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Couise Syllabus

Couise Besciiption:
Life science focuses on the stuuy of life. This is a veiy bioau topic; howevei, the main focus
is placeu on cells anu heieuity, the uiveisity of living things, human biology anu health, anu

uiauing Ciiteiia: uiauing will be baseu on the following types of assessments.

Grading Policy:
Grades will be updated in RenWeb continually as assignments are graded.

A in RenWeb indicates that a student was Absent and is expected to make up

the assignment

E in RenWeb indicates that the student is Excused from the assignment; the
grade will not be averaged with his/her average

P in RenWeb indicates that the grade is Pending, the work has been received
by the teacher and a grade will be added shortly

M in RenWeb indicates that the assignment is Missing. Ms are assigned as

o If a student has turned in the work, but has an M listed for a grade he/she
may not have put their name on the assignment. In this case, the student
needs to check the No Name Folder located on the teachers shelf.
o The assignment was not turned in by the student. Please see below for
make-up work/late work policy.

I in RenWeb indicates that the assignment was turned in but is Incomplete.

Please see below for make-up work/late work policy.

0 in RenWeb indicates that the student received a zero for the assignment.
Once issued, this grade will not be changed.

Homework will be posted on RenWeb and on the classroom white board, in addition to
being announced in class daily. Homework will be checked and graded for both
completion and accuracy. Remind 101 will also be used to send this information out.

% of uiaue Assessment Type anu Besciiption
4u% TestsPiojects
2S% Quizzes
2S% Labs
1u% Bomewoik, In-Class Activities
Bonus Assignments
Bonus assignments will be available weekly on our class website. These are BONUS
grades and can be used to replace a low homework grade for that week. Check back
regularly to see what the new bonus assignment is!

Cheating and/or Plagiarism:
Cheating and Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. Per school policy, the first
incidence of cheating will result in an automatic grade of zero on the assignment/
project/test. In addition, any communication (either verbal or non-verbal) during an
individual assessment constitutes cheating and will result in an immediate zero. Any
further incidences of cheating will result in immediate suspension from school.

Make-Up Work/Late Work:
Make-Up Work: Per school policy, students who are absent will have one school day
for every day out of school to make up work.
Late Work: Per school policy, work turned in one day late will receive a maximum grade
of an 80%. Work turned in two days late or more will receive a maximum grade of a
50%. Students have three (3) school days from the due date of an assignment to turn it
in for credit. After three days it will become a permanent zero.

Class Participation:
Class participation is defined as the active engagement of the student at all times
throughout the lesson. Active engagement involves paying attention to teacher directed
instruction, sharing thoughtful ideas, listening respectfully to classmates as they share
ideas, working constructively within the classroom, as well as other means. Students
are expected to be present and active within all classroom activities every day.

Classroom Rules & Expectations:
1. Students will come to class prepared with all materials and in dress code.
2. Homework will be turned in upon entering.
3. No gum allowed.
4. Be respectful to the teacher and one another.
5. Talking is only allowed when given permission by the teacher.
6. Remain seated during instructional time.
7. Follow directions the first time they are given.

Use of the Points System:
Per our school-wide discipline system, points will be deducted from student agendas for
violations within their school environment. Please note that points will be taken at the
teachers discretion. Students looking to earn points back MUST see the teacher
personally to discuss this possibility. Opportunities to earn points back will also be at the
discretion of the teacher.

The following are important deductions that will be enforced in accordance with school

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Anticipateu Couise Sequencing:
)*$+,$ (-.$: These aie subject to change as
necessaiy at the teachei's uiscietion.

Fiist Tiack

Intiouuction to Life Science


Living Things

Seconu Tiack


viiuses, Bacteiia, Piotists, anu



Sponges, Cniuaiians, Woims

Thiiu Tiack

Fishes, Amphibians, anu


Biius anu Nammals

Animal Behavioi
Fouith Quaitei

Bones, Nuscles, anu Skin

Foou anu Bigestion


Fighting Bisease

Neivous System

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-2 polnLs

uress Code vlolauon

1ardy Lo class


CuL of seaL

1alklng ouL of Lurn

noL havlng a pass

Cum/Candy ln class
MeeL wlLh Leacher Lo
dlscuss behavlor/
posslblllLy of a polnLs
-3 polnLs

ulsrespecL (rsL ume)-lncludes lnLerrupung Lhe

Leacher, belng dlsrespecuul Lo classmaLes

ulsrupuve behavlor (rsL ume)-any behavlor LhaL

dlsLracLs from learnlng acuvlues, sLudenLs belng o-
Lask and/or dolng work for anoLher class

oor SubsuLuLe 8ehavlor-acung ouL when a

subsuLuLe Leacher ls presenL.
MeeL wlLh Leacher Lo
dlscuss behavlor/
posslblllLy of a polnLs

ArgumenLauve behavlor

Aggresslon of any klnd-lncludlng (buL noL llmlLed Lo)

physlcal, verbal, or soclal aggresslon

8efusal Lo do work/follow lnsLrucuons

SubsequenL lncldences of ulsrespecL/ulsrupuve

behavlor aer polnLs have been Laken

Any behavlor LhaL vlolaLes one or more of Lhe

suspendable oenses llsLed ln Lhe sLudenL handbook

Any oLher lncldenL where Lhe Leacher feels

admlnlsLrauve lnLervenuon ls warranLed
SLudenL wlll meeL wlLh an

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