Network2014 2-Tuesday

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ually Schedule
Week 2 - 1uesday

AcLlvlLy Asynchrony 1lme
lnLro 1) 11W share Lhe flrsL sllde of Lhe owerolnL wlLh Lhe word
AS?nCP8Cn?" on lL.
2) 1SW palr & share whaL Lhey Lhlnk Lhe word means, Lhen share brlefly
wlLh Lhe course
1he Snlpe
1) 11W pass ouL approxlmaLely one fooL of masklng Lape and Lwo coffee
sLlrrers Lo each sLudenL.
2) 1SW Lape one coffee sLlrrer Lo Lhelr lndex flnger and Lhelr Lhumb Lo
creaLe a Snlpe 8lll"
3) 11W place a plle of alphabeL leLLers aL each Lable.
4) 11W challenge sLudenLs Lo wrlLe Lhelr compleLe name wlLh Lhe alphabeL
leLLers ln Lwo mlnuLes.
1) 11W share Lhe asynchrony owerolnL, dlscusslng how Lhere may be
Llmes LhaL lndlvlduals knCW whaL needs Lo be done, buL may have
frusLraLlons from personal llmlLaLlons.
2) 1SW dlscuss how Lhe Snlpe Challenge made Lhem feel
1) 11W gulde sLudenLs Lhrough Lhe owerolnL dlscusslon on Asynchrony
2) 1SW caLegorlze Lhelr LalenLs lnLo Lhree levels - average, excellenL,
superlor. lL would be fun Lo label Lhe caLegorles - llke Lypes of cars (lord,
8MW, Lamborghlnl) or wlzards from Parry oLLer (Argus lllch, 8on
Weasley, uumbledore)
3) 1SW Lhlnk of areas ln Lhelr llves LhaL Lhey flL ln each caLegory
8eflecL 2) 11W ask lf anyone would llke Lo share. 3

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