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Varshaphal or the Hindu Progressed Horoscope

Raman's 110 Year Ephemeris of Planetary Positions

Prasna Tantra
Planets and the Next World War
Planetary Influences on Human Affairs
My Experiences in Astrology
Manual of Hindu Astrology
Hindu Astrology and the West
Graha and Bhava Balas
Catechism of Astrology
Bhavartha Ratnakara
Astrology in Predicting Weather and Earthquakes
Astrology for Beginners
Ashtakavarga System of Prediction
Jaimini Jyotish ka Adhyayan
Jatak Nirnaya Kundali par Vichar Karne ki Vidhi (Khanda I)
How to Judge a Horoscope (Vol.II)
How to Judge a Horoscope (Vol.I)
Prasna Marga: Vol. I, Chapters I to XVI
Three Hundred Important Combinations
Notable Horoscopes

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