Interesting Facts About London

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Interesting facts about London

1. Only six people died in the Great Fire of London .

2. The original medieval London Bridge was in continuous use over 600 years .Heads were displayed
on spikes for 355 of those years .
3. In 1995 a flock of starlings landed on the minute hand of Big Ben and put the time back by five
minutes .
4. Why Canary Warf? Because the land on which it is built was once used for handing cargoes of
fruit from the Canary Islands .
5. An earthquake struck London on 8 March 1750. Eyewitnesses claim it made houses sink into the
ground , and threw fish out of the Thames high into the air .
6. Hitler had a plan to dismantle Nelsons Column and display it in Berlin
7. There is an extensive Military citadel beneath the streets of Whitehall . One entrance is via a
shaft in the telephone exchange in Craigs Court , near Trafalgar Square .

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