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1. Its nearly impossible to ____________ up a meeting because people are all free at different times.
A. arrange B. make C. set D. take
2. Its quite out of ____________ for Paul to behave so terribly.
A. temperament B. personality C. nature D. character
3. She doesnt like to keep anything hidden: she always ____________ her mind.
A. talks B. speaks C. tells D. says
4. Despite all the evidence, he wouldnt admit that he was in the ____________.
A. fault B. error C. wrong D. slip
5. Its impossible to get ____________ of him! Hes never there!
A. feel B. contact C. hold D. touch
6. He ____________ this city down so much that I dont know why he doesnt leave.
A. holds B. pulls C. talks D. runs
7. Im afraid Mr. Logan isnt in the office today, but I can ____________ you through to his secretary.
A. put B. get C. switch D. run
8. He is held in high ____________ by everyone who works with him.
A. reputation B. respect C. regard D. renown
9. Sheila had butterflies in her ____________ before the interview.
A. face B. heart C. palms D. stomach
10. ____________ he caught his plane; he hasnt phoned to say anything went wrong.
A. Presumably B. Supposedly C. Assuming D. Granted
11. He was ____________ more and more impatient as the time passed.
A. showing B. developing C. seeming D. growing
12. I thought I had made it ____________ that I didnt wish to discuss this matter.
A. distinct B. plain C. frank D. straight
13. It really gets me ____________ having to work so much overtime.
A. down B. up C. on D. by
14. It was a bad mistake but it had no ____________ on the outcome of the match.
A. bearing B. relevance C. significanceD. repercussion
15. We are looking for self-motivated people who can ____________ the initiative.
A. do B. take C. get D. make
16. We took such a great ____________ to the place that we decided to go and live there.
A. affection B. fondness C. liking D. attraction
17. A Personnel Manager has to be experienced ____________ dealing with people.
A. with B. for C. on D. in
18. She works very hard and finds it difficult to ____________ when she gets home.
A. give in B. switch off C. let out D. wind up
19. I was worried but their reassurances put my mind at ____________.
A. rest B. comfort C. calm D. relief
20. She is highly-skilled ____________ making high-quality furniture.
A. to B. for C. in D. on
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. A
11. D 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. C

Thomas Cook could be said to have invented the global tourist industry. He was born in England in 1808
and became a cabinet-maker. Then he hit on the idea of using the newly-invented railways for pleasure trips
and by the summer of 1845, he was organizing commercial trips. The first was to Liverpool and (1)
____________ a 60-page handbook for the journey, the (2) ____________ of the modern holiday brochure.
The Paris Exhibition of 1855 (3) _______ him to create his first great tour, taking in France, Belgium and
Germany. This also included a remarkable (4) ____________ - Cooks first cruise, an extraordinary journey
along the Rhine. Nothing like this had been available before, but it was only the beginning. Cook had
invented (5) ____________ tourism and now became a pioneering giant, striding across the world, traveling

