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By Cindy Grigg
Have you ever looked closely at a rock
and wondered what it was made of?
Have you wondered how rocks form?
Geologists are scientists who study
Earth's rocks, soil, and minerals. They
study Earth's crust. They study
earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountains.
Earth's history is recorded in its rocks.
Geologists know how rock layers form.
By looking at many layers of rocks, they
know what the Earth was like when
those rock layers were laid down. The
oldest rocks on Earth are about 3.9
billion years old. That is a very long time! The Earth has changed
over so much time. Continents moved around. Mountains formed.
Wind and rain eroded them. Bits of rock were worn away. The bits
were carried to new places. Different kinds of plants and animals
lived here. Living things on Earth died, and some became fossils.
Geologists study all these things. Some geologists work outdoors.
Some work in labs or offices. Some look for oil and gas. Some study
how the climate changed in Earth's past. They hope to understand
what may happen to the climate in the future. Do you think you might
like to be a geologist?
1. What does a geologist study?
A. rocks and minerals
B. Earth's crust
C. volcanoes, earthquakes, and mountains
D. all of the above
2. Geologists might work ______.
A. outdoors
B. in labs
C. in offices
D. all of the above
3. Some geologists look for oil and gas
A. true
B. false
4. How was Earth different in the past from how it is now?
A. Continents moved around.
B. Mountains formed and were eroded.
C. Different kinds of plants and animals lived on Earth.
D. all of the above
Write a story about a geologist.
Would you like to be a geologist? Tell why or why not.

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