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Adrenal Cortex

Aldosterone - reabsorption of salt and water in the

renal tubules in conjunction with ADH
Cortisol - inflammation response
Adrenal medulla epinephrine, norepinephrine
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Released from the adenohypophysis
(anterior pituitary) - acts on the adrenal
gland to release cortisol
Calcitonin secreted by the...
Thyroid - decreases blood calcium levels
by keeping calcium within the bone --
opposite of PTH
Causes of a goiter
Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism,
lack of iodine
Describe the negative feedback mechanism
associated with glucose that controls
insulin and glucagon secretion
If blood glucose levels drop, the pancreas is signaled to decrease the
amount of insulin so that the uptake of glucose by the cells will decrease.
decreased insulin production will also signal the pancreas to increase
glucagon secretion and more glucose to be released by the liver --- both of
these will increase the blood glucose levels
Disease may cause
Cushing's disease
Estrogen - secreted by? job?
Secreted by the ovaries, helps with
growth of the lining of the uterus
human chorionic gonadotropin - secreted
when pregnant to maintain uterine lining
Hormone secreted from the GI
tract - effects?
Gastrin - stimulates gastric
Hypoglycemia can cause... in a
staggering gait, disorientation,
Increased T3 would cause.. Increased metabolism
Parathyroid hormone increases... Blood calcium levels
Pineal gland function Biological clock
Posterior pituitary hormones
(neuroadenohypophysis) 2
ADH - reabsorption of water by acting on the renal
tubules - increases blood volume, stroke volume,
cardiac output, blood pressure
Oxytocin - uterus during delivery, excrete milk
TSH level can tell you..
If there is a pituitary dysfunction
causing a thyroid disorder
Two hormones of the pancreas and
their function
Insulin - lowers blood sugar
Glucagon - turns glycogen into glucose
and raises blood sugar
What concerts glycogen to glucose - what
would this produce - hyperglycemic or
hypoglycemic effects?
Glucagon - hyperglycemic
What happens if a patient
becomes hyperglycemic
the pancreas will secrete more
insulin and less glucagon
What is a cause of
Bone demineralization
What is the term for hormones that target
other glands and stimulate the growth of
their secretion
Why do diabetic patients develop
To pee out more glucose -

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