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Mnica Cea
What is?
The term is similar to convulsion.
Brief episody of abnormal activity in the brain.
Is unpredictible.
Uncontrollable muscle movement, frothing at the mouth and
violent shaking, along with blackout and confusion.
Can happen in people with epilepsy (a disorder of the
central nervous system characterized by a loss of
consciousness and convulsions) without epilepsy and
(fever, injury, disease -low blood sugar, brain tumours,
infection- and the use of certain medications)

What to do?
Seizure Precautions

There is no specific way to prevent all seizures.
After Before
Regular sleep



Photic stimulation (Video

Substances of abuse

Use helmets to prevent
head injury. This will lessen
the likelihood of a brain
injury that leads to seizures.

Avoid illegal street drugs.


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