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1. Clinical Anatomy by Richard Snell ,7th Edition.

2. Textbook of Medical Phyiolo!y by "#yton $ %all, 1&th Edition.

'. (i))incott* Pharmacolo!y, 'rd Edition.
+. Cardiac S#r!ery by ,irklin and -arratt.-oye, 'rd Edition.
/. Man#al of Peri.0)erati1e Care in Ad#lt Cardiac S#r!ery by Robert M. -o2ar,
'rd Edition.
3. Man#al of Peri.0)erati1e Care in Cardiac and Thoracic S#r!ery by Robert
M. -o2ar, 2nd Edition.
7. "lenn* Thoracic and Cardio1ac#lar S#r!ery, 3th Edition.
4. 5ale 5#bin* Ra)id 6nter)retation of E,"*, 3thEdition.

Nature and content of test
Passing Score Relative Percentage Content Evaluation Item
(70 MCQs, 2 hours)
60 % 10% 1. Anatomy of the Thorax
10% 2. Cardiac and Pulmonary Physiology
10% . Cardio!ascular and Pulmonary Pharmacology
10% ". #schemic $eart %isease
10% &. 'al!ular $eart %isease
10% 6. %iseases of (ung and )ediastinum
&% *. Congenital $eart %isease
&% +. #nterpretation of Common (a, Tests
&% -. .adiology of Thorax
&% 10. )onitoring of Cardiac Patient
&% 11. Cardio/pulmonary .esuscitation
10% 12. Arrhythmias and Conduction %efects
&% 1. Post/0perati!e Care of Cardiac Patient
100% Total

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