Writing Prompt 2

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Fitzgerald 1

Letaeja Fitzgerald
Professor Raymond
UWRT 1103 104
07 July 2014
Beating The Odds
You are a horrible writer, I dont know how you plan to pass the eighth grade! I can
still hear those harsh words in my head to this day, the words I heard from my seventh grade
language arts teacher, Mrs. Boyette. I can still see her writing on all of my papers in her jumbo
red sharpie, scratching her nose, and shaking her head the entire time. Seventh grade was by far
the most important educational event in shaping my literacy narrative. My teacher attempted to
repress my writing ability, so I would get discouraged and stop writing, but it did just the
opposite. My nana would always tell me, If someone says you cant, show them that you can.
Thats exactly what I did, once I was promoted to the eighth grade I worked extremely hard to
impress my teacher and in a way, receive a form of validation that I was a strong writer. Every
time we were given an assignment I would write it once, check over it, write it again, and check
over it once more. This process went on until I felt like my writing was perfect. My eighth grade
writing teacher, Mrs. Bryant, admired my work ethic and she frequently complimented me on
my use of figurative language and the diverse vocabulary I would use. I felt like I was doing
what my nana told me to and I was proving Mrs. Boyette wrong. I didnt let her unsuitable
comments effect how I performed in school.
Throughout my years in school I have encountered multiple instructors, coaches, adults,
and even peers that discouraged me or told me that I wasnt good enough to do something.
Fitzgerald 2

Rather than letting negative things that are said to me compel me to enter into a task with a
pessimistic mindset, I go in believing that I can do anything.

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