incessantly, researching every little detail before being absolutely confident that he could send the public to
(6) ____________ his steps.
Cook was not slow in thinking beyond Europe, and he turned his gaze upon Africa. The expertise he had
gained with his pioneering cruise along the Rhine in 1855 (7) ____________ him in good stead when it
came to organizing a fantastic journey along the Nile in 1869. Few civilians had so much as (8)
____________ foot in Egypt, let (9) ____________ traveled along this waterway through history and the
remains of a vanished civilization (10) ____________ back thousands of years. Then, in 1872, Cook
organized, and took part in, the first conducted world tour. The whole adventure took 222 days and the
world of travel has not been the same since.
1. A. featured B. presented C. highlighted D. inserted
2. A. pioneer B. forerunner C. prior D. foretaste
3. A. livened B. initiated C. launched D. inspired
4. A. breakthrough B. leap C. step D. headway
5. A. common B. whole C. wide D. mass
6. A. retreat B. retrace C. resume D. retrieve
7. A. kept B. took C. stood D. made
8. A. set B. placed C. laid D. put
9. A. apart B. aside C. alone D. away
10. A. flowing B. going C. running D. passing
Key: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B
1. I was disappointed that the restaurant had .............................. flowers on the table.
A. false B. artificial C. untrue D. forged
2. Oscar last year, she's now one of the most powerful movie stars in the industry.
A. She won B. The winning of C. Having won D. To win
3. How did your .................go? Do you think you'll be offered the main part?
A. auditorium B. audition C. audience D. audit
4. Reports are coming in of a major oil spill in ............. Mediterranean.
A. a B. the C. D. an
5. People can become very ................ when they are stuck in traffic for a long time.
A. bad-tempered B. nervous C. stressful D. depressed
6. Some crimes seem to be this country than in others.
A. much less common B. the least common C. too little common D. little common enough
7. You really ...............make such a mountain out of a molehill.
A. can't B. mightn't C. won't D. shouldn't
8. The doctor told Laura that she needed................on his arm.
A. operation B. cure C. surgery D. remedy
9. There's a pack of ........................vegetables in the freezer, I think.
A. freezing B. frozen C. icy D. iced
10. Susie and Francis on us last night, so I had to quickly defrost a pizza.
A. turned B. came C. went D. dropped
11. I was very proud when I was told that I'd been made into a ..................
A. prefect B. pupil C. classmate D. student
12. I think you need to ............. your ideas more clearly so that the reader doesn't get confused.
A. dawn on B, get on with C. set out D. give in
13. It was.............from the most comfortable flight I've ever been on.
A. far B. further C. away D. way
14. The couple were finally the landlord after not paying rent for six months.
A. demolished B. evicted C. evacuated D. rejected
15. Who was the receptionist ..........................the phone at the time?
A. answering B. having answered C. was answering D. to answer
16. .............quickly we ran, we just couldn't catch up with the van.
A. Although B. Much C. Even D. However

17. Britain has been in the European Community for more than 30 years. ....................., there are still
occasional calls for its withdrawal.
A. However B. Even though C. Despite D. In spite of
18. It was ............... a victory that even Smith's fans couldn't believe it.
A. such surprising B. surprising enough C. too surprising D. so surprising
19. No sooner ....................everyone started to gossip about him.
A. had Mike left than B. did Mike leave than C. Mike had left than D. left Mike when
20. I work such long hours that I don't really have time for much of a .................... life.
A. friendly B. outgoing C. social D. free

Key: 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. D
11. A 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. D 19. A 20.C
The language of Tears
The ability to weep is a uniquely human form of emotional response. Some scientists have suggested that
human tears are evidence of an aquatic past- but this does not seem very likely We cry from the moment we
enter this (1)......................., for a number of reasons. Helpless babies cry to inform their parents that they
are ill, hungry or uncomfortable. As they (2)................., they will also cry just to attract parental attention
and will often stop when they get it.
The idea that having a good cry can do you (3) a very old one and now it has scientific validity
since recent research into tears has shown that they (4)..............a natural painkiller called enkaphalin. By (5)
.............sorrow and pain this chemical helps you to feel better. Weeping can increase the quantities of
enkaphalin you produce.
Unfortunately, in our society we impose restrictions upon this naturally (6)................activity. Because some
people still regard it as a (7)..................of weakness in men, boys in particular are admonished when they
cry. This kind of repression can only increase stress, both emotionally and physically.
Tears of emotion also help the body (8)................. itself of toxic chemical waste, for there is more protein in
them than in tears resulting from cold winds or other irritants. Crying comforts, calms and can be very
enjoyable - (9).........................the popularity of the highly emotional films which are commonly
(10)...................."weepies". It seems that people enjoy crying together almost as much as laughing together.
1. A. world B. place C. earth D. space
2. A. evolve B. change C. develop D. alter
3. A. better B. fine C. good D. well
4. A. contain B. retain C. hold D. keep
5. A. struggling B. fighting C. opposing D. striking
6. A. curing B. treating C. healing D. improving
7. A. hint B. symbol C. feature D. sign
8. A. release B. rid C. loosen D. expel
9. A. consider B. remark C. distinguish D. regard
10. A. named B. entitled C. subtitled D. called


