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The front of the album

cover shows a large image

of Rhiana looking down;
the audience is instantly
attracted to her red lips
that stand out. This could
be a connotation of either
passion or danger as this is
what the stereotypically
red is suggested as. The
close up of her face shows
the emotion or expression
on her face can suggest
what her music may
possibly be about. This
look on the artists face
could show passion, which
would link with the red,
this could suggest she is
passionate about her
The title and name of the artist is very simple, it has the artist name
above the large image of Rhianas face and a larger text for the title of the
album. This could be possibly a counter-type of Rhiana being passionate
about her music. As it is uses a white text it stands out more onto the
background. The cover doesnt need much text on as the photo can
express the music and what the artist and musics about.
The use of red is constant throughout the digipak, this gives of a large
connotation of her music, Rhiana is led in what looks a bed of red roses, roses
are stereotypically romantic and this allows the connotation of romance within
her music to become bigger. Also the use of the same colours is used
throughout this digipak, red, white and a pale colour is all used and describe the
artist and the music.
The use of this type of pattern on the
CD disk suggests a white rose; roses
are stereotypically linked to romance.
This is a unique way that links to the
music with the CD disk.

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