IsRO Sample Paper 7

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ISRO Sample Paper 7

1 The concept of ---------------------------------- derived from the ZEROTH LA

O! THER"O#$%A"I&S'(
* The concept of ------------------------------------- derived from the SE&O%#
LA O! THER"O#$%A"I&S'(
+ The e,pre--ion for i-entropic inde, ./0 in term- of n1m2er of de3ree- of
4 n 5 ------------------------
16 . * 7 n0
8 The critical Re9nold- no 1pto :hich the vi-co1- ;o: e,i-t- in pipe
= T:o force- of e>1al ma3nit1de P act- at ri3ht an3le- to each other and
havin3 -ame direction-( !ind o1t the e,pre--ion for their re-1ltant
.R 0--------------------
.*0? P
@ The an31lar fre>1enc9 of handclocA------------------
/7+< rad7-
7 The e>1ation for free tor-ional vi2ration----------------------------
.17*/0 .>7I0?
B A thin c9linder i- -12Cected to lon3it1dinal -tre-- -< and internal pre--1re
P D Endo1t the ma,im1m -hear-tre-- developed in it . > ma,0
<(= -<
F Rate of moment of moment1m i- e>1al to the -------------------------
Tor>1e applied 29 the 2od9
1< The e,pre--ion for lo-- of ener39 .he 0 d1e to -1dden enlar3ement of
the pipe--------
he G.v1-v*0H7*3
11 A -prin3 of -tiIne-- J i- divided into n' n1m2er of -prin3-( Each -prin3
havin3 -tiIne-- ---------------------------
1* The non-dimen-ional n1m2er corre-pond- to
.inertia forceKcompre--i2ilit9 force0?------------------------------ E1ler n1m2er
1+ E>1ation for forced vorte, ;o:-----------------------------
v7r G con-tant
18 The ca1-e- of cavitation
"etallic -1rface- are dama3ed
%oi-e L vi2ration-
1= Ho: to increa-e the thermal eMcienc9 in &arnot c9cle
#ecrea-in3 lo: temperat1re
1@ The -lenderne-- ratio in col1mn- can 2e o2tained from the ---------------
Lea-t radi1- of 39ration
17 =<N1 3ear red1ction ratio po--i2le in-----------------
:orm 3ear
1B ire dra:in3 propert9 named a- -------------------------
1F One man i- -tandin3 in the elevator and the elevator i- movin3 in the
1p:ard direction( hat t9pe of readin3 re3ardin3 the :ei3ht of man :ill :e
3et from 3a13e---------------
The :ei3ht of man -ho:n 29 the 3a13e :ill more the act1al :ei3ht of the
*< L"T# for co1nter;o: heat e,chan3er i- compared to parallel to heat
*1 The free dampin3 e>1ation *9OO 6 +9O 6B9 G<( &alc1late dampin3 factor
4#(! 5--------
** The di-char3e- for the t:o parallel pipe- of -ame len3th- are P1 L P*
re-pectivel9 and their diameter- are *<< mm L B<< mm re-pectivel9(
&alc1late the ratio of di-char3e of -maller pipe to lar3er pipe(
*+ A compre--or i- 1-ed to compre-- the air from = 2ar to 1< 2ar (&alc1late
it- critical pre--1re . P/0----------------------
*(@8 2ar
*8 E>1ivalent t:i-tin3 moment------------------------------
Te G .TH 6 "H0?
*= The -hear -tre-- di-tri21tion in pipe ;o: -----------------------------
&entre i- Qero and linearl9 var9in3 from the center to the :all
*@ The irrational component in ,-9 i---------------
dv7d, G d17d9
*7 The ratio Ainetic vi-co-it97thermal diI1-ivit9 i- -------------
%1--elt %1m2er
*B The c9linder i- -12Cected to in-1lation- J L *J at the o1t-ide -1rface to
avoid heat tran-fer( In order to arre-t heat tran-fer eIectivel9 D :hich
in-1lation -ho1ld 2e provided Er-t at the o1ter -1rface/
*J L J re-pectivel9
*F The :all havin3 cond1ctivitie-
J1 J*
!indo1t the e>1ivalent cond1ctivit9 of the material--------------------/
*F The ma,im1m amplit1de in thi- vi2ration e>1ation 9 G @ -in/t --------
+< The thermal 2o1ndar9 la9er in an ideal ;1id ;o: i- --------------
+1 hat doe- tend to -ta3nation point -----------------------
The velocit9 i- < at the -ta3nation point d1e to the increa-e in pre--1re
ener39 from the conver-ion of J(E into P(E(
+* "atch the follo:in3N
i( -12-onic noQQle N E31re
ii( S1per-onic noQQle N E31re
iii( S12-onic diI1-er N E31re
iv( &entrif13al compre--or N E31re
8< &old :orAin3 of metal increa-e- ----------------------
Ten-ile -tren3th
81 The po:er a2-or2ed in 2elt drive depend- on-----------------------
