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Name_______________________________________ Class______________________________

Entry Test
A Listen to a telephone conversation. Choose the best answer - a, b or c - to the questions
below. You will hear the conversation twice.
Track 1
0 What time of day is it?
a) morning b) afternoon c) evening
1 Who is the caller?
a) Anna Klein b) John Morgan c) Eva Schilling
2 What is the callers company?
a) DHM b) LDL ons!lting c) Morgan ons!lting
3 What time "as the appointment for?
a) #"o ocloc$ b) #hree ocloc$ c) %ive ocloc$
4 What has it &een changed to?
a) %ive thirty today b) Eight ocloc$ tomorro" c) 'ine ocloc$ tomorro"
Ho" can the caller &e reached?
a) (n their mo&ile b) At their hotel c) At their office
! What is the final part of the callers message?
a) #heyre "orried) b) #heyll h!rry) c) #heyre sorry)
A Co"plete the conversation with the best responses #a$%).
a) #han$s for the invitation) *ll "or$ on the presentation !ntil eight and then +oin yo! for dinner)
b) *m going to finish the ,o"er,oint for tomorro"s presentation)
c) *ts $ind of yo! to as$ &!t * dont thin$ so) * love my +o&-
&) Well. yes) /!t * thin$ * can ma$e it &etter)
e) What time are yo! going?
%) 0reat. than$s)
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2010 Pearsn Ln!man ELT
A St!art. ho"s it going?
' (((((((f22222222
A What are yo! planning this evening?
' 222222222222222
A * tho!ght yo!d already finished it)
' 222222222222222
A #hat may &e tr!e) /!t it "o!ld &e good for yo! to rela6 a little. too) Arent yo! "or$ing too hard?
' 222222222222222
A Well. Joe and * are going to dinner tonight "ith some people from #elesponi6) Wo!ld yo! +oin !s?
' 222222222222222
A Were meeting in the hotel lo&&y at eight ocloc$)
' 222222222222222
' )ut the sentences into a lo*ical or&er to "a+e a voice"ail "essa*e. ,he %irst one has been
&one %or -ou.
a) Hi. Joe. this is Sam)
b) *d li$e to add t"o things to the order)
c) We also need one case of A8 note pads. yo!r part n!m&er 579337:)
&) *m ringing a&o!t my order. n!m&er ;147)
e) We need ;33 conference &adges. yo!r part n!m&er 4793375)
%) Spea$ to yo! soon-
*) 0ive me a call if theres a pro&lem or yo! dont have those things)
h) *f * dont hear from yo!. *ll ass!me everythings (K)
0 _______a________ 1 222222222222222
12 222222222222222 1! 222222222222222
13 222222222222222 1. 222222222222222
14 222222222222222 1/ 222222222222222
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2010 Pearsn Ln!man ELT
A Correct one wron* wor& in each sentence.
10 We intervie"ed more than ;.<33 c!stoms at o!r London shop)
20 an yo! help organisation the conference ne6t "ee$?
21 We give every ne" employee si6 months of on9the9+o& train)
22 We prod!ct most of o!r components in the Asia ,acific region)
23 Weve invited the team from E/S to meeting "ith !s in Madrid ne6t "ee$)
' Co"plete the sentences with the wor&s #a$h).
a) line manager
b) trainer
c) trainee
&) c!stomer
e) colleag!e
%) E(
*) employee
h) man!fact!rer
0 A 2222&222222222 came to o!r company to teach !s ne" s$ills)
24 #he person "ho directly s!pervises me is my222222222222222)
2 * learned my +o& "hen * "as a 222222222222222 d!ring my first year)
2! * o"n a small &!siness "ith only one 222222222222222. "ho helps "ith office "or$)
2. #he 222222222222222 is the highest9ran$ing person in my company)
2/ My company is a 222222222222222 of electrical goods)
20 * share my office "ith one 222222222222222 and "e "or$ together on a lot of pro+ects)
30 My companys &iggest 222222222222222 is the car9ma$er /MW)
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2010 Pearsn Ln!man ELT
A 1ea& te2ts a) to e) %ro" the Financial Times an& "atch the" to the t-pes o% business #31$
31 ons!mer goods and retailing 222222222222222
32 #ravel and leis!re 222222222222222
33 Agric!lt!re and constr!ction 222222222222222
34 #elecomm!nications 222222222222222
3 Drin$ and food 222222222222222
(riental Land ompany manages and develops theme par$s) #he company also has retail &!sinesses
and manages entertainment and leis!re facilities) #he company primarily operates in Japan) *t is
head=!artered in hi&a. Japan. and employs ;.17: people) 3,
Heine$en &re"s and sells more than 143 &eers. incl!ding Heineken, Amstel, Cruzcampo, Tiger,
Zywiec, Birra Moretti, Ochota, Murphys and tar) *t operates in E!rope. the Americas. Africa. the
Middle East and Asia ,acific) *t is head=!artered in Amsterdam. the 'etherlands and employs a&o!t
<8.333 people) 3,
>evlon prod!ces. mar$ets and sells cosmetics. s$in9care prod!cts. fragrance and personal9care
prod!cts) #he companys prod!cts are sold in over 133 co!ntries across si6 continents) *t is
head=!artered in 'e" ?or$ ity. 'e" ?or$. and employs a&o!t <.@33 people) 3,
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2010 Pearsn Ln!man ELT
*(* orporation /erhad is a diversified gro!p that gro"s oil palm. prod!ces r!&&er and is engaged in
property development and investment. landscaping services and general contracting) #he gro!p has
man!fact!ring facilities in the 'etherlands. the AS. Malaysia and Egypt and sales offices in eight
other co!ntries incl!ding hina) #he gro!p primarily operates in Malaysia) *t is head=!artered in
,!tra+aya. Malaysia. and employs aro!nd ;4.::3 people) 3,
JDS Aniphase orporation man!fact!res and mar$ets optical prod!cts for comm!nications.
