The Rebirth of Reform

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The Rebirth of Reform

Pages 267-270
Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper.
1. What did some Americans argue was the only way to fix societys problems, as opposed
to Social Darwinism?
. What did !ester "ran# Ward argue the go$ernment could do better than competition in
the mar#etplace?
%. What did reformers in the Social &ospel mo$ement stri$e to impro$e?
'. What were religious functions designed to impro$e?
(. Who did the )oung *ens +hristian Association try to help?
,. What did reformers in the settlement house mo$ement belie$e about li$ing conditions for
the poor?
-. Who opened .ull .ouse in 1//0, inspiring many more similar settlements?
/. What was needed as the 1nited States became increasingly industriali2ed and urbani2ed?
0. What was the process of learning about American culture #nown as?
13. What problem could Americani2ation cause for immigrant children?
11. 4ame one ma5or group who did not ha$e the access to education that others had.
1. What did 6oo#er 7. Washington do to combat discrimination?
1%. Who was one of the strongest supporters of the public library mo$ement?

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