14 Genzink Standard 3 2 Managing Digital Tools and Resources

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2 Managing Digital Tools and Resources

Candidates effectively manage digital tools and resources within the context of student learning


The Internet Lesson Screencast explains the Internet Lesson Plan, required me to manage digital tools and
resources to maximize a student learning experience. In this technology-enhanced learning experience,
students collaborated via Google Docs to write narratives inspired by the images and titles found in The
Mystery of Harris Burdick. Documents, images, how-to screencasts, and daily directions were made
accessible through Edmodo. I provided continuous and individualized feedback using the commenting
sticky note feature on Google Docs, and I also encouraged students to provide peer feedback using the
sticky notes as well. The students final projects were linked to our class blog to provide an authentic
audience for their work. I created this project independently; however, I asked for and utilized peer
feedback during the planning stage.

Standard 3.2, Managing Digital Tools and Resources, establishes the requirement for candidates to
effectively manage digital tools and resources within the context of student learning experiences. These
artifacts demonstrate my ability to manage digital tools and resources through the lesson plans
Management section. This section explicitly states my methods for effectively managing the digital tools
and resources during the learning experience. This section included how I will create collaborative
student teams, ensure technology is readily available to create equitable access, develop and organize the
collaborative Google Documents and make them accessible through Edmodo, and how I will handle
potential technical issues. This artifact also details how I facilitated the use of and managed the use of
Google Docs to allow the students to type simultaneously as they wrote, revised, and edited together.
Through the use of the Google Docs commenting feature, I was able to further manage and support
student use of Google Docs, by offering technical assistance and suggestions directly on their working

Completing this Internet Lesson Plan was an exciting and meaningful learning experience. I strengthened
my ability to manage digital tools and resources while integrating a variety of meaningful technologies.
The students were extremely engaged during this project, and produced some of the highest quality work
of the year. The collaborative and technology infused nature of this project assisted me in meeting the
needs of all my students. I will continue to use Google Docs and Edmodo to support collaborative
student projects in the future.

To further improve collaborative projects, I will allow more time for students to work together. The
collaboration was so meaningful, that it deserves more time devoted to it. Students were always very
disappointed to be pulled away from their work at the end of the collaborative session, so in the future, I
will carve out longer periods of time for them to stay engaged with the task.

The work that went into creating this artifact impacted student learning through student collaboration,
teacher feedback, and the engagement created through the use of instructional technology. These
characteristics made the learning meaningful, and the collaboration allowed student to share ideas and
teach one another new skills while they worked. This impact was assessed through the use of writing and
technology rubrics, and the level of writing was obviously superior to writing completed previous to this

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