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Class Form 2 Students

Level Intermediate
Age 14 years old
Course fit Examination of theme in the poem
Poem eir Conditioning !y " SA#mughalingam
% &'1($) Explaining the message the *rite is trying to $onvey and
dis$ussing ho* this relates to one+s life'
&'1(viii) ,al-ing a!out values in the text and *hether they are
meaningful to one+s life and *riting out a simple
paragraph on this'

Learning out$omes % .y the end of the lesson/ students *ill !e a!le to%
1' underline *ords that $an !e related to grandparents+
generation and $ir$le *ords *hi$h relate to grand$hild+s
0Poeti$1 or diffi$ult *ords
*ith *hi$h learners *ill
need help
Inventions/ fluttered/ ignoran$e/ destru$tion
Poem 2: Heir Conditioning by M SHANmughaingam !"heme#
Pre$%re&entationa a'ti(ity
1' ,ea$her sho*s a $artoon strip of a $onfli$t !et*een the elder and young+s
generations to the students'
2' ,ea$her as-s students 2uestions regarding the $artoon strip'
&' Students respond to the tea$her+s 2uestions'
4' ,ea$her gives further explanation a!out the situation !ased on the $artoon strip
in relation to the topi$ !eing studied today'
Questions/ instructions
1' 3hat $an you understand from the $artoon strip4
2' 3hat did the youngsters do 5 did not do to the elders4
&' 3hat do you understand of the situation happening to the elders4
4' 6o you thin- su$h situation is happening to our surrounding no*4
Pre$reading A'ti(itie&
Activity 1
1' Students get into groups of &'
2. Ea$h group is given an envelope *hi$h $ontains 7um!led lines (noodle strips)
from the poem'
&' ,ea$her then as-s students to rearrange the poem !ased on their o*n opinion'
4' ,ea$her as-s students *hy do they arrange the poem that *ay and students
have to 7ustify their ans*er'
1' 3hy do you arrange your poem that *ay4
2' o* do you $ome out to that4
&' 8ustify your ans*er'
Activity 2
1' 3or-ing in the same group/ students are as-ed to give a suita!le title for the
2' ,ea$her as-s students *hy they $hoose to give the title *hi$h they thin-
appropriate *ith the poem'
4' ,ea$her then sho*s the original title and the $orre$t order of the poem'
Questions/ Instructions
1' 3hy do you give that title to your poem4
2' o* do you arrive at the title4
&' 3hat do you understand a!out the poem4
4' 3hat do you thin- is the message that the persona(s) is trying to tell us4
Whie$reading a'ti(itie&
Activity 1 (3or-sheet 1)
2' ,ea$her as-s students to *or- in pairs'
&' As tea$her reads the poem/ they are as-ed to underline *ords that $an !e
related to grandparents+ generation and $ir$le *ords *hi$h relate to grand$hild+s
4' ,ea$her as-s for volunteers to read their ans*ers'
Questions/ Instructions
1' 9nderline *ords that $an !e related to grandparents+ generation and $ir$le *ords
*hi$h relate to grand$hild+s generation'
Activity 2 (3or-sheet 2)
1' ,ea$her as-s students to list do*n all the *ords that they have underlined and
$ir$led from the poem in the ta!le provided'
2' ,hen/ they are to de$ide the $onnotations for the *ords'
&' After that/ students are to 7ustify the overall $onnotations for the grandparents+
and grand$hild+s generations in the $olumn provided'
4' After they have filled in the ta!le in the *or-sheet/ tea$her dis$usses the findings
and as-s some 2uestions that *ill lead to students+ understanding of the poem'
Questions/ Instructions
1' List all the *ords *hi$h you have underlined and $ir$led that related to
grandparents+ and grand$hild+s generation respe$tively'
2' Identify the overall $onnotation for the *ords *hi$h related to grandparents+ and
grand$hild+s generations'
&' o* do you thin- the grand dad and grandma live during the old days4
4' o* does it differen$e *ith the grand$hild+s generation4
:' 3hat a!out their !elief4 as it also $hanged4
;' 3hy do you thin- the title is given that *ay4
<' 3hat do you thin- is the appropriate theme for this poem4
Po&t$reading a'ti(itie&
Activity 1
1' ,ea$her as-s students to *or- in groups of 4'
2' ,ea$her poses several 2uestions to them'