1. Anns encouraging words gave me ____ to undertake the demanding task once again.
A. a point B. an incentive C. a resolution D. a target
2. We are going to build a fence around the field with ____ to breeding sheep and cattle
A. a goal B. an outlook C. a reason D. a view
3. He sat in a soft armchair and watched the world _____.
A. go by B. pass on C. walk along D. fly past
4. The doctor _____ all night with the patients in the hospital.
A. sat out B. sat up C. sat in D. sat on
5. You'd better not place a bet on Stallion. In my opinion, the horse doesn't _____ a chance of winning the
A. win B. stand C. rise D. play
6. - How do you like your beefsteak done? - _____.
A. Very much B. Not any C. Very little D. Rare

7. If it hadnt been for the hint that the professor ___, nobody would have found out the correct answer.
A. dropped B. cast C. threw D. flung
8. The international conference of the Craniological Association has been ____ in Cairo to discuss the
revolutionary discovery of Doctor Gonzales from Mexico.
A. deployed B. collected C. mobilized D. summoned
9. His parents have always wanted Philip to set a good ____ to his younger brothers both at school and at
A. form B. model C. pattern D. guidance
10. We have to __the hard times hoping that things will charge for the better in the future.
A. maintain B. endure C. persist D. outlive
11. Alex was ____ enough on becoming a professional sportsman and he didnt want to listen to anyone
elses advice.
A. intent B. eager C. definite D. certain
12. What is the verdict of the report? Has the cause of the catastrophe been _____ yet?
A. specified B. informed C. accounted D. judged
13. Anything he does is in _with the law and thats why I have suggested him for the post
A. compliance B. obedience C. commitment D. responsibility
14. Beyond all ____, it was Alice who gave away our secret.
A. fail B. conclusion C. dispute D. contradiction
15. Patrick is too ____ a gambler to resist placing a bet on the final game.
A. instant B. spontaneous C. compulsive D. continuous
16. What you are saying is quite ____, so give us, please, more details on the situation
A. famous B. accustomed C. obvious D. familiar
17. Its not easy to make Stanley furious, the boy is very gentle by ____
A. himself B. personality C. reaction D. nature
18. Ever since we quarreled in the office, Janice and I have been _____ enemies.
A. assured B. confirmed C. defined D. guaranteed
19. He seemed very quiet, but it would be a mistake to ______ his intelligence.
A. devalue B. depreciate C. underrate D. minimize
20. The jury _____ her compliments on her excellent knowledge of the subject.
A. paid B. gave C. made D. said
1. B 2. D 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B
11.A 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.A

If you ask anyone who invented television, they will tell you that it was John Logie Baird. While Baird was, of
course, extremely important in the history of television, it would be more (1) _____ to see his role as part of a (2)
_____ of events which finally led to television as we know it today.
The history of television really begins in 1817 with the discovery by Berzelius, a Swedish chemist, of the
chemical selenium. It was found that the amount of electric current that selenium could carry (3) ____ on
how much light struck it.
This discovery directly led to G. R. Carey, an American inventor, (4) _____ up with the first real television
system in 1875. His system used selenium to transmit a picture along wires to a row of light bulbs. This
picture was not very clear, however.
Over the next few years, a number of scientists and inventors simplified and improved on Carey's system. It
was not (5) _____ 1923 that Baird made the first practical transmission. Once again, the picture was (6)
_____ through wires, but it was much clearer than Carey's had been almost fifty years (7) _____.
The Second World War (8) _____the development of television. After the war, television (9) _____ began to
flood the market, with the first mass TV audience watching the baseball World Series in the USA in 1947.
Within a few years, television had captured the (10) _____ of the whole world.
1. A. particular B. accurate C. specific D. real
2. A. connection B. cycle C. link D. chain
3. A. resulted B. affected C. depended D. relied
4. A. going B. making C. coming D. doing
5. A. until B. after C. up to D. then
6. A. pushed B. sent C. transferred D. transported

