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Indian and World Geography

World Geography
Cosmology Important Fats
The Universe or the Cosmos, as perceived today,
consists of millions of Galaxies. A galaxy is a hge
congregation of stars held together by the forces of
!dwin "bble in #$%& first demonstrated existence
of galaxies beyond !il"y Way# "e proved that these
galaxies are flying away from each other and that
the farther they are, the faster they fly. This means
that the niverse is expanding like a balloon that is
being blown p.
'n #&( A), *tolemy proponded the theory that the
earth was the centre of the niverse and the sn and
other heavenly bodies revolved arond it. 'n #+&,,
Copernics arged that the sn and not the earth
was the centre of the niverse.
"owever, he still e-ated the niverse with the
solar system. .epler spported Copernics bt said
that the sn was the centre of the solar system and
not the niverse. 'n #/(+, "ershel made it clear that
the solar system was a part of the mch larger
system of stars called galaxy.
0r galaxy is 1ilky 2ay Galaxy 3or the Akash
Ganga4. 't is spiral in shape. 't consists of over a #((
billion stars rotating and revolving abot its centre.
5earest galaxy to ors is Andromeda.
The 6ig 6ang Theory evalates that #+ billion years
ago, cosmic matter 3niverse4 was in an extremely
compressed state, from which expansion started by
a primordial explosion. This explosion broke p the
sperdense ball and cast its fragments far ot into
space, where they are still traveling at thosands of
miles per second.

!eas$rement Units o% Spae are &
Light Year & 't is the distance covered by light in one
year in vacm at a speed of , #(+ km7s.
Astronomial Unit 'A#U( & 't is the mean distance
between the earth and the sn. 0ne light year is
e-al to 8(,((( A.U.

Parse& 't represents the distance at which the
mean radis of earth9s orbit sbtends an angle of
one second of an arc. 't is e-al to ,.%8 light years.
:tars are self ; lminos bodies that accont for $/
per cent of the material in the galaxy. The rest % per
cent consists of interstellar or galactic gas and dst
in an attenated form.

A star9s color indicates the temperatre of its
srface. )l$e olo$r denotes ma*im$m
temperat$re. Then comes yellow, then red, etc.
The life of a star is spread over billions of years. 't
begins to form by compression of galactic gas and
dst. Compression generates heat which in trn
cases hydrogen to be converted into helim in | |

nclear fsion, thereby emitting large amont of
heat and light.
'f the star is of sn9s si<e, it becomes a White
+,ar%# Their central density can reach p to
#(grams per cbic cm.

'f die star is bigger than the sn bt not more than
twice as big, it will trn into a 5etron :tar or
Their central density is #(#& grams per cbic cm.
They are formed de to 5ovae or :per novae
:tars having mass greater than three times that of
the sn, becase of their great gravitational power,
have contracteso mch that they have developed
sper density of #(#8 grams per cbic cm. 't is so
dense that nothing, not even light, can escape from
its gravity and hence called -)la" Hole9.
6rightest star otside or :olar :ystem is :iris,
also called +og Star#
Closest star of :olar :ystem is *roxima Centari 3&.%
light years away4. Then come Alpha Centari 3&.,
light years away4 and 6arnard9s :tar 3+.$ light years

Earth Solar System
!arth solar system consists of =
The :n
The *lanets
)warf *lanets and contless fragments of left ;
overs called asteroids, meteors, comets and
satellites of the planets 3Called small solar system

Solar System Some Fats
)iggest Planet= >piter
Smallest Planet& 1ercry
.earest Planet to S$n= 1ercry
Farthest Planet %rom S$n& 5eptne
.earest Planet to Earth& ?ens
)rightest Planet& ?ens
6rightest star after :n :iris
Planet ,ith ma*im$m satellites= >piter
Coldest Planet& 5eptne
Hottest Planet& ?ens
Hea/iest Planet& >piter
Red Planet& 1ars
)iggest Satellite& Gannymede
Smallest Satellite& )eimos
)l$e Planet& !arth
!orning0E/ening Star= ?ens
Earth1s 2,in& ?ens
Green Planet= 5eptne
Planet ,ith a 3ig red spot= >piter
Lord o% the Hea/ens= >piter
Greatest +i$rnal 2emperat$re= 1ercry

Earth !o/ement
The !arth also called 6le *lanet. 't is the densest of
all planets.
Earth Cir$m%erene = &(,%,% .ilometers.
Earth Area = +#( million :-are .ilometers
Average distance from sn= #&$ million@.ilometers.
Earth Perihelion & 5earest position of earth to sn.
The earth reaches its perihelion on >anary , every
year at a distance of abot #&A million@.ilometers.
Aphelion & Barthest position of earth from sn. The
earth reaches its aphelion on >ly &, when the earth
is at a distance of #+% million .ilometers.
The shape of the earth is oblate spheroid or oblate
ellipsoid 3i.e. almost spherical, flattened a little at
the poles with a slight blge at the centre4.

2ypes o% Earth !o/ements&
#. Cotation or daily movement.
%. Cevoltion or annal movement.

Earth Rotation
:pins on its imaginary axis from west to east in %,
hrs, +8 min and &(.$# sec.
Cotational velocity at e-ator is #88A .ilometers7h
and it decreases towards the poles, where it is <ero.