&' Students are en$ouraged to share their thoughts and vie*s *ith mem!ers of
their groups'
4' ,hen/ they share ea$h group+s dis$ussion as a *hole $lass a$tivity'
Questions/ Instructions
1' ave you 2uestioned your grandparents 7ust li-e the persona did in the poem4
3hat is your reason for doing that4
2' Imagine that you are living in your grandparents+ era' o* do you thin- you are
$oping *ith the la$- of fa$ilities at that time4 3hat *ould you do4
&' o* has moderni=ation $hanged your *ay of thin-ing4 In *hat *ay4
Cartoon strip
Worksheet 1
Activity 1
?ead the poem $arefully' 9nderline *ords that $an !e related to grandparents+
generation and $ir$le *ords that $an !e related to grand$hild+s generation'
Heir Conditioning
@rand dad did you !reathe
!efore air $ons *ere invented
*as it hard staying
alive *ithout modern inventions4
@randma *eren+t you flustered
as you fluttered *ith paper fans4
Could you $ommuni$ate !efore faxes and long distan$e $alls
!e$ame !asi$ ne$essities4
@rand$hild *e lived
!efore you age' .e$ause
of our ignoran$e/
*e did not -no*
pollution/ stress/ traffi$ 7ams
destru$tion of forests/ streams and
*e feared @od and nature
no* nature fears you and money is your ne* @od'
" SA#mughalingam
Worksheet 2
Activity 2
1' List all the *ords *hi$h you have underlined and $ir$le phrase that are related to
grandparents+ and grand$hild+s generation respe$tively' ,he first one has !een done for
2' Identify the overall $onnotation for the *ords *hi$h related to grandparents+ and
grand$hild+s generations'
Word& underined) 'ir'ed O(era 'onnotation&
*rand dad and *randma+&
staying alive without modern
*rand'hid+& generation
Post-reading questions (dis$uss orally)
1' ave you 2uestioned your grandparents 7ust li-e the persona did in the poem4 3hat
is your reason for doing that4
2' Imagine that you are living in your grandparents+ era' o* do you thin- you are $oping
*ith the la$- of fa$ilities at that time4 3hat *ould you do4
&' o* has moderni=ation $hanged your *ay of thin-ing4 In *hat *ay4
ANW!" #!$
Worksheet 1
Activity 1
?ead the poem $arefully' 9nderline *ords that $an !e related to grandparents+
generation and $ir$le *ords that $an !e related to grand$hild+s generation'
Heir Conditioning
@rand dad did you !reathe
!efore air $ons *ere invented
*as it hard staying
alive *ithout modern inventions4
@randma *eren+t you flustered
as you fluttered *ith paper fans4
Could you $ommuni$ate !efore faxes and long distan$e $alls
!e$ame !asi$ ne$essities4
@rand$hild *e lived
!efore you age' .e$ause
of our ignoran$e/
*e did not -no*
pollution/ stress/ traffi$ 7ams
destru$tion of forests/ streams and
*e feared @od and nature
no* nature fears you and money is your ne* @od'
" SA#mughalingam
Worksheet 2
Activity 2
1' List all the *ords *hi$h you have underlined and $ir$led that related to grandparents+
and grand$hild+s generation respe$tively' ,he first one has !een done for you'
2' Identify the overall $onnotation for the *ords *hi$h related to grandparents+ and
grand$hild+s generations'
Word& underined) 'ir'ed O(era 'onnotation&
*rand dad and
*randma+& generation
staying alive without
modern inventions
Went through the hardship
o% li%e and valued &od and
nature more than anything
paper %ans
in the world %eared &od and nature
*rand'hid+& generation
air cons
'hey are pampered (y
modern %acilities and
technologies which only
(rings destruction to
)other !arth* 'hey are
driven (y money to lead
their li%e*
%a+es and long distance
tra%%ic ,ams
destruction o% %orests-
streams and hills
nature %ears you
money is your new &od
Post-reading questions (6is$uss orally)
1' ave you 2uestioned your grandparents 7ust li-e the persona did in the poem4 3hat
is your reason for doing that4
2' Imagine that you are living in your grandparents+ era' o* do you thin- you are $oping
*ith the la$- of fa$ilities at that time4 3hat *ould you do4
&' o* has moderni=ation $hanged your *ay of thin-ing4 In *hat *ay4
A relevant ans*ers are a$$epted

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