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Kids 0 - 6 Years
A Primer on the New K-12 Philippine Education Curriculum
By Patricia Tanya Franco-Velasco | 06 March 2012

Have a better understanding of our new education system which will be introduced this schoolyear.

Who will be affected by this program?
Prof. Calingasan explains that incoming Grade 1 and Grade 7 students by school year 2012-2013 are the
ones who will be directly affected by the K-12 program.

According to a DepEd briefer on K-12, the Department will begin implementing the curriculum in
school year 2012-2013. As mentioned in the article, the enhanced 12-year curriculum will be
implemented starting with incoming Grade 1 students. Incoming freshmen of SY 2012-2013 will be the
first beneficiaries of a free Senior High School education that will be made available by DepEd in public
schools beginning in SY 2016-2017.

What are the benefits of this program?
Prof. Calingasan explains that while parents may look at this as extended expense i.e., paying tuition for
another 2 years in high school, this would offset itself since the competencies one would learn from the
additional years are the same ones which the first two years of general education in college teach.

The DepEd primer (2011) specifies the benefits to individuals and families:
1. A decongested academic workload, giving students more time to master competencies and for co-
curricular activities and community involvement, thus, allowing for a more holistic development;
2. Graduates will possess competencies and skills relevant to the job market and they will be prepared for
higher education;
3. K-12 is affordable;
4. The potential annual earnings of a K-12 graduate will be higher compared to the earnings of a 10-year
high school graduate;
5. Graduates will be recognized abroad.

The benefits of K-12 curriculum for the society and the economy are:
1. It will contribute to economic growth. Studies show that improvements in the quality of education
increases GDP growth. According to the DepEd (2010), studies in the country have reflected that an
additional year of school increases the earnings by 7.5% and that improvements in the quality of
education will enable the GDP grow by 2-2.2%.
2. It will facilitate the recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries
3. A better educated society provides a sound foundation for long-term socio-economic development.

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