Earth4s rotation res$lts in
i . Casation of days and nightsD
ii . A difference of one hor between two meridians
which are #+E apartD
iii. Change in the direction of wind and ocean
Cise and fall of tides everyday.
The longest day in 5orth "emisphere is >ne %#,
while shortest day is on %% )ec 3?ice@versa in :.
)ays and nights are almost e-al at the e-ator.

Earth Re/ol$tion
't is earth9s motion in elliptical orbit arond the sn.
!arth9s average orbital velocity is %$.A$
Takes ,8+ days, + hrs, &/ min and &+.+# sec. 't
reslts in one extra day every forth year. | |

Cevoltion of the earth reslts in
i . Change of seasons
ii . ?ariation in the lengths of days and nights at
different times of the year
iii . :hifting of wind belts
iv . )etermination of latitdes.

2he 5 Earth Seasons are&
Spring& 0n 1arch %#, the sn is directly overhead
the e-ator. This is the season of spring in the
northern hemisphere.
S$mmer& 0n >ne %#, the sn is directly overhead
the Tropic of Cancer. Ths, the northern
hemisphere experiences smmer.
A$t$mn& 0n :eptember %,, the sn retrns to the
e-ator, and the northern hemisphere experiences
Winter= 0n )ecember %%, the sn is at the Tropic of
Capricorn, and the northern hemisphere
experiences winter.

Earth Latit$de and Longit$de
Earth Latit$de
'maginary lines drawn parallel to the e-ator.
1easred as an angle whose apex is at the centre of
the earth
The e-ator represents (E latitde, while the 5orth
*ole is $(E 5 and the :oth *ole $(E :
%,FE 5 represents Tropic of Cancer while %,FE :
represents Tropic of Capricorn.G
88FE 5 represents Arctic Circle while 88FE :
represents Antarctic Circle.
There are total #/# latitdes inclding the e-ator.
!ach parallel of latitde is a circle, bt they are not
The circle becomes smaller towards the poles.
!-ator is the HGreatest Circle9 that can be drawn on
the earth9s srface.
The distance between any two parallels of latitde
is always e-al.

Earth Longit$de
't is the anglar distance measred from die centre
of the earth. 0n the globe the lines of longitde are
drawn as a series of semicircles that extend from
the 5orth *ole to the :oth *ole throgh the
e-ator. They are also called meridians.
The distance between any two meridians is not
e-al. At the e-ator, # degree I ### km. At ,(E5 or
:, it is $8.+ km. 't goes on decreasing this way ntil
it is <ero at the poles.
There are ,8( meridians of longitde. The prime
meridian is a longitde of ((, passing throgh the
Coyal 0bservatory at Greenwich near Jondon.
This meridian is taken by geographers to divide the
earth into the eastern and the western hemispheres.
!ach meridian of longitde is a semi@circle. #/(E
meridian 3'nternational )ate Jine4 lies exactly
opposite to E meridian. :ch points are called
Antipodl *oints.
The earth is divided into %& longitdinal <ones, each
being #+E or # hor apart in time 3& mintes 7

Longit$de and 2ime
*laces that are on the same meridian have the same
local 3sn4 time. :ince the earth makes one
complete revoltion of ,8(E in %& hors, it passes
throgh #+E in one hor or #E in & mintes.
The earth rotates from west to east, hence places
east of Greenwich see the sn earlier and gain time
whereas places west of Greenwich see the sn later
and lose time.
'ndia, whose longitdinal extent is approx. ,(E, has
adopted only one time <one, selecting the /%.+E! for
the standard time which is + hors and ,( mintes
ahead of G1T 3Greenwich 1ean Time4.

International +ate Line
't is the #/(E meridian rnning over the *acific
0cean, deviating at Aletian 'slands, BiKi, :amoa and
Gilbert 'slands.
Travelers crossing the )ate Jine from west to east
3i.e., from >apan to U:A4 repeat a day and travelers | |

crossing it from east to west 3i.e., from U:A to
>apan4 lose a day.

Earth Elipses
Earth L$nar Elipse
2hen earth comes between sn and moon.
0ccrs only on a fll moon day. "owever, it does not
occr on every fll moon day becase the moon is
so small and the plane of its orbit is tilted abot +E
with respect to the plane of the earth9s orbit. 't is for
this reason that eclipses do not occr every month.
This light is red becase the atmosphere scatters
the other colors present in snlight in greater
amonts than it does red.
Earth 2ides
Earth 2ides
Cefer to the phenomenon of reglar rise and fall of
the sea water. Thogh both sn and moon exert
gravitational force on earth, reslting in the
prodction of tides, the moon, by natre of its
closeness to the earth, has greater control over the
timings of the tidal rises and falls.
The interval between two tides is #% hrs and %8

Spring 2ide
2hen the sn, moon and the earth are in a straight
line, the gravitational force is at its greatest becase
tide prodcing forces of both sn and moon
complement each other and they pll together. This
prodces tides of nsally great range, called the
spring tide.
These occr abot twice a month= at new moon
when the sn and the moon are in conKgation and
at fll moon when they are in opposition.

.eap 2ide
Jowest magnitde as the tide prodcing forces of
sn and moon act opposite to each other, as they
form a triangle.
This happens dring phases of first and third
-arter, i.e., at half moon, the sn9s tide prodcing
force tends to balance the tide prodcing force of
the moon., reslting in tides of nsally small
range known as neap tides.

