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A Al la ab ba am ma a T Te ec ch hn no ol lo og gy y i in n M Mo ot ti io on n - - U UA A

W We eb bs si it te es s w wi it th h W We ee eb bl ly y
Dr. Robert E. Mayben:
Alabama Technology in Motion:

1) Activity 1 Introduction to Weebly
a. Overview:
b. Examples: Shown on the screen

2) Activity 2 Setting Up Your Weebly Account
a. Weebly for Education:
b. Complete the info about your school.
c. Select Create a Website.
d. Choose site as the focus.
e. Pick a theme. You can change the color scheme. You can also change the theme later.
f. Choose a website domain. Its free to choose a weebly subdomain.
g. You can choose plan my site or build my site. We will work with building a site.

3) Activity 3 Adding Pages
a. Standard Pages
b. Blog Pages
c. External Link

4) Activity 4 Editing and Building Pages
a. Editing Pages
b. Build Elements
c. Moving & Copying Elements to Other Pages
d. Publishing Pages

5) Activity 5 Other Features
a. My Sites
b. Settings
c. Design
d. Mobile View
e. Blogging & RSS Feeds

6) Activity 6 Resources
a. Weebly for ePortfolios:
b. TechnoQuack Workshop:
c. Making the Most of Your Website:

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