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(Brag Sheet)
A. Introduction
This exercise will give the students an opportunity to develop an Enlisted Fitness or
Evaluation Report input (brag sheet).
B. Re!erence"
1. BUER!"#!T 1$1%.1% (series)& #avy er'or(ance Evaluation and )ounseling !yste(&
1**+& ,nnex !.
#. A""ign$ent
-evelop this brag sheet& o' your per'or(ance& over the past three (onths.
1. ,d(inistrative data
a. Full na(e (indicate i' changed during period)
b. Rate and war'are./uali'ication designator(s) ("ndicate i' 'roc0ed or selectee)
c. !ocial security nu(ber
d. U!# or U!#R
"' U!#R on active duty& indicate status1 i.e.& extended active duty& T,R& ,-!2&
34R& ),#RE)& ,T& or ,-T
e. -ate reported to present co((and
'. Ending date o' last regular report
g. -ate o' rate
5. -uties assigned and nu(ber o' (onths assigned during this report period& listed by
duty title
a. -ivision& ,ir )rew& etc. to which assigned
b. ri(ary duties
c. )ollateral duties
d. 2atch standing duties
e. TE6,--.TE6-U (where& when& and why)
'. !igni'icant periods not available 'or duty& i' any
"' 'irst report at this co((and& include any delay or TE6-U prior to reporting.
-o not include brie' illness or nor(al leave.
7ob in'or(ation
a. rincipal activities and responsibilities
b. "nclude e/uip(ent operated or /uali'ied to operate and 8custo(ers8 served& i'
"ndividual acco(plish(ents& including experience gained and contributions to
tea( achieve(ents 9 )#3":,;s& < ,,T;s& 1 ort ,ssess(ent
c. Responsibilities 'or classi'ied (aterial
9. !upervision and leadership
a. ersonnel directly supervised
!ubdivide by (ilitary& civilians& reservists.
b. ersonnel supervised through subordinates
!ubdivide by (ilitary& civilians& reservists.
c. E/uip(ent and (aterial 'or which responsible
d. !i=e o' budget (anaged
e. >eadership activities and acco(plish(ents.
"nclude tea( and subordinate acco(plish(ents that re'lect your leadership.
'. er'or(ance as instructor (classroo( or on?the?@ob)
g. )ounseling given ('or(al or in'or(al)
h. Retention e''orts and results
+. !pecial achieve(ents
a. Auali'ications achieved during period (or during prior period i' not (ention in
previous report)
b. Educational courses co(pleted and diplo(as or certi'icates awarded
c. ersonal awards and letters o' co((endation or appreciation received
$. 3''?duty activities
a. Educational courses attended
b. )ivic activities
c. :oluntary public relations on behal' o' the #avy
d. ReservistBs civilian e(ploy(ent
#ote pro(otions or special acco(plish(ents during period.
C. Future duties.schools desired
D. 3ther ite(s 'or consideration

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