Internal Str$t$re o% Earth
2he Cr$st o% Earth
't is the otermost and the thinnest layer of the
earth9s srface, abot / to &( km thick. The crst
varies greatly in thickness and composition ; as
small as + km thick in some places beneath the
oceans, while nder some montain ranges it
extends p to A( km in depth.
The crst is made p of two layers@ an pper lighter
layer called the :ial 3:ilicate L Alminim4 and a
density layer called :ima 3:ilicate L 1agnesim4.
The average density of this layer is , gm7cc.
The average density of this layer is , gm7cc.

2he !antle o% Earth
This layer extends p to a depth of %$(( km.
1antle is made p of % parts= Upper 1antle or
Asthenosphere 3p to abot +(( km4 and Jower
1antle. Asthenosphere is in a semi@molten plastic
state, and it is thoght that this enables the
lithosphere to move abot it. 2ithin the
asthenosphere, the velocity of seismic waves is
considerably redced 3Called HJow ?elocity Mone94.
The line of separation between the mantle and the
crst is known as 1ohoviricic )iscontinity.
The Core of !arth
6eyond a depth of %$(( km lies the core of the
earth. The oter core is %#(( km thick and is in
molten form de to excessive heat ot there. 'nner
core is #,A( km thick and is in plastic form de to
the combined factors of excessive heat and
pressre. 't is made p of iron and nickel 35ife4 and
is responsible for earth9s magnetism. This layer has
the maximm specific gravity.
The temperatres in the earth9s core lie between
%%((Ec and %A+(Ec.
.ote& Temperatre 'nside the !arth= 'n the first #((
km, #%E increase per km. 'n the next ,(( km, %E
increase per km. After that it is #E increase per km.

Composition o% Earth
1ade p of over #(( elements.

2he %ollo,ing 6 are important&
O*ygen &8.+N
Silion %A.A%N
Al$mini$m /.#,N
Iron + .(#N
Cali$m ,.8,N
Sodi$m %./+N
Potassi$m %.8%N | |

!agnesi$m %.($N

Earth Ro"s
Ro"s o% Earth
Any aggregate of material particles that forms part
of the earth9s crst is called a rock.

2here are 7 ma8or types o% ro" types &
Igneo$s Ro"s
Bormed by the solidification of molten magma from
the interior of the earth.
1ost abndant of the three types of rocks 3$+N4.
All other types of rocks originate from these rocks,
ths called *rimary rocks.

Sedimentary Ro"s
1ade p of weathered remains of igneos rocks.
Also contains fossils of plants and animals.
Comprise only abot +N of the earth9s crst bt
cover abot A+N of the total land srface.
The layers of sedimentary rocks hold all reserve of
coal, oil and natral gas.
Also known as :tratified Cocks becase of the

Sedimentary ro"s %all into three main gro$ps&
9# !ehanially Formed& These are called clastic
sedimentary rocksD the sediments are largely
derived from pre@existing rocks that have been
broken down and then transported by water, wind
or ice to form rocks.
:# Organially Formed Ro"s& These rocks are
derived from remains of plants 3e.g. peat, lignite,
bitminos coal4, or animals 3e.g., chalk and coral4.
7# Chemially Formed& !.g., Gypsm, salt rock, etc

!etamorphi Ro"s
:ometimes igneos or sedimentary rocks
metamorphi<e or change de to great Hpressre,
intense temperatre or the action of water and
chemical activity.

Tremors or vibrations of earth9s srface prodced
by internal forces.
The point of origin of earth-ake is called :eismic
The point on the earth9s srface vertically above the
earth9s srface is called !picentre.
The passage of earth-ake waves is recorded by
The magnitde of waves is measred on Cichter9s
scale. Bor measrement of the intensity of the
earth-ake 3damage cased4, the 1odified 1ercalli
'ntensity :cale is sed.

2ypes o% Wa/es Earth;$a"es
9# Primary Wa/es 'P<Wa/es(& Travel from the
point of happening by the displacement of
srronding particles.
They are transmitted throgh solids, li-ids and
gases. Travels fastest.
:# Seondary Wa/es 'S<Wa/es(& Travels throgh
solids only. Ths they cannot pass throgh core.
7# S$r%ae Wa/es or Long Wa/es 'L<Wa/es(&
Travels on earth9s srface and cases maximm
destrction. They are recorded after the * and :

+istri3$tion o% Earth;$a"es
Arond the *acific 0cean along a belt of volcanoes
known as the Cing of Bire. 8/ per cent of the
volcanoes are experienced in this region.
Brom the middle of Asia 3"imalayas, Caspian :ea4
throgh the 1editerranean :ea to 2est 'ndies. %#
per cent earth-akes are experienced in the region.
1id@Atlantic ridge belt which acconts for ## per
cent of the earth-akes

Earth =olanoes
A volcano is a vent or opening sally circlar in
form throgh which heated materials consisting of
gases, water, li-id lava and fragments of rocks are
eKected from the highly heated interiors to he
srface of the earth.

Classi%iation o% =olanoes | |

9# Classi%iation on the 3asis o% Periodiity o%
Ati/e =olano& ?olcano which erpt periodically.
!.g. 1aona Joa in "awaii, !tna in :icily, ?esvis in
'taly, :tromboli in 1editerranean :ea, etc.
+ormant =olano& ?olcano which has been
-iescent for a long time bt in which there is a
possibility of erption. !.g. BKiyama in >apan,
.rakatoa in 'ndonesia, 6arren island ?olcano in
Andamans, etc.

