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Ferris State University

MRIS 209
Team 5
October 30, 2009 11:05 a.m.
Victor F. Spathelf Center Room 425


Members Present: James Luke Brown, Melanie Kalisch, Becky Slot

Members Absent: Alexis Oberg

Presiding Leader: Melanie Kalisch

Presiding Timekeeper: James Luke Brown

Call to Order: 11:05 a.m.

Review of Minutes: First Meeting, No Minutes To Approve

Announcements: A. Team members’ phone numbers and emails:

James Luke Brown


Melanie Kalisch

Becky Slot

B. A good meeting time for the future would be

Wednesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the 24
hour room of the Library.

Old Business: A. First Meeting, No Old Business

New Business: A. Wednesday, November 4th meet at 9:30 a.m. at
Pennock Hall
in the main entrance before our group meeting with
the College of Optometry at 10:05 a.m.

B. Contact Alexis Oberg of meeting time on Wednesday,

November 4th.

C. Questions to clarify after the meeting with the

College of Optometry:

1. Is the target audience just students or can we

included all customers even non-students?

2. How large of a sample can we get? Can we

contact past customers?

3. How are we going to collect our data?

· hand-out survey
· email survey
· telephone survey
· mail survey
· leave in office
· combination

4. What is our timeline?

5. What methodology will we use?

·10 Step
· Combination

D. The decision was made to keep the survey simple.

E. The survey will consist mostly of close ended

questions with one open ended question.

Adjournment time: 11:35 a.m.

Rebecca Slot, Recorder

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