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Chelsea Schlak
MlcrosofL owerolnL Mac 2011

!lng ul 1uLorlal 1emplaLe

#$%$&'($) *+,$- Chelsea Schlak
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H+I&$ '2 J'<3$<31
luncLlon 1 - Pow Lo SelecL a 2-3
luncLlon 2 - Pow Lo Make Changes Lo a
luncLlon 3 - Pow Lo lnserL a new Sllde and SelecL a
luncLlon 4 - Pow Lo Add 8-9
luncLlon 3 - Pow Lo Add

Chelsea Schlak
MlcrosofL owerolnL Mac 2011

luncLlon 1 - Pow Lo SelecL a 1heme
1. When openlng MlcrosofL 1, you wlll be defaulLed Lo openlng a whlLe, or
blank, formaLLed screen.

2. ln order Lo change Lhe Lheme of Lhe sllde, selecL Lhe !"#$#% Lab aL Lhe Lop
of Lhe program. uslng Lhe small arrows, sllde Lhrough Lhe opLlons for
Lhemes. Cnce you declde upon a Lheme, selecL Lhe Lheme by cllcklng on lL.
As you cllck on Lhe Lheme, lL wlll change on your sllde.

8elow, you wlll see LhaL Lhe Lheme has been changed.
Chelsea Schlak
MlcrosofL owerolnL Mac 2011

luncLlon 2 - Pow Lo Make Changes Lo a 1heme
1. Cnce you have selecLed a Lheme, you may alLer Lhe color(s) and fonL of Lhe
Lheme by selecLlng Lhe &'(')% and *'+,% buLLons, under !"#$# -.,/'+%. ?ou
wlll have mulLlple colors Lo selecL from, as well as Lhe opLlon Lo creaLe your
own Lheme colors. ?ou wlll, also, have a varleLy of fonL cholces avallable.
Chelsea Schlak
MlcrosofL owerolnL Mac 2011

Chelsea Schlak
MlcrosofL owerolnL Mac 2011

8elow, you can see LhaL l have changed Lhe colors and fonLs.

luncLlon 3 - Pow Lo lnserL a new Sllde and SelecL a LayouL
1. 1o lnserL a new sllde, cllck back onLo Lhe home Lab, aL Lhe Lop of Lhe screen,
and you wlll see Lwo opLlons, *$@ B&/7$ and :+O'E3. 8y slmply cllcklng on
Lhe green plus symbol on *$@ B&/7$, you wlll see LhaL a new sllde wlll have
been lnserLed. 1he new sllde ls defaulLed ln lLs layouL.
Chelsea Schlak
MlcrosofL owerolnL Mac 2011

2. 1o change Lhe layouL of Lhe new sllde, ensure LhaL Lhe new sllde has been
selecLed (by cllcklng on lL on Lhe lefL hand slde) and you wlll see an orange
ouLllne around Lhe new sllde. now, cllck on Lhe opLlon :+O'E3. ?ou wlll see
a varleLy of layouL opLlons. 1o selecL a new layouL, slmply cllck on your
cholce and you wlll see LhaL ls has now changed on your new sllde.
Chelsea Schlak
MlcrosofL owerolnL Mac 2011

Chelsea Schlak
MlcrosofL owerolnL Mac 2011

8elow, you wlll see LhaL Lhe layouL of Lhe new sllde has changed.

luncLlon 4 - Pow Lo Add 1ranslLlons
1. 1o add LranslLlons Lo a sllde, you musL flrsL selecL Lhe !)0+%/,/'+% Lab along
Lhe Lop of Lhe screen.

2. Make sure Lhe sllde ln whlch you would llke Lhe LranslLlon applled Lo ls
selecLed and ouLllned ln orange along Lhe lefL hand slde of your screen.
1hen, use Lhe small arrows Lo sllde Lhough Lhe opLlons for LranslLlons. Cnce
you flnd a LranslLlon you would llke, selecL Lhe LranslLlon by cllcklng on lL.
?ou wlll see Lhe LranslLlon applled Lo Lhe sllde you have selecLed.
Chelsea Schlak
MlcrosofL owerolnL Mac 2011

3. vlew Lhe LranslLlon, agaln, by selecLlng 1(02.

luncLlon 3 - Pow Lo Add AnlmaLlon
1. 1o add anlmaLlon, selecL Lhe 3+/$0,/'+% Lab aL Lhe Lop of Lhe screen.

2. 1here are Lhree Lypes of anlmaLlons LhaL can be added - LnLrance LffecLs,
Lmphasls LffecLs, and LxlL LffecLs. LnLrance and LxlL LffecLs are slmply how
Lhe elemenL (LexL box, plcLure, Lable, eLc.) enLers and exlLs Lhe sllde as lL ls
belng presenLed. 1he Lmphasls LffecLs are used for noLlng LhaL an elemenL
has been shared and ldenLlfled already LhroughouL Lhe presenLaLlon. As
you add one Lype of anlmaLlon, or all Lhree, Lhey wlll be denoLed uslng
numbers beglnnlng wlLh 1. 1hls ls Lhe order ln whlch Lhe anlmaLlons wlll
Chelsea Schlak
MlcrosofL owerolnL Mac 2011

play. lor Lhe example below l have added all Lhree Lypes of anlmaLlon,
LnLrance, Lmphasls, and LxlL LffecLs for Lhe LlLle LexL box. ?ou wlll see
Lhem all ldenLlfled wlLh Lhe numbers 1, 2, and 3.

3. When selecLlng effecLs, you may use Lhe small arrows Lo sllde Lhrough Lhe
opLlons for each Lype of anlmaLlon. AddlLlonally, make sure Lhe elemenL ln
whlch you are applylng Lhe anlmaLlon Lo ls selecLed, by cllcklng on lL wlLhln
Lhe sllde.
Chelsea Schlak
MlcrosofL owerolnL Mac 2011

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