+istri3$tion o% =olanoes in the World
Abot #+N of world9s active volcanoes are fond
along the Hconstrctive or divergent9 plate margins,
whereas /(N volcanoes are associated with the
Hdestrctive or convergent9 plate bondaries.

Earth !o$ntains
2ypes o% !o$ntains
Fold !o$ntains o% the World& They are formed
when the rocks of the crst of the earth folded
nder stress, mainly by forces of compression 3as a
reslt of series of earth-akes4. E#g# ; All big
montain systems= "imalayas, Alps, Andes, Cockies,
Atlas, etc.

Old !o$ntains
They belong to pre@drift era, then sbKected to
dendation and pliftD many falts were formedD
occr as relict montains today. !.g. *ennines
3!rope4, Appalachians 3U:4, Aravallis 3'ndia4.
Relit !o$ntains& :ometimes, the montains are
carved ot as a reslt of erosion of plateas O high
planes by varios agents of erosion. !.g., "ighlands
of :cotland, :ierras of :pain, Catskill montains of
5ew Pork and 5ilgiri, *arasnath, Girnar, CaKmahal
of 'ndia.

!a8or !o$ntain Ranges o% the World
Andes @:oth America @8,$8(
Himalayas.arakoram@"indksh @:oth Central
Asia /,/+(
Ro"ies 5orth America &,&(#
Great +i/iding Range!ast Astralia @%,%%/
Western Ghats 2estern 'ndia@ %,8,A
Ca$as$s E$rope, @Asia @+,8&%
Alas"a U:A @8,#$&
Alps !rope @&,/(/
Apennines !rope @%,$#%
Ural Asia @#,/$+
Pennines !rope @/$,
Pyrenees !rope@ ,,&(&
Appalahian 5orth America@ %,(&(
Cylones in World
't is a system of very low pressre in the center
srronded by increasingly high pressre
'n this, the winds blows in a circlar manner in
Anticlockwise direction in 5orthern "emisphere.
Clockwise direction in :othern "emisphere.
'n the temperate region, they occr de to the
coming close and imperfect mixing of two masses of
air of contrasting temperatre and hmidity
conditions. Cycles of this type are also known as
2ave Cyclones or Temperate Cyclones.
0n the other hand, in the tropical regions, they
occr de to intense heating p of air in some
regions casing
very low pressre in these locations. Tropical seas
and oceans are most condcive to the development
of tropical

2hese are "no,n as &
Cylones ; in the 'ndian 0cean
H$rrianes ; in the Caribbean 'slands
2yphoons ; in the China :ea
Willy<Willies ; in the 5orth 2est Astralia
2ornadoes ; in coastal U:.
2,isters ; in 1ississippi ?alley, U:A

Earth Clo$ds
!arth Clods are masses of minte water droplets
and 7 or ice crystals formed by the condensation of
water vapor and
held in sspension in the atmosphere.
Condensation, which reslts from cooling, sally
takes place arond nclei sch as dst, smoke
particles and salt. :ch particles are called
condensation nclei.
!arth Clods are of different types and they can be
classified on the basis of their form and altitde.

On the 3asis o% %orm> there are t,o ma8or
#. :tratiform or layered types, and
%. Cmliform or massive types.

Strati%orm Clo$ds
These clods, which are fairly thin and blanket like,
are sb@divided into three main categories on the
basis of altitde. | |

High Clo$ds 'mean ht ?<97 "m(
Cirr$s Clo$ds& 'ndicates fair weather.
Cirro$m$l$s Clo$ds& Borms the mackerel sky.
Cirrostrat$s Clo$ds= *rodces a halo arond sn
and moon.

!iddle Clo$ds 'mean ht :<@ "m(
Alto$m$l$s Clo$ds= 'ndicate fine weather.
Alto<strat$s Clo$ds= Associated with development
of bad weather.

Lo, 'mean ht $p to : "m(
Strat$s Clo$ds= 6rigs dll weather, sally
accompanied with a dri<<le.
.im3ostrat$s Clo$ds= 'f rain or snow is falling
from a strats clod, it is called nimbostrats.
Ri/erside Cities < World
City Civer Contry
Amsterdam Amsel 5etherlands
Ant,erp :chelde 6elgim
)aghdad Tigris 'ra-
)elgrade )anbe Pgoslavia
)erlin :pree Germany
)onn Chine Germany
)$dapest )anbe "ngary
Cairo 5ilew !gypt
Glasgo, Clyde :cotland
Ham3$rg !lbe Germany
Aarahi 'nds *akistan
Lahore Cavi *akistan
London Thames !ngland
!oso, 1oskva Cssia
.e, Yor" "dson U:A
Paris :eine Brance
B$e3$ :t.Jawrence Canada
Yangon 'rrawaddy 1yanmar
Rome Tiber 'taly
2o"yo :mida >apan
=ienna )anbe Astria
Warsa, ?istla *oland
Washington *otomac U:A

Continents o% the World
World Continents
Asia, Africa, 5orth America, :oth America, !rope,
Astralia and Antarctica are the seven continents of
the world.
These seven continents were believed to be part of
*angaea which was a single landmass arond %+(
million years ago.
)e to the tectonic movement, the landmass broke
p and the component continents separated and
moved away to its present position. All these took
arond # million years to complete.

