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Locating Principles

To position the work piece w.r.t. to tool, to ensure
precision in machinin
Locatin! "imensional an" positional relation#
ship $%w work piece an" tool
Locator! "e&ice to esta$lish an" maintain position o'
a part in a (i or 'i)ture
Positionin the locator
Accurac+ , tolerances
-ool proo'in
.uplicate location
/otion econom+
0# Positionin the locators
Locators shoul" contact the work 1pre'era$l+ machines sur'ace2 on a
soli" an" sta$le point!
This permits accurate placement o' the part in the tool ,
ensures the repeata$ilit+ o' the (i an" 'i)ture
The+ shoul" $e place" as 'ar as possi$le!
This permits the use o' 'ewer locators
Ensures complete contact o&er the locatin sur'ace
3# Accurac+ an" Tolerance
The workpiece itsel' "etermines the o&erall
si4e o' a locatin element.
locators must $e ma"e to suit the //C
1/a)imum#/aterial Con"ition2 o' the area
to $e locate". 1The //C o' a 'eature is the si4e o'
the 'eature where is has the ma)imum amount o'
5ith e)ternal 'eatures, like sha'ts, the //C is
the larest si4e within the limits.
5ith internal 'eatures, like holes, it is the
smallest si4e within the limits.
Ensures that the part 'its into the tool in its correct
position onl+
The simplest an" most cost e''ecti&e metho" is
positionin a
'ool proo' pin.
6# .uplicate locators
Re"un"ant, or "uplicate, locators shoul" $e a&oi"e".
a) Flat surface
can be
located. The
part should
be located on
only one, not
both, side of
b) Both the hub
and the flange
locating the same
parallal surface
c) Difficulty with combining
hole and surface location:
Either locational method
(locating from the holes or
locating from the edges)
wors well if used alone.
7. /otion Econom+
It in&ol&es use o' eas+, 8uick an" economic loa"in o'
work pieces.
.erees o' -ree"om

9ere we consi"er 03
"erees o' 'ree"om1not :2.

6 alon each a)is;3

translational an" two
Restriction o' /o&ement!
Si)#pin metho"1<#3#0 metho"2!

/otion is restricte" usin clamps an" locators.

A three pin $ase can restrict 'i&e motions.
=Rotation a$out >,? a)es.16 motions2
=Translation alon #&e 4#a)is
10 motion2
.irections nine, ten an" ele&en are restricte"
$+ a clampin "e&ice.
1< motions2
Locatin Principles an"
To restrict the mo&ement o' the part
aroun" the @@#
a)is an" in "irection eiht, two more pin#
t+pe locators are positione" in a &ertical
plane.1< motions2
A sinle pin locator in &ertical plane
restricts motion alon "irection A.1 0
So motion in all 03 "irections are
Si)#pins# restrict nine motions.
Other three are restricte" $+ usin a clamp.

This is the most common locatin metho" emplo+e" 'or

s8uare or rectanular parts.

-lat $ases ma+ also $e use", $ut these shoul" $e installe"

rather than machinin into the $ase.

*ut pin%$utton t+pe locators o''ers more accurac+ as the area

o' contact is less. /oreo&er, the+ raise the work a$o&e the $ase
so that chips wont interrupt the operation.
5orkpieces with holes!

9oles pro&i"e an e)cellent metho" 'or locatin.

A roun" pin insi"e the hole1primar+2 an" a "iamon"

pin1secon"ar+2 can restrict 00 motionsB
Locatin /etho"s!
!ocating from a Flat "urface:
There are three primary methods of locating wor from a flat

soli" supports

a"(usta$le supports,

e8uali4in supports
Soli" supports!

Easiest an" cheapest.

Less accurate.

Cse" where machine" sur'ace acts as a

locatin point.
A"(usta$le supports!

Cse" where sur'aces are une&en1castin,'orin..2

Threa"e" st+le is the easiest an" more economical.

A"(usta$le locators are normall+ use" with one or more

soli" locators to allow an+ a"(ustment nee"e" to le&el the
E8uali4in supports!

The+ pro&i"e e8ual support throuh two connecte" contact


As one point is "epresse", the other raises an" maintains

contact with the part.

This 'eature is especiall+ necessar+ on une&en cast sur'aces.

Locatin 'rom an Internal .iameter

Locatin a part 'rom a hole or pattern is the most e''ecti&e

wa+ to accuratel+ position work.

Nine o' the twel&e "irections o' mo&ement are restricte" $+

usin a sinle pin, an" ele&en "irections o' mo&ement are
restricte" with two pins.

5hen possi$le, it is loical to use holes as primar+ part

Locatin Principles an"
Locatin C+lin"rical Sur'aces1E)ternall+2

Eee locators are use" mainl+ 'or roun" work.

The+ can locate 'lat work with roun"e" or anular en"s an" 'lat

Two t+pes!-i)e" an" A"(usta$le!

Locatin 'rom Irreular Sur'aces1E)ternal2
Locatin work 'rom an e)ternal
pro'ile, or outsi"e e"e, is the most
common metho" o' locatin work
in the earl+ staes o' machinin.

-or simple components,a

sihtin plate ma+ $e use".
Location is "one $+ a"(ustin
the workpiece in such a wa+ that
it has e8ual marins on all

In lare parts c+lin"rical pins

can $e use".
cont..1irreular sur'aces2

I' there are lare &ariations 'rom $atch to $atch,

eccentric locators can $e use", whose
eccentricit+ can $e &arie" accor"in to the

Eccentricit+ is &arie" (ust $+ rotatin the locator

until it hol"s the workpiece in position.
1cont; irreular pro'iles2
Locatin 'rom an E)ternal Pro'ile

#esting locators position a part $+

enclosin it in a "epression, or
recess, o' the same shape as the

Nestin is the most accurate locatin

"e&ice 'or pro'ile location.