7. A. ago B. before C. after D. later
8. A. abandoned B. cancelled C. delayed D. waited
9. A. sets B. boxes C. machines D. models
10. A. observation B. awareness C. notice D. attention
1.B 2D 3C 4C 5A 6B 7B 8C 9A 10D
1. Please accept our ___ congratulations!
A. finest B. warmest C. dearest D. deepest
2. I had no chance to defend myself: the dog ____ for me as soon as I opened the door.
A. went B. ran C. fell D. stood
3. You should ___ at least three days for the journey.
A. expect B. permit C. accept D. allow
4. Please ____ a copy of your application form for at least six months.
A. return B. revise C. retain D. refer
5. ____, dolphins have no sense of smell.
A. As known as far B. It is known as far C. Known thus far as D. As far as is known
6. Most of ___ archeologists know about prehistoric cultures is based on the studies of material remains
A. these B. what C. which D. the
7. Now considered an art form, quilt-making originated as a means of fashioning bed covers from bits of
fabric that otherwise _____
A. not use B. were no use C. had no use D. not was not used
8. The chemicals spilled over the road and left drivers____ for breath.
A. suffocating B. gasping C. inhaling D. wheezing
9. We will have to either increase overtime working or ____ new staff.
A. take on B. take off C. take down D. take up
10. The building work must be finished by the end of the month____ of cost
A. ignorant B. thoughtless C. uncaring D. regardless
11The consultant called in by the firm brought a -------------------of experience to bear on the problem
A wealth B realm C bank D hoard
12. Children can be difficult to teach because of their short attention ___
A. limit B. span C. duration D. time
13. Christines face ___up when she heard the good news.
A. showed B. cleaned C. warmed D. lit
14. Ellen decided that election to the local council would provide a ___ to a career in national politics.
A. springboard B. turning point C. milestone D. highway
15. She expressed her ____ for certain kinds of cheaply produced movies.
A. disapproval B. distaste C. dissatisfaction D. disloyalty
D. Probably
16. Deborah is going to take extra lessons to what she missed while she was away.
A. catch up on B. cut down on C. put up with D. take up with
17. The report notes that forty percent of lawyers.the profession are women
A. entering B. joining C. joining in D. joining up
18. It is very difficult tothe exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language.
A. convert B. convey C. exchange D. transfer
19. There will be another performance due to demand.
A. popular B. reasonable C. constant D. famous
20 I didnt want to ------------------him his moment of triumph, so I congratulated him on defeating me
A decline B forgo C deprive D deny

Keys: 1b 2a 3d 4c 5d 6b 7c 8b 9d 10d 11a 12b 13d 14a 15b 16 A17 A 18 B 19A 20 D

1. The meeting didntuntil late.
A. end up B. break up C. come about D. fall through
2. One of the tigers has got. Warn everyone of the danger!
A. loose B. loosen C. lost D. escaped
3. Having made his first film earlier this year, he is starring in a new musical.

A. actually B. currently C. lately D. recently
4. The professors ..theory is that singing preceded speech.
A. fancied B. fond C. pet D. preferable
5. Social work suits the ground.
A. for B. down C. out D. round
6. He spent his entire life..round the world, never settling down anywhere.
A. roaming B. scattering C. scrambling D. transporting
7. The governments new safety pamphlet.against smoking in bed.
A. advises B. declares C. emphasizes D. stresses
8. If he tries to.ignorance as his excuse, just tell him weve got a copy of the authorization with his
signature on it.
A. defend B. plead C. pretend D. protest
9. We were working overtime to cope with a demand.
A. boost B. impetus C. surge D. thrust
10. The confidence trickster.the old lady out of her life savings.
A. deceived B. misled C. robbed D. swindled
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D
English has without a ( 71 ) ____ become the second language of Europe and the world. European
countries which have most ( 72 ) ____ assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbours in
Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the ( 73 )____ of Scandinavia.
The situation is so ( 74 ) ____ that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be ( 75 ) ____ of the pressure of
English on daily life: television, radio and print ( 76 ) ____ it into every home and the schoolyard ( 77)
____ of children; advertisers use it to ( 78 ) ____ up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their
home-bred skills ( 79 ) ____ them. Increasingly one hears the ( 80 ) ____ that Dutch will give way to
English as the national tongue within two or three generations ...