2he Continents o% the World>
Asia Continents Contries
Africa Continents Contries
5orth America Continents Contries
:oth America Continents Contries
!rope Continents Contries
Astralia Continents Contries
Antarctica Continents Contries

 | |

Indian Geographial Loation

Jying between latitde & 5 to ,AE8 5 and from
longitde 8/EA ! to $AE%+ !, the contry is divided
into almost e-al parts by the Tropic of Cancer
3passes from >abalpr in 1*4.
The sothernmost point in 'ndian Territory, 3in
Great 5icobar 'sland4 is the 'ndira *oint 38E&+4,
while .anyakmari, also known as Cape Comorin, is
the sothernmost point of 'ndian mainland. The
contry ths lies wholly in the northern and eastern
The /%E,( ! longitde is taken as the :tandard Time
1eridian of 'ndia, as it passes throgh the middle of
'ndia 3from 5aini, near Allahabad4.

Area Geography C )o$ndaries Geography
'ndia stretches ,,%#& km from 5orth to :oth O
%,$,, km from !ast to 2est.
Geography Area of 'ndia = ,%,/A,%8, s-. km.
Acconts for %.&N of the total world area and
roghly #8N of the world poplation.
1ainland 'ndia has a coastline of 8,#(( km.
'nclding the Jakshadweep and Andaman and
5icobar 'slands, the coastline measres abot
A+#8.8 km.
'n 'ndia, of the total land mass=
Plains Geography= &,.,N
Platea$s= %A.AN
Hills= #/.8N
!o$ntains Geography= #(.AN

'n the :oth, on the eastern side, the Glf of 1annar
O the *alk :trait separate 'ndia from :ri Janka.
Total land neighbors= A 3*akistan, Afghanistan,
China, 5epal, 6htan, 6angladesh and 1yanmar4.
'ndia9s 'slands inclde the Andaman O 5icobar
'slands in 6ay of 6engal and Jakshadweep, 1inicoy
O Amindive 'slands in the Arabian :ea.

2he Andaman and .io3ar Gro$p
Andamans is a grop of %(& islands of which the
largest is 1iddle Andaman.
The Andamans are believed to be extensions of
montains system in the 5.!. part of the contry.
:addle *eak 3A,A m4 in 5.Andaman is the highest
The 5icobars is a grop of #$ islands of which the
largest is Great 5icobar. 1ost of them are volcanic
in natre.

Great 5icobar is the sothernmost island and is only
#&A km away from :matra island of 'ndonesia.
?olcanic 'slands= 6arren and 5arcondam 'slands.
6arren is in the process of erption these days after
lying dormant for %(( years.

2he Ara3ian Sea Gro$p
All the islands in the Arabian :ea 3Total %+4 are
coral islands and are srronded by Bringing Ceefs
35orth =Jakshadweep, :oth= 1inicoy4.

Important Points
Ten )egree Channel separates Andamans from
5icobars 3Jittle Andaman from Car 5icobar4
)ncan *assage lies between :oth Andaman and
Jittle Andaman.
5ine )egree Channel separates .avaratti from
1inicoy 'sland.
!ight )egree Channel separates 1inicoy 'sland
3'ndia4 from 1aldives.

Ri/ers o% India
'n 'ndia, the rivers can be divided into two main
9# Himalayan Ri/ers
:# Penins$lar Ri/ers

Himalayan Ri/ers o% India
In this three ma8or ri/er systems are there&
2he Ind$s System
't has a total length of %//( km 3A($ km in 'ndia4.
Cises in Tibet 3China4 near 1ansarovar Jake.
'n >amm and .ashmir, its "imalayan tribtaries
are= Manskar, )ras, Gartang, :hyok, :higar, 5bra,
Gilgit, etc
'ts most important tribtaries, which Koin 'nds at
varios places, are= >helm 3A%+ km4, Chenab 3#/((
km4, Cavi 3A%( km4, 6eas 3&A( km4 O :tleK 3#(+(
According to the 'nds 2ater Treaty signed
between 'ndia and *akistan in #$8(, 'ndia can
tili<e only %(N of the total discharge of 'nds,
>helm and Chenab.

2he Ganga System
't is %+%+ km long of which #&+( km is in
Uttarakhand and U*, &&+ km in 6ihar and +%( km in
2est 6engal. | |

The Ganga, the head stream is constitted of two
main rivers ; 6hagirthi and Alaknanda, which
combine at )evprayag to form Ganga.
6efore Alaknanda meets 6hagirthi at )evprayag,
1andakini meets Alaknanda at Cdraprayag.
So$res= 6hagirthi from Gamkh, Alaknanda from
6adrinath, 1andakini from .edarnath 3all from

