) statistics) po'ities$
.h+si's is a subject o( sciece$
The news was pathetic$
The (o''o!ig ous are a'!a"s *sigu'ar+ a& ta#es sigu'ar verb$
B Sceer") (uriture) a'phabet) poetr") i(ormatio) e.uipmet) e@pe&iture)
machier" etc$
The s'ener+ attra'ts the peop'e$
This in"!rmati!n is va'uab'e$
The (o''o!ig ous seem to be sigu'ar) but the" are *,'ura'+ a& ta#e *p'ura' verb+ A
B Aristocrac") peasatr") Getr") catt'e) pou'tr") per(umer") pub'ic) peop'e)
.e!ple o( our coutr" are hospitab'e$
The 'attle are gra4ig i the (ie'&$
The (o''o!ig ous are a'!a"s p'ura' a& ta#e *p'ura' verb+A
B Savigs) earigs) vegetab'es) surrou&igs) g'asses) trousers) riches) aims)
po'itics) !ages) &ues
Savin(s are he'p(u' (or (uture$
Tr!&sers have eare& popu'arit"$

The (o''o!ig ous ca be both *Sigu'ar or ,'ura'+ a& ta#e their respective (orm$
B Ceer) pair) &o4e) sheer etc$
/ive d!0en are ee& (or "ou$
ne d!0en is ee&e& (or "ou$
?( there are /!ith together !ith) as !e'' as) a'og !ith) i a&&itio to) accompaie& b"3 i
a" setece) the *verb+ is ee&e& accor&ig to (irst subject$
Ripo a'og !ith shihab has come to SDi(ur+s
Mahmu& accompaie& b" his chi'&re has ma&e joure"$
? case o( EeitherF$ orGeitherFF$ orH the verb is p'ace& accor&ig to last s&-1e't2
Neither Jahi& n!r his teacher is &ishoest$
Either Se'im !r his (rie&s were preset$
Temperature) &istace) !eather) time) moe") .uatit" 6 *Sigu'ar Verb+$
The temperature was 8I cc$
Te mou&s is a heav" !eight$

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