Speechink Qualification Test

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Q: This is Sue Smith from Farmers conducting a recorded interview at 2:55pm on M

onday June 28th, 2010 with Linda Jones regarding an accident which occurred on o
r about June 27th, 2010. The claim number is 155897652.
Q: Linda, do you understand that this conversation is being recorded?
A: Yes
Q: Is it uh- being recorded with your permission?
A: Yes
Q: Please state your- your full name and spell your last name.
A: My name is Linda Lue Jones. J O N E S.
Q: Could you please give me your social security number?
A: I don't give that information out.
Q: Ok. Well how about your date of birth then?
A: December 12 of 83
Q: 12 12 83. Ok.
Q: Your home address please?
A: 1515 South first street, St.??Real Texas ?? code is 7AA4O
Q: Ok. Alright, What vehicle were you driving at the time of the accident?
A: I was driving my 2009 Infinity fx50.
Q: ok. Are you the owner of that vehicle?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you recall what time the accident happened?
A: Around 5.
Q: Was that am or pm?
Q: Can you tell me how the accident occurred?
A: Uh. I was driving in speed limit on this ?? road and the guy in front of me s
lammed on his brakes and I ran into them.
Q: What is the speed limit on that stretch of road?
A: Uh. I think- well I think it is 35mph
Q: And how fast were you going?
A: 35
Q: Did you have any? ... About how far behind the other car were you, before it
A: Uh, I would say about 10 carlings.
Q: Do you know what kind of car the other party was driving ?
A: Uh huh. It was a small black car.
Q: Excuse me.
Q: Where was the damage on your car?
A: The front bumper has a big dent.
Q: Was the whole bumper dented or was it the driver side or the passenger side o
f the bumper?
A: The whole bumper.
Q: Ok. What was the damage to the other car?
A: Nothing.
Q: Were you or the other party injured in the accident?
A: Uh huh. Yes, I have seatbelt bruises.
Q: And the other party, was he injured?
A: Uh huh.
Q: Ok. This will conclude our recorded interview.

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