commercial and cons!mer applications) #he company offers test and meas!rement systems and
services for telecomm!nications service providers. ca&le operators and net"or$ e=!ipment
man!fact!rers) #he company primarily operates in the AS. E!rope and Asia ,acific) *t is
head=!artered in Milpitas. alifornia. and employs a&o!t 4.333 people "orld"ide) 3,
' 4ow &eci&e i% these state"ents are true or %alse.
3! (riental Land ompany has more employees than >evlon)
3. Heine$en prod!ces more than ;33 &eers)
3/ >evlon prod!cts are sold "orld"ide)
30 *(* orporation /erhads main operations are in Malaysia)
40 JDS Aniphase orporation is &ased in Me6ico)
A Co"plete the e-"ail with the appropriate phrases a$e.
a) give yo! a call
b) la!nch o!r ne" line
c) li$e to meet
&) ma$e a plan
e) missed yo!r call
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2010 Pearsn Ln!man ELT
,o5 Alicia *nnes
6ub7ect5 ?o!r call
Hi Alicia.
Sorry * 222222222222222
yesterday) *ve &een o!t of the office all "ee$ on a prod!ct training
co!rse) We 222222222222222
ne6t month in Ant"erp. so everyones really &!sy)
?o!r message said yo!d 222222222222222
for dinner ne6t "ee$end) #hat so!nds li$e a great idea)
*ll 222222222222222
this evening and "e can 222222222222222
a&o!t "here to meet)
/est "ishes.
' )ut the wor&s in the correct or&er to "a+e sentences.
4! ;334 *ve since &een here "or$ing
4. training a ne" "ere programme developing
4/ *m to the office St!ttgart going visit
40 "ere red!ndant made people three
0 @B:3 the ta$e al"ays * train
A You want to "eet a collea*ue %ro" one o% -our co"pan-8s other branches. 9rite an e-"ail
o% 40$0 wor&s. :nclu&e the %ollowin* points.
?o! "ant to meet to disc!ss the Spain pro+ect
*nvite yo!r colleag!e to come to yo!r office
S!ggest a date and time
' 1ea& the a&vert below an& write a letter o% application. 9rite 120$140 wor&s. 1e"e"ber to
cover all the points in the a&vert.
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2010 Pearsn Ln!man ELT
;obsnews, ;anuar-
9ante&5 <ar+et researcher
#his co!ld &e the &est +o& in the "orld- A travel holiday company needs researchers) We "ill pay yo!
to visit resorts and hotels and to "rite reports a&o!t their prod!cts and services) *f yo! thin$ this is the
+o& for yo!. "rite to !s at the address &elo". telling !s a&o!tB
yo!r ed!cation
yo!r "or$ e6perience
lang!ages yo! have st!died or can spea$
reasons "hy yo! "o!ld li$e to have this +o&)
You will have a ten-"inute spea+in* test. You have %ive "inutes to prepare. the e2a"iner will
as+ -ou a %ew questions about -oursel%. Answer the questions as %ull- as possible. re"e"ber to
cover the %ollowin*.
0reet the e6aminer and introd!ce yo!rself)
/e prepared to ans"er =!estions a&o!t yo!rself. yo!r "or$ or st!dy. yo!r free9time activities.
#ell the e6aminer "hat yo!r ideal +o& is and "hy) Spea$ a&o!t factors s!ch as the salary.
location. responsi&ilities. etc)
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2010 Pearsn Ln!man ELT

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