2he )rahmap$tra system
't has a total length of %$(( km. 't rises in Tibet
3from Chemayngdng glacier4, where it is called
Tsangpo, and enters the 'ndian territory 3in
Arnachal *radesh4 nder the name )ihang.
Important 2ri3$taries& :bansiri, .ameng,
)hansiri, 1anas, Teesta.
'n 6angladesh, 6rahmaptra is known by the name
of >amna while Ganga gets the name *adma.
!ahanadi Ri/er '6?6 "m( & Cises in Caipr distt.
in Chhatisgarh. 1ain tribtaries= lb, :eonath, "asdo,
1and, >onk, Tel, etc.
Goda/ari Ri/er '95D? "m( & Also called ?riddha
Ganga or )akshina Ganga. 't is the longest
peninslar river. Cises in 5asik. 1ain tribtaries=
1anKra, *enganga, 2ardha, 'ndravati, 2ainganga,
:abari, etc.
Arishna Ri/er '97:@ "m( = Cises in 2estern Ghats
near 1ahabaleshwar. 1ain tribtaries= .oyna,
)dhganga, *anchganga, 1alprabha, Ghatprabha,
6hima, Tngabhadra, 1si, etc.
Ca$/ery Ri/er '6E? "m( & 't is the largest
peninslar river 3maximm amont of water4.
'nfact, it is the only peninslar river which flows
almost throghot the year. .nown as the HGanga of
the :oth9.

West Flo,ing Ri/ers in India
.armada Ri/er '9E?@ "m( & "as only l7#(th part
in GKarat. Cises in Amarkantak *latea and flows
into Glf of .hambat. 't forms the famos )han
)har Balls near >abalpr. 1ain tribtaries= "iran,
6rhner, 6anKar, :har, :hakkar, Tawa, etc.
2apti Ri/er '@:5 "m( = Cises from 6etl distt in 1C
Also known as twin or handmaid of 5armada. 1ain
tribtaries= *rna, 6etl, Arnavati, GanKal, etc.
Sa3armati Ri/er '59D "m( & Cises from Aravallis
in CaKasthan.
!ahi Ri/er '?DE "m( = Cises from ?indhyas in 1C
L$ni Ri/er '5?E "m( & Cises from Aravallis. Also
called :alt Civer. 't is finally lost in the marshy
gronds at the head of the Cann of .chchh.

Ri/erside Cities < India
City Civer :tate
Agra Pamna Uttar *radesh
Ahmeda3ad :abarmati GKarat
Ayodhya :aray Uttar *radesh
)adrinath Ganga Uttrakhand
C$tta" 1ahanadi 0rissa
+elhi Pamna )elhi
+i3r$garh 6rahmaptra Assam
Harid,ar Ganga Uttaranchal
Hydera3ad 1si A*
Fa3alp$r 5armada 1*
Aanp$r Ganga Uttar *radesh
Aol"ata "oogly 2est 6engal
Aota Chambal CaKasthan
L$"no, Gomti Uttar *radesh
L$dhiana :tleK *nKab
.asi" Godavari 1aharashtra
Pandharp$r 6hima 1aharashtra
Patna Ganga 6ihar
Godavari Andhra
Sam3alp$r 1ahanadi 0rissa
Srinagar >helm >amm O
S$rat Tapti GKarat
2ir$harapallil .averi 7
Tamil 5ad
=aranasi Ganga Uttar *radesh
=i8aya,ada .rishna Andhra *radesh | |

The largest man@made lake in 'ndia is 'ndira :agar
Jake, which is the reservoir of :ardar :arovar
*roKect, 0nkareshwar *roKect and 1aheshwar
*roKect in GKarat@1*.
Chil"a La"e 30rissa4 is the largest brackish water
lake of 'ndia. 0therwise also, it is the largest lake of
W$lar La"e 3> O .4 is the largest fresh water lake of
'ndia. )l Jake is also there in > O ..
Brom :ambhar and )idwana Jake 3CaKasthan4, salt
is prodced.
0ther important lakes are ?embanad in .erala and
.oller O *licat in A*.

2he three important G$l%s in the Indian
2erritory are&
G$l% o% A$hh ',est o% G$8arat( = Cegion with
highest potential of tidal energy generation
G$l% o% Cam3ay or G$l% o% Aham3at 'G$8arat( &
5armada, Tapti, 1ahi and :abarmati drain into it.
G$l% o% !annar 'so$th east o% 2amil .ad$( &
Asia9s first marine biosphere reserve.

Climate Seasons in India
'n 'ndia, the year can be divided into for seasons,
reslting from the monsoons which occr mainly
de to the differential heating of land and
movement of the sn9s vertical rays.
The vertical rays of the sn advance towards Tropic
of Cancer from mid@1arch, de to which hot and dry
weather arrives. As temperatres rise over most of
northern and Central 'ndia, a vast trogh of low
pressre is created. The highest temperatre
experienced in :oth is in April while in 5orth it is
in 1ay and >ne.
This part of the year is marked by a dry spell and
the north@western parts of the contry experience
hot, dry winds, called loo.

Agri$lt$re in India
Cropping Seasons in India
Ahari% Crops o% India
:own in smmers between 1ay and >ly, and
harvested after the rains, in :eptember and 0ctober.
!g= Cice, >owar, 6aKra, 1ai<e, Cotton, >te,
:garcane, Tobacco, Grondnt, *lses, etc.

Ra3i Crops o% India
:own at the beginning of winter and harvested
before the onset of the smmer season, between
Beb and April. !g= 2heat, barley, oilseeds, gram,
potatoes, etc.

Gayad Crops
They are raised between April and >ne. !.g. = 1elon,
watermelon, ccmber, toris, leafy and other

Cash Crops o% India 'Commerial Crops(
Grown mainly for the market, only a small portion
of the prodct is consmed by the farmers
themselves 3cotton, sgarcane etc.