Ten-ion in ti3ht -ideD Ten-ion in -lacA -ideD coeMcient of friction L Radi1- of
8* The temperat1re lo-- related -------------- h9-tere-i- lo--
8+ The conver3ent pipe havin3 entr9 and e,it diameter- are 1<< and =< mm
re-pectivel9D End o1t their velocit9 ratio from entr9 to e,itRRRR((
88 The9 had 3iven one compo-ite circ1lar pipe havin3 8 var9in3 cro--
-ection- ( The9 are *#D 1(=#D 8# L # re-pectivel9( The :ater i- enterin3 at
velocit9 S at -ection 1 and leavin3 at -ection 8( !ind o1t the pre--1re
decrea-in3 orderRRRRR
8= The 21l2 havin3 :ei3ht 1=<% -1pported 29 t:o rope- and attached to
the :all- havin3 an3le- 8=O L @<O( !indo1t the reaction force- in the
rope- /
Thi- i- related to Lami- theorem
8@ A hollo: -phere of radi1- r ( A particle i- movin3 :ith coeMcient of
friction 17.+0? in-ide the -phere from :all ( :hich hei3ht :ill it 2ecome
87 The di-c i- re-tin3 on the ro13h :all 29 a rope tied at the center ( The
rope maAe- an3le :ith the :all aro1nd +<O( The ten-ion in the -trin3 i-
----------than the :ei3ht of the di-c( more
8B A rail:a9 :a3on containin3 partiall9 f1ll of :ater( hich
8F !indo1t the 3raph 2et:een di-char3e .P0 in the ,-a,i- and head .H0 in
the 9-a,i-----------
=< In :eldin3 pitch dimen-ion i- limited to----------------------
=1 The compo-ition of inconel allo9-------------------
=* There i- a heat tran-fer 2et:een t:o :all- havin3 thicAne-- and
cond1ctivitie- A1 L J* re-pectivel9( The linear temperat1re proEle of Er-t
:all i- more -teeper than the -econd :all ( !indo1t the ratio J17J*
a5 T< 25 U< c5G< d5 the 3iven data i- in-1Mcient
=+ The ma, -hear -tre-- developed in -olid circ1lar -haet i- 1<< "Pa (
&alc1late the ma, normal -tre-- developed in it/ //////
=8 Thi- >1e-tion related to :eldin3 -------------
== Vearin3 liner-------------------------
a5 Va22it metal 25 W1n metal
=@ Electrical re-i-tance material --------------%ichrome
=7 Thi- >1e-tion related to radiation
=B A -1n emit- 11=<J at <(=X( A f1rnace emit- +<<A from -mall door
=F In the -imple pend1l1m D the ma,im1m amplit1de depend- on
------------------- increa-e in len3th
@< The f1el ;o: increa-e- if-------------------------
a5 e,ha1-t valve 21rnt 25 Elter choAe c5 -ilencer choAe
@1 The Cet prop1l-ion depend- on-------------
a5 Cet velocit9 25 :ei3ht ratio
@* hat i- the condition for perfect frame-------------------------------------
@+ #epth of c1t can 2e increa-ed 29-----------------------
@8 The :orApiece can 2e held in-----------------
@= Thi- i- related to%1cleate 2oilin3
@@ hat i- the e,pre--ion for Re9nold- n1m2er in term- of diameter of the
pipeRRRR((Re G/S#7X
@7 Air conditionin3 mean----------------
a5 coolin3 L heatin3 25deh1midif9in3 c5 removin3 imp1ritie- from air d5all
@B !i2ro1- fract1re occ1r- in ------------------------
a52rittle fract1re 25 d1ctile fract1re c5-hear fract1re d5none
@F In la-er 2eam machinin3 D the :orApiece -ho1ld 2e--------------
a5a2-or2ed 29 all the ra9- 25 re;ected 29 all the ra9-
7< !oam and coAe are 3ood in-1lator-( h9/-----------------------
a5le-- den-it9 25
71 Wold propert9------------------
a53ood cond1ctor 253ood in-1lator
7* In lathe D the :orApiece can 2e held in --------------------------------------
a5 live center 25-tead9 re-t c5+-:a9 ch1cA d58-:a9 ch1cA
I( ProCect E,planation
II( !l1id "echanic-N
i( #eEne laminar ;o: L T1r21lent ;o:
ii( hat i- the val1e of Re9nold- no in pipe ;o:
iii( hat i- the -i3niEcance of Re9nold- no
iv( Head lo--e- in pipe
v( #eEne 2o1ndar9 la9er in pipe ;o: L thicAne-- of 2o1ndar9 la9er
vi( hat i- the variation of d in laminar L t1r21lent ;o:
III( Stren3th of material-
i( #ra: the E31re for -prin3 damper -9-tem
ii( #iIerential e>1ation for -prin3 damper -9-tem
iii( !ind o1t the de;ection of -prin3 damper -9-tem
iv( #eEne -tiIne-- and 1nit of -tiIne--
IS( "aterial Science
i( !erro1- material-
ii( %on-ferro1- material-
iii( #eEne fati31e
iv( #eEne fati31e re-i-tance/
v( &1rve for fati31e
vi( !ati31e limit

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