The Script Digipak

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A woman and a man holding hands suggest

what the music is about. The use of a pale

colour background connotes the idea of a
note; this can describe and suggest the
music video as a love song using a note.
The use of hands on not
only the front of the album
but on the back as well
connotes the idea of love
further, the use of holding
hands and placing hands
together shows a reunion
and a partnership which
connotes the album. The
male hand being in the
center of the screen and in
the fore ground suggests
that the male has more of a
role within the music.
Song names in a small text,
which allows more room for
the picture, which can
connote the music.
The music company
make that possibly
distributed it.
Three males being on the CD cover slip
suggest this is the people who are in the
band. The use of images of hands and the
location they are in can connote a journey
of love and loneliness. The use of white
text on the slip allows it to stand out more.
The use of a black text
allows the album
name to stand out, it
uses an unusual text
which makes the
album more
interesting, having
just a picture and a
album name allows
more to focus on
about the cover.
The CD is more visually
interesting which appeals more
to the buyer and audience.

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