Mohamed Ahmed Hassan Ibrahim

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Mohamed Ahmed Hassan Ibrahim

Address: 4 Ebn El-roum Street, Mohandeseen, Giza, Egypt.

el: !"#"-$$4%&'() *ell: !"#-)"-4($%"$%, !"#-)##-4(#(#)&
E-mail address: Mohamed+a+h+i,hotmail.-om

See1ing a /ob 2here my edu-ational ba-1ground and pra-ti-al e3perien-e -an
be 4urther de0eloped and applied.
5"###: "##46 7a-helor o4 mass -ommuni-ation, Grade: , A1hbar El-8om
5)((&: "###6, General Se-ondary S-hool, 9y-ee Al-Horaya 7ab El-9ou1
5:ri0ate language s-hool6.

-"##&-present: ;ore3 trader.
-"#)#: Assistant dire-tor in 5El-Meh2ar <6.
-"##%-"##(: Salesman at rade Agen-y 4or Industrial Supplies 5an
import and e3port agen-y6.
-"##4-"##=: Salesman in :romise 5timeshare mar1eting -ompany6.
-"##4: >ournalist in El-Gamahir 5independent 2ee1ly ne2spaper6.
:ersonal S1ills:
Ha0e e3-ellent -ommuni-ation s1ills,
:ersuasion, argumentati0e, E?e-ti0eness, Editing and
@riting s1ills, Sel4-moti0ated and Able to dete-t, report,
analyze and sol0e problems.
.rganized thin1ing, Aedi-ation.
Ha0e great ability to 2or1 under
*reati0ity, honesty, patien-e, neatness.
Hard 2or1er and appre-iate team2or1 spirit
E3-ellent 1no2ledge o4 -omputer s1ills su-h as @indo2s, @ord, E3-el,
A--ess, :o2er:oint, Internet appli-ations and -*omputer
9anguage s1ills:
-Arabi-: Mother tongue
Good *ommand o4 both 2ritten and spo1en ;ren-h.
Good *ommand o4 both 2ritten and spo1en
:ersonal in4ormation:
Bationality: Egyptian
Military status: postponed
AateC:la-e o4 birth: )# April )(&$
Marital status: Single
Gender: Male
Deligion: Muslim
Interests: 7as1etball - Musi-
A0ailability: A4ter ) 2ee1
I -an 2or1 in: Egypt
As : ;ull ime E :art ime

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