1. A. question B. doubt C. problem D. thought
2. A. successfully B. victorious C. successful D. lucrative
3. A. rest B. additional C. remaining D. extra
4. A. plain B. open C. blatant D. marked
5. A. ignorant B. aware C. oblivious D. acquainted
6. A. guide B. bring C. shift D. haul
7. A. conversation B. head-to-head C. consultation D. dialogue
8. A. life B. energy C. enthusiasm D. pep
9. A. succeed B. fall C. fail D. fizzle
1 A. feeling B. posture C. judgment D. view
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. D

1. I was passing their house, so I __________Claire and Michael
A dropped in B came up with C got on with D run into
2. I dont really___________winter sports very much
A deal with B face up to C go in for D get round to
3. The attorney told his client that___________
A they had little chance of winning the case
B it was nearly impossible to win him the case
C the case was of a small chance to win
D the case had a minimum chance to be won by him
4. One of the professors greatest attributes is_____________
A when he gives lectures B how in the manner that he lectures
C the way which give lectures D his ability to lecture
5.____________better working conditions
A Whats interesting the workers most is
B Whats interested the workers most is
C What interest the workers most is
D What interests the workers most is

6. The concert was given____________the auspices of the Y.M.C.A.
A on B with C through D under
7. Her mothers illness cast a cloud__________her wedding day
A over B for C in D on
8. She did six hours____________studying a day for her exam
A solid B heavy C strong D big
9. The weather was fine and everyone was________the coast
A going in for B making for C joining in D seeing about
10. There isnt any sugar, Im afraid. Youll have to_________
A run out B put up with C do without D make for

Keys: 1. A dropped in 2. C go in for 3. A they had little chance of
4. D his ability to lecture 5. D What interests the workers most is 6. D under
7. A over 8. A solid 9. B making for 10. C do without

1. My friend eventually decided to quit her job, _______ upset me a lot
A. that B. what C. which D. who
2. Sales began the year at 30,000 units in January and increased slightly ________ 2,000 units in February.
A. by B. to C. in D. at
3. John: Our teacher, Mr. Jones, is not very flexible. He always requires us to submit his assignments on
Jack: _________. He should know that we have to learn many subjects.
A. I cant disagree with you more B. I cant agree with you more
C. That can be true D. I am not with you here
4. _____ Mississippi River flows into _____ Gulf of Mexico in _______ state of Louisiana.
A. - / the / the B. The / the / the C. The / - / - D. - / - / -
5. You _______ then ; otherwise , the policeman wouldnt have stopped you .
A. could have been speeding B. must have been speeding
C. might have been speeding D. ought to have been speeding
6. We cannot judge a person simply on the ______ of his education.
A. theory B. condition C. basis D. principle
7. The number of learners not large; therefore, a number of headphones available to them in
the lab
A. are - is B. is - are C. are - are D. is is
8. He apologized me not having come to my birthday party
A. to for B. for C. to - on D. with for
9. When friends insist on ______ expensive gifts, it makes most people uncomfortable.
A. them to accept B. they accepting C. their accepting D. they accept
10. By the time Browns daughter graduates, __________ retired.
A. he B. he has C. hell being D. hell have

Keys: 1. C. which 2. A. by 3. B. I cant agree with you more
4. B. The / the / the 5. B. must have been speeding
6. C. basis 7. B. is - are 8. A. to for
9. C. their accepting 10. D. hell have

Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life. (1)_______ human
activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world (2) _______ on consuming two-
thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so (3) _______ to stay alive we are
rapidly destroying the (4) _______ resource we have by which all people can survive and prosper.
Everywhere fertile soil is (5) _______ built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited so
much that they will never be able to recover (6) _______ We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere
without any thought of the consequences. As a (