Important .ational Par" in India
.a<iranga 5ational *ark < Golaghat0.agaon
1anas Tiger :anctary H )arpeta 'Assam(
.eoladeo 5ational *ark < )haratp$r 'Ra8asthan(
:ndarbans Tiger :anctary < :5Paraganas 'West
6andhavgarh 5ational *ark < Shahdol '!adhya
.anha 5ational *ark < !andla '!adhya Pradesh(
)dwa 5ational *ark @ La"himp$r Aheri 'Uttar
Chandraprabha :anctary < =aranasi 'Uttar
Corbett 5ational *ark < .ainital 'Uttara"hand(
CaKaKi 5ational *ark < +ehrad$n> 'Uttara"hand(
)achigam 5ational *ark < Srinagar 'Famm$ C
Canthambore Tiger :anctary < Sa,ai !adhop$r
Ghatprabha 6ird :anctary < )elga$m 'Aarnata"a(
6andipr 5ational *ark H !ysore 'Aarnata"a(
Gir 5ational *ark < F$nagarh 'G$8arat(
5al :arovar 6ird :anctary < Ahmeda3ad
"a<aribagh 5ational *ark < HaIari3agh
5elapatt 6ird :anctary < .ellore 'Andhra
1dmalai :anctary < .ilgiris '2amilnad$(
*eriyar :anctary < Idd$"i 'Aerala(
:imlipal Tiger :anctary < !ay$r3han8 'Odisha(
Gahirmatha Trtle :anctary < Aendrapara
?ikramshila Gangetic )olphin :anctary <
)hagalp$r ')ihar(
:ilent ?alley 5ational *ark < Pala""ad> 'Aerala(
Cani >hansi 1arine 5ational *ark < Andaman C
.io3ar Island
Campbell 5ational *ark < Andaman C .io3ar
Islands | |

Galathea 5ational *ark < Andaman C .io3ar
1ahatma Gandhi 1arine 5ational *ark < Andaman
C .io3ar

Largest Prod$ers o% rops in India
The largest prodcer of wheat in 'ndia <Uttar
The largest prodcer of sgarcane in 'ndia <Uttar
The largest prodcer of grondnt in 'ndia <G$8arat
The largest prodcer of tea in 'ndia < Assam
The largest prodcer of coffee in 'ndia <Aarnata"a
The largest prodcer of Kte in 'ndia <West )engal
The largest prodcer of tobacco in 'ndia @Andhra
The largest prodcer of bananas in 'ndia
The largest prodcer of onion in 'ndia
The largest prodcer of black pepper in 'ndia

Rail,ays in India
'ndian railway system is the largest in Asia and the
forth largest in the world. 't is the biggest
departmental pblic ndertaking in the contry.
The first train ran in 'ndia between 6ombay and
Thane, a stretch of ,& km. on April #8 #/+,.
The 'ndian Cailways celebrated its #+(th
anniversary on April #8, %((,. To commemorate
the occasion, #8 >anary ; :hatabadi inter ; city
express trains were annonced to be indcted.
The second train ran between "owrah and "ooghly
in #/+&.
The head-arters of 'ndian Cailway is in 5ew )elhi.
The first electric train in 'ndia was H)eccan Qeen9.
't was introdced in #$%$ between 6ombay and
'ndian Cailways has the second biggest electrified
system in the world after Cssia.
The fastest train in 'ndia is the :hatabadi !xpress
whose maximm speed is #&( km7hr.
The total rote covered is approx 8,,((( km.
The total nmber of railway stations in 'ndia is
The longest railway platform in 'ndia is at
.haragpr 32.6.4.
1mbai is the destination where maximm nmber
of trains in 'ndia head for.
The longest train rote is of H"imsagar !xpress9
from >amm Tavi to .anyakmari. 't covers a
distance of ,,A%8 km and passes throgh ten states.
The first 1etro Cail was introdced in .olkata
32.6engal4 on 0ctober %&, #$/&. The two stations
connected were )mdm and 6elgachhia.
The 'ndian Cailways operate in three different
gages =
#. 6road Gage Cailway 3)istance between rails is
#.8A m4.
%. 1etre Gage Cailways 3)istance between rails is
#.(( m4.
,. 5arrow Gage Cailways 'ndia 3)istance between
rails is (.A8% or (.8#( m4.

Rail,ay !an$%at$ring Units &
ChittaranKan Jocomotive 2orks = Jocated in
ChittaranKan 32.64 and manfactres electric
)iesel Jocomotive 2orks = Jocated in ?aranasi
3U.*4 and manfactres diesel engines.
'ntegral Coach Bactory in 'ndia = Jocated in
*erambr 3T54 and manfactres rail coaches.
2heel and Axle *lant = Jocatedat Palahaka
36angalore, .arnataka4 and manfactres wheels
and axles.
)iesel Component 2orks = Jocatedat *atiala
3*nKab4 and manfactres components of diesel
Cail Coach Bactory in 'ndia = Jocated at .aprthala
3*nKab4 and manfactres rail coaches.

Road 2ransport in India
'ndia9s road network is one of the largest in the
world. The total length of roads is more than ,,
lakh km. or the prpose of maintenance and
constrction, roads are classified into 5ational
"ighways, :tate "ighways, )istrict "ighways,
?illage Coads, 6order Coads, etc.
5ational highways are maintained by the Central
Government, :tate highways by the respective state
government while )istrict highways by the
respective )istrict 6oard. 6order roads and
'nternational highways are also die responsibility of
Central Government.
The present length of the 5ational "ighways in
'ndia is approx. &+,((( km. They constitte only %N
of the total road length and carries nearly &(N of
the road traffic.

