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24 Vac Modutrol IV Motor with 150 lb-in torque rating

!eer"ing# $ro$ortional %otor" u"ed to drie burner &iring
rate ale"# da%$er" or au'iliar( equi$%ent) !e$lace
M941*#+#, %otor")


- ,e"igned &or &la%e "a&eguard a$$lication" in co%%ercial.indu"trial oil or ga" burner
- Vibration re"i"tant electronic drie circuit)
- !egulated b( three-wire $ro$ortional controller)
- /tro0e i" &ield-ad1u"table to 90 or 120 degree")

3roduct /$eci&ication"

3ro$ortional control %otor &or 145 oh% &iring rate
5orque !ating 6lb-in)7 150 lb-in)
5orque !ating 68%7 17)0 8%
In$ut /ignal 145 oh%
5orque !ating# 9rea0awa(
400 lb-in)
5orque !ating# 9rea0awa(
44)0 8%
5i%ing 690 degree "tro0e7 40 "econd"
5i%ing 6120 degree "tro0e7 20 "econd"
*u'iliar( /witch 2
*u'iliar( /witch /etting 7 degree" and 80 degree"
+ran0"ha&t double-ended# 4.8 in) 69)5 %%7 "quare
,eadweight :oad on /ha&t
6;ither ;nd7 6lb7
200 lb 6400 lb co%bined $ower and au'iliar( "ha&t"7
,eadweight :oad on /ha&t
6;ither ;nd7 60g7
90)8 0g 6142 0g co%bined $ower and au'iliar( "ha&t"7
Voltage 24 Vac
Frequenc( 20 <=
Frequenc( 50 <=
5e%$erature !ange#
*%bient 6F7
-40 F to >150 F
5e%$erature !ange#
*%bient 6+7
-40 + to >22 +
/witch !ating"# 120 Vac 7)2 *F:# 44)2 *:!# 40 V* $ilot dut( o$$o"ite contact
/witch !ating"# 240 Vac 4)2 *F:# 21)2 *:!# 40 V* $ilot dut( o$$o"ite contact
3ower +on"u%$tion 15?
,i%en"ion" 6in)7 2)45 in high ' 5)5 in wide ' 7)4 in dee$
,i%en"ion" 6%%7 124 %% high ' 140 %% wide ' 185 %% dee$
*$$roal"# @nderwriter"
:aboratorie" Inc
:i"tedA File 8o) ;4442# Buide 8o) C*3C
*$$roal"# +anadian
/tandard" *""ociation
+erti&iedA File 8o) :!1220# Buide 8o) 400-;

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