O$&iousl+, the heiht o' the nest

shoul" $e lesser than the heiht o'
the workpiece.

In case o' sheet#metals or thin

workpieces, 'iner slots or e(ector
pins shoul" $e pro&i"e".
Pin an" $utton locator

locator use" to support or hol" the

workpiece in position.

Pins locators are loner an" 'or

hori4ontal locations. *utton locators
shorter,&ertical locations.

Locatin $uttons#press 'it an"

screwe"1wear an" tear more G
Rest pa"s an" plates

Cse" with hea&ier an" larer


To support an" locate the work


9ol" (i or 'i)ture $ase plate $+

socket#hea" cap screws.
.iamon" pin locator

5ork piece with the "rille" holes use

two roun" pins

I' "imension &ariation $etween centre

to centre "istance o' the holes, one
roun" an" "iamon" pin locators are

*in"in is eliminate"

Pre&ents mo&ement aroun" the pin

an" are relie&e" on two si"es to allow
Nestin locator or ca&it+ locator

use" to position the work piece

Accurate metho" 'or pro'ile location

No nee" o' supplementar+ locatin


*ut it is "i''icult to li't out o' ca&it+

Common t+pes!#
Rin Nest

Cse" 'or c+lin"rical workpiece.

It encloses the workpieces 'ull+.

0.-ull Nest

-or work pieces other than c+lin"ers.

Encloses the work completel+.

Partial Nest

-or larer work pieces a nest ma+ not $e possi$le

to enclose it completel+.

In such cases partial nests are use" which

encloses certain contours o' the work.
Spherical locator

Sphercal location re"uces contact


/aterial not in "irect contact with the

work piece.

*in"in not possi$le in this case

Split contact locator

Relie&e" locator use" in thick workpiece

Locator is relie&e" in the mi""le

Onl+ top an" $ottom areas come in contact

with workpiece
Raise" contact locator

Raise" contact "esin re"ucin the chance

o' $in"in

Contact point is raise" to the mi""le o' the

workpiece an" contact area re"uce"

/o&in the contact area 'rom the $ase plate

re"uces the e''ect o' "irt,chip an" $urrs
Split pin or roo&e pin

Cse" in place o' "owel pins to re"uce cost

an" time

Not so accurate as the+ "onHt emplo+ the

reame" hole as in the case o' "owel pins
.owel pin locator

/ost common t+pe o' 'i)e" locator

C+lin"rical pin

Cse" when the workpiece contains

holes "rille" into it

Pin will $in" unless centreline o' the

hole is per'ectl+ aline" with cetreline
o' locator
/achine" -i)e" stop locator

Cse" 'or parts that cannot $e use" in either

a nest or E#locator

Are usuall+ machine" into the tool $o"+

Since the+ are machine" into the tool $o"+

the entire $o"+ has to $e chane" when
locator is worn out
Installe" 'i)e" stop locator

/ost economical to use

Since it is installe" into the tool $o"+ an" not

machine" it can $e easil+ replace" when
worn out

No nee" to make the locator $o"+ entirel+


Sa&es time
Stan"ar" parts
(i $utton

Commonl+ ma"e 'rom case har"enin steel

10:/nCr7 or 3I/nCr7C072

9a&e a har"ness &alue o' a$out :I 9RC

9a&e a case "epth o' I.< to I.7 mm

Ji $ush

Ji $ushes locate an" ui"e cuttin tools

Se&eral t+pes like linear,renewa$le,slip an" screw
$ushes e)ist

/a"e 'rom "irect har"enin t+pe steel such as

9ar"ness is usuall+ :I 9RC with case har"ene" "epth
o' I.7 to I.Lmm
Cse" to remo&e the workpiece 'rom close 'itte"
locators an" are present $ehin" the workpiece
Spee" up the operation $+ re"ucin unloa"in time

The+ are o' 3 t+pes!

M /echanical t+pe
M Sprin pluner
Ji 'eet $olt an" nuts

Csuall+ purchase" as stan"ar" parts an"

the+ are $uilt into (i $o"+ e)cept in castin

Ji 'eet is $oun"e" with lu an" roun"e" in

or"er to make eometricall+ true sur'ace
Pressure pa"s
Cse" a$o&e or $elow the workpiece "epen"in on si4e
an" shape o' workpiece
Necessar+ when workpiece contains sharp corners or
irreular sur'aces
Also use" to a$sor$ shocks
Pressure 'or pa"s applie" $+ sprins,air or h+"raulics
Crethane pa"s re8uire less space than sprins since the+
withstan" reater pressure with less "e'lection compare"
to sprins

Cse" 'or positi&e clampin 'orce

The+ shoul" ha&e har"ness &alue less than

the matin sur'ace

Cse" 'or compensatin lenth in $olt

si4ean" to rip the clampin 'orce

C washer,swin C washer,spherical
washer,lock washer ,internal star washer
9an" rip screws

Cse" 'or positi&e clampin

Cse" to tihten the part

C+lin"rical en",roo&e en",'loatin

en" are the &arious t+pes
5in or 'l+ screws

use" 'or liht positi&e tihtenin

C+lin"rical en",roo&e en",'loatin

en" are the &arious t+pes
Nuarter turn screw

Also calle" thum$screw latch

.esine" in such a wa+ that the operator can

easil+ turn the screws e&en i' the threa"s are
co&ere" with "r+ oil,"ust an" chips

It is kept perpen"icular to con'irm tihtenin

Siht Locators!

Cse" 'or rouh machinin.

Less accurate.

5ork 'its into speci'ic slots on the locatin plate

known as sihtin plates.

3 t+pes
Siht location $+ slots on the ta$le.
Siht location $+ lines etche" on the tool.

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