13 اMay ا2014 Our اRef. ا: اBrc/05-01/P01: Fees Proposal For Engineering Consultancy Services

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No. 9-2, Jalan Impian Perdana 1, Saujana Impian Resort Business Park, 43 !

ajan", Selan"or
#arul $%san.
&el No' 3-()3) 3(2 *a+ ' 3-3-()3) 3(4 $mail ' ,ulkarnain)-"mail..om

May 2014 Our Ref ! "R#$0%&01$'01
(tt) ! Mr *** (Fax : xxx)
Dear Sir,
R+ ! #(,(-.(- '+M"(-./-(-
Fees Proposal For Engineering Consultancy Services
With reference to the above project. We are pleased to provide you our proposal as set out in
Annexure (! pa"e).
We trust the above details #eet $ith your i##ediate needs and loo% for$ard to discussin" this #atter
$ith you further.
&han% you.
'ours faithfully,
'ours faithfully,
"R #O-0/12
3r 4/15(R-(3- "3- ,(6(1(-
)ana"in" Director
We hereby confir# our acceptance of the above proposal.
Si"nature *o#pany Sta#p Date
(+a#e : )
No. 9-2, Jalan Impian Perdana 1, Saujana Impian Resort Business Park, 43 !ajan", Selan"or
#arul $%san.
&el No' 3-()3) 3(2 *a+ ' 3-3-()3) 3(4 $mail ' ,ulkarnain)-"mail..om

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