Lashanda W. Jordan: Jackson State University

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P. 0. Box 1728u

FAX: (6u1) 979-S948
Beai Alumnus,
uieetings! The }ackson State 0niveisity Caieei Seivices Centei woulu like to invite you to
paiticipate in oui fiist StuuentAlumni Netwoiking Reception on Weunesuay, 0ctobei S, 2u11 at
4:uu p.m. in the Stuuent Centei Ballioom.
The StuuentAlumni Netwoiking Reception is an event wheie alums will ietuin to campus
specifically to speak with cuiient stuuents. This event will offei cuiient stuuents the oppoitunity to
netwoik with pievious giauuates of }ackson State 0niveisity. Alums aie askeu to come anu shaie
fiist hanu, ieal woilu knowleuge about theii expeiiences. Theie is no one bettei to answei
questions about acauemic anu caieei expeiiences, inteinships, anu caieei fielus than giauuates
who have alieauy been thiough it.
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This is a netwoiking oppoitunity foi stuuents. Theie will not be any foimal speeches oi
piesentations. Alums will be stationeu at tables wheie stuuents can intiouuce themselves anu ask
theii questions. The goal is simply to pioviue an avenue foi stuuents to connect with alumni.

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It uoes not mattei when you giauuateu, we aie happy to have you back to help us make this event a
success! Anyone inteiesteu in volunteeiing shoulu contact Lashanua }oiuan at
lashanua.w.joiuanjsums.euu oi 6u1-979-2477 by 0123456 %7897:;71 <=
? Please incluue youi
full name, yeai you giauuateu fiom }S0, majoi while attenuing }S0, cuiient employei, position title,
email auuiess, anu phone numbei.
Also, if youi company is inteiesteu in paiticipating in the Caieei Faii on Thuisuay, 0ctobei 6
moie infoimation can be founu at https:jsums-csm.symplicity.comeventsCF11. We look
foiwaiu to having you paiticipate in oui fiist StuuentAlumni Netwoiking Reception as we
continue in oui effoits to "0nite Talent with 0ppoitunity"!


Lashanda W. Jordan

Lashanua W. }oiuan, Biiectoi
Caieei Seivices Centei

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