Form 4 Express Physics Notes

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SPM: Express Revision Notes

Hi there,
Lately, i've been receiving so many request on 'express' revision notes . I think some of u have started
to feel the HEAT..followed by the PRESSURE .Well ..that's what SPM is all about :)
Thats y u need to learn PRESSURE in form 4..
In physics ..Pressure = (Force) / (Area)
.. the bigger the force, the larger the pressure
..the smaller the area, the larger the pressure

applying this concept, i can derive a new formula called 'SPM PRESSURE'..

In SPM, ..PRESSURE = (No. of SUBJECT) / ( time)

(No. of subject) can be considered as no. of weight u have to carry, thus if u take more subject, the
pressure is getting HIGHER..

As for time, if u have less time or when the time is getting closer towards SPM, the PRESSURE will
be mounting HIGHER as well..

To summarize this new formula, if u r studying last minute.. your time is getting lesser. Then i can
So don't wait until last minute..coz u 've at least 9 subjects to carry, berat tu :)

By the way,here i include those 'Express' notes in powerpoint version. The notes is useful if u wanna
have a quick revision. Hopefully it can reduce your pressure :)

My last advice is..please plan your time. Dont procrastinate, coz it is a thieves of time.
I think thats it 4 now..see u in next post, bye & gudluck..

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