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M Abdul Aziz

Jl. Kapalo Koto No.17 Rt 01 Rw 03, Kapalo Koto, Kecamatan Pauh, Padang, Sumatera Barat
Secangkircokelatpana! " 0#$3$$%%070&
Padang, March 11, 2014
Human Resources Department
Yayasan Cipta Fondasi Komunitas
In North Sumatera
Dear Sir/Madam,

On this good opportunit, I !ou"d "i#e to app" as a Community Development Officer for
Children Rights Division in our $oundation% M name is M. Adul A!i!, 2& ears o"d,
ma"e, sing"e, energetic and hea"th% I am a graduated 'rom $acu"t o' (a! )nda"as
I !ou"d "i#e to ,oin our program to e-pand m e-perience% M persona"it as a hard !or#er
and 'ast "earner tpe o' person !ou"d .ring .ene'it to our compan% I ha+e a good a.i"it in
using computer and in !ritten and spo#en /ng"ish% I ha+e e-perience in communit
De+e"opment Program in 0o""ege% I !i"" .e +er appreciated i' ou cou"d gi+e me an
opportunit to !or# !ith ou in this program%
1ere!ith I enc"ose m curricu"um +itae !hich !i"" gi+e detai"s o' m 2ua"i'ication% I hope m
2ua"i'ications and e-periences merit our consideration and "oo# 'or!ard to our rep"%
Sincere" 3ours,
Muhammad Adul A!i!

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