Embedded Syatem Question Paper.

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Examination, 2012-13
Embedded System
Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 100
Note: (1) All question carry equal marks.
1. Attempt any two parts of the following.
(a) What is an embedded system? Describe the characteristics of embedded system?
(b) Explain in detail about the challenges in embedded computing system design.
(c) Define CISC and RISC. Mention the major goals of embedded system design?
(d) Why do we use microprocessors to design a digital system? State the importance of
design methodology.

2. Attempt any two parts of the following.
(a) Define trap, Polling, cache memory, critical instant and time quantum.
(b) How to declare NULL pointers in embedded C?
(c) What is an in-circuit emulator? What is cache memory?
(d) Mention the different strategies used for writing in a cache.

3. Attempt any two parts of the following.
(a) What type of processor, operating system and language are used for embedded
(b) What are the advantages of using multiple function calls in cyclic order in the main ()?
Also, write the advantages of building ISR queues.
(c) What are real-time constraints for an embedded system? Specify the 2 categories of
multi-state systems.
(d) Define linker, locator and simulator? What are the debugging tools available?

4. Attempt any two parts of the following.
(a) Why is UML a powerful modelling language?
(b) What is a synchronization object?
(c) List the various software layers in software architecture of a camera system. Define
Hardware Architecture.
(d) What are the 2 different approaches for designing an embedded system?

5. Attempt any two parts of the following.
(e) List the issues in hardware and software design for an embedded system.
(f) Specify the advantages of hardware implementations. Specify the advantages of
software implementations.
(g) What are the ways in which you accelerate the performance?
(h) How does a port instruction data type differ from one platform to another platform?

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