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Unit 4. Fizz is fantastic!

I. Use the words from the box to fll in the blanks.

fantastic identical automatic diference well-known piles powders -
1. Although Tim and Peter are twins, they are not __________.
. !y mother usually "uys famous washing __________ like #!# or Tides to wash our
$. This washing machine is totally __________% it will turn of after &nishing.
'. #ur summer holiday was __________( )e *isited a lot of "eautiful places and met a lot
of interesting people.
+. This actor is __________ for his roles in *ery famous &lms.
,. Tom is a *ery la-y and untidy "oy. .is room is full of __________ of clothes, "ooks and
/. There isn0t any __________ "etween Tom and Peter. They are twins.
1. 2t is *ery __________ to touch something like silk or fur.
II. Put each sentence into the correct picture which it describes.
a. ". c.
d. e. f.
1. !rs. 3amp"ell is taking the clothes out the washing machine.
. 2an Peters is introducing the new 4i--.
$. The washing machines are washing the clothes.
'. !rs. 3amp"ell and two piles of clothes
+. !rs. 3amp"ell chooses the new 54i--6.
,. !rs. 3amp"ell is making a cup of tea.
III. Write comparatie sentences for the pictures below.
1. *s.
. vs.
3. vs.
'. *s.
+. vs.
,. vs.

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