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Veritas Volume Manager Command Quick Reference.

Disk Commands
Operation Command Example
Initialise disks vxdisksetup vxdisksetup -i c0t9d0
Un-initialise disks vxdiskunsetup vxdiskunsetup -C c0t9d0
Remove disk vxdisk vxdisk rm c1t0d0
Scan for ne disks
vxdctl ena!le
vxdisk scandisks

"ist disks vxdisk vxdisk list

"ist disk #eader vxdisk vxdisk list disk1
"ist disk private region vxprivutil list vxprivutil list /dev/rdsk/c1t9d0s2
Move data to anot#er disk vxevac vxevac $g my-dg old-disk new-disk
Reserve a disk vxedit vxedit -g my-dg set reserve%on my-disk
&isa!le relocation to

vxedit vxedit -g my-dg set no#otuse%on my-disk

Undo relocation

vxunreloc vxunreloc $g my_dg my_disk

Disk Group Commands
Operation Command Example
Create disk group vxdg init vxdg init my-dg disk01=c4t4d0
Remove disk group

vxdg destro' vxdg destro' my-dg

(dd disk vxdg adddisk vxdg -g my-dg adddisk disk02%c)t*d+
Remove disk vxdg rmdisk vxdg -g my-dg rmdisk disk02
Import disk group vxdg import vxdg import otherdg
&eport disk group vxdg deport vxdg deport my-dg
"ist disk groups vxdg list vxdg list
&ispa' disk group info, vxdg list vxdg list my-dg
"ist free space vxdg free vxdg -g my-dg free
Subdisk Commands
Operation Command Example
Create su!disk vxmake sd vxmake -g my-dg sd my-sd disk1,0,5000
Remove su!disk vxedit rm vxedit -g my-dg rm my-sd
&ispla' su!disk info, vxprint $st vxprint $st
(ssociate su!disk to plex vxsd assoc vxsd -g my-dg assoc my-ple my-sd
&isassociate su!disk vxsd dis vxsd -g my-dg dis my-sd
Move a su!disk, vxsd mv vxsd $g my-dg - $o rm . mv old-sd new-sd
Plex Commands
Operation Command Example
Create a plex vxmake vxmake -g my-dg plex my-ple sd%my-sd
(ssociate a plex vxplex vxplex -g my-dg att my-vol my-ple
&isassociate a plex, vxplex vxplex -g my-dg dis my-ple
(ttac# a plex vxplex vxplex -g my-dg att my-vol my-ple
&etac# a plex /remains associated0 vxplex vxplex -g my-dg det my-ple
"ist plexes vxprint vxprint $lp
Remove a plex vxedit vxedit -g my-dg rm my-ple
Veritas Volume Manager Command Quick Reference.
Volume Commands
Operation Command Example
Create a volume vxassist
vxassist -g my-dg make my-vol )1
vxassist make my-vol )1 la'out%stripe
&elete a volume vxedit vxedit -g my-dg -r rm my-vol
C#ange oner of volume vxedit vxedit $g my-dg set user%oracle my-vol
C#ange permissions of vol vxedit vxedit $g my-dg set mode%233 my-vol
&ispla' volume info
vxprint -g my-dg $#rt my-vol
vxinfo -g my-dg my-vol
Resi4e a volume onl',
/does not resi4e file s'stem 0
vxassist -g my-dg groto my-vol 51
vxassist -g my-dg gro!' my-vol 2++M
Resi4e volume 6 file s'stem vxresi4e vxresi4e $g my_dg my_vol new_si!e
Start a volume vxvol vxvol -g my-dg start my-vol
Stop a volume vxvol vxvol -g my-dg stop my-vol
Initialise a volume vxvol vxvol -g my-dg init active my-vol
Recover a volume vxrecover vxrecover -g my-dg my-vol
Mirror a volume vxassist vxassist -g my-dg mirror my-vol
Remove mirror from volume vxassist vxassist $g my-dg remove mirror my-vol
(dd log to a volume vxassist vxassist -g my-dg addlog my-vol
Remove log from a volume vxassist vxassist $g my-dg remove log my-vol
Snaps#ot a volume vxassist
vxassist -g my-dg snapstart my-vol
vxassist -g my-dg snaps#ot my-vol my-sn"p
vxassist $g my-dg snap!ack my-vol my-sn"p

C#ange volume la'out

vxassist vxassist -g my-dg rela'out my-vol la'out%stripe

Convert volume t'pe

vxassist vxassist -g my-dg convert my-vol la'out%stripe-mirror

stripe-mirror & concat-mirror is RAID 1+

!mirror-stripe & mirror-concat is RAID +1
"irrorin# S$stem Disk
Operation Command Example
Initialise disk, vxdisksetup -i vxdisksetup -i c+t7d+
(dd disk to rootdg, vxdg adddisk vxdg adddisk rootmirror=c0t#d0
Create s'stem disk mirror, vxmirror vxmirror rootdisk rootmirror
Ena!le devalias in eeprom, vxeeprom vxeeprom ena!le
8oot from mirror disk, !oot !oot v-rootmirror /(t eeprom prompt0
S#o disk !ooted from, prtconf prtconf $vp 9 grep !ootpat#
Removing from VM, vxunroot vxunroot folloed !' a re!oot,
"onitorin# and Per%ormance
Operation Command Example
"ist running tasks vxtask vxtask $g my_sg list
:ause running task, vxtask vxtask $g my_dg pause t"skid
&ispla' volume statistics vxstat vxstat $g my-dg $c * $i )+ $v /-s%sd; -p%plex0
&ispla' volume operations vxtrace vxtrace $g m'-dg $c * $t <+ $o v /-s%sd; -p%plex0

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