Some o% the Important .ational High,ays are&
.H 9& 5ew )elhi ; Ambala ; >alandhar ; Amritsar.
.H :& )elhi ; 1athra ; Agara ; .anpr ;
Allahabad ; ?aranasi ; .olkata.
.H 7& Agra ; Gwalior ; 5asik ; 1mbai
.H 5& Thane and Chennai via *ne and 6elgan.
.H ?& .olkata ; Chennai
.H D= .olkata ; )hle | |

.H @& ?aranasi ; .anyakmari
.H 6& )elhi ; 1mbai 3via >aipr, 6aroda and
.H J& 1mbai ; ?iKaywada
.H 9E& )elhi ; Ba<ilka
.H 99& Agra ; 6ikaner
.H 9:& >abalpr ; >aipr
.H :5& )elhi ; Jcknow
.H :@& Allahabad ; ?aranasi
.H :6= 6arani ; Jcknow
.H :J& Gorakhpr ; ?aranasi
.H ?D& Jcknow ; ?aranasi
.H H @ is the longest highway of 'ndia

Airports in India &
2here are 9: International Airports in India &
)eg$mpet Airport, "yderabad
Cali$t International Airport, Calict
Chatrapati Shi/a8i International Airport, 1mbai
Chennai International Airport, Chennai
HAL Airport, 6angalore
Goa Airport in =aso da Gama ity, Goa
Lo"priya Gopinath )ordolio International
Airport, Gwahati
Indira Gandhi International Airport, )elhi
.eta8i S$3hash Chandra )ose International
Airport, .olkata
R8a Sansi International Airport, Amritsar
Sardar =alla3h3hai Patel International Airport,
2hir$/ananathap$ram International Airport,
.ote&The 'ndira Gandhi 'nternational Airport and the
Chatrapati :hivaKi 'nternational Airport handle more
than half of the air traffic in :oth Asia. 6esides these
airports several other domestic airports are located in

Salient Feat$res &
Aol"ata Port 'inl$ding Haldia( = .olkata is a
riverine port, located abot #%/ km from the 6ay of
6engal on the banks of river "ooghly. "aldia was
developed becase excessive silting prevented the
entry of large marine vessels in .olkata.
Paradip Port & Jocated on the 0rissa coast along
the 6ay of 6engal. 'ndia exports raw iron to >apan
from here.
=isha"hapatnam Port & The deepest port, located
in Andhra *radesh. 't serves the 6hilai and Corkela
steel plants.
Chennai Port = 0ldest artificial harbor. This port
ranks only second after 1mbai in terms of the
traffic handling capacity.
Ennore Port & )eclared a maKor port in %((#. 't is
the first port with corporate participation. *rovided
with all the modern facilities for handling the
thermal coal re-ired for Tamil 5ad !lectricity
6oard *ower :tation.
2$tiorin Port & 't came into existence dring the
reign of *andya kings. 't has an artificial deep sea
Cohin Port & A fine natral harbor located on
.erala coast. "andles the export of tea, cofee and
spices and import of petrolem and fertilisers.
.e, !angalore Port & The HGateway of .arnataka9.
"andles the export of iron@ore of .dremkh.
!arm$gao Port = 't has a naval base. 'ndia9s leading
iron@ore port.
!$m3ai Port & A natral port, 'ndia9s bsiest. A
new port, 5hava :heva, is being developed near
1mbai port.
Fa,aharlal .ehr$ Port & 0ccpies the +th position
in the world9s faster growing ports.
Aandla Port & Called the Hoffspring of partition9 as it
was developed after the partition as a sbstitte of
.arachi port. 't is a tidal port and a free trade <one
located in the Cann of .achchh.

The first person to se the word geography was ;
Erastosthenes ':@D H 9J5 )C(
The Birst presented the 'ndia on the world map ;
#( latitde give the seperatio of ; 999 "ms
#( Jongitde is e-al to ; 5K 'min$tes(
The Closest capital to tropic cancer ; Ranhi
, capitals are above to Tropic of Cancer ; Faip$r>
AiI,ol> Agarthala
The atmosphere layer which reflects radio ; waves
is known as @ Lonosphere
2hich :tate is known as the name of 6lack 2aterR
@Andaman and .io3ar
2hich latitde divides 'ndia into two partsR ; :7 L
The largest delta in the world is ; 2he delta o%
The type of climate in 'ndia is ; !onsoon
1ost of the iron in 'ndia is fond in ; +har,ar
0<one layer is fond in ; Stratosphere
SCing of fireT refers to ; Circm ; Pai%i Seismi
2illy ; 2illy is the tropical cyclone occrring in ;
Coast o% .orth H ,est A$stralia
0n which river, the 6aglihar "ydro@ powr proKect is
locatedR ; Chena3 | |

The term Cgr refers to ; )la" otton Soil
2hich two peninslar rivers flow throgh troghsR
; .armad and 2api
"ow mch area does 'ndia cover of the total
geographical area of the worldR ; :#5: M
The length of the 'ndian coastline is @?9D#D "m


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