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Carlo Basa

Section : 401E
Subject : EDU41 Special Topics
Course : BSED major in Social Studies
K to 12 BOO or B!E"
Since #e $a%e studied t$e K to 12 pro&ram in our subject in
EDU41 ' (e all see t$e &ood %ision or plan in implementin& t$e K to 12
pro&ram in our countr)' T$e &ood outcomes or production o* students #$o
&raduated in t$is pro&ram is reall) a bi& $elp' Especiall) to t$ose people #$o
are poor in status in li*e' (e sa# t$e majorit) o* t$e students #$o &raduated
in $i&$ sc$ool did not enroll in colle&e+ and #$) " ,t is because o* t$e
po%ert)+ t$e) sa) t$at t$e) cannot a**ord to pa) suc$ a $i&$ tuition *ee' o#
in t$is pro&ram t$e additional 2 )ears in $i&$ sc$ool can $elp because it also
li-e )ou are in colle&e+ T$e Di**erence is t$at )oure ta-in& a %ocational
course in t$at additional 2 )ears+ and in colle&e )ou are ta-in& a bac$elor
de&ree' But still a bi& $elp because t$e additional 2 )ears in $i&$ sc$ool is
%er) a**ordable and sometimes its *or *ree especiall) to t$ose cities #$o is
prosperous li-e .a-ati + Ta&ui& + /asi& etc' o# in t$at case #e can
consider t$e K to 12 pro&ram as a boon or a blessin&' But t$e ne&ati%e side o*
t$is pro&ram is t$at+ it reall) a**ects in increasin& t$e perennial problems in
education+ and t$at problem is alread) a problem e%en be*ore durin& t$e 1o
)ear basic education is used' !nd because o* -012 it increases t$e problem' ,n
t$is statement #e can consider K to 12 as a bane or a curse'
!s a student o* education , *ull) support t$e K to 12 pro&ram
because #e need to ele%ate t$e 1ualit) o* education in our countr)' ,* #ere
not &oin& to do an)t$in& about t$e s)stem o* our education #e #ill be le*t b)
t$e di**erent countries' (e don2t $a%e to t$in- o* t$ose perennial problem
because soon it #ill be sol%e #$en t$e &raduates o* K012 started to contribute
in t$e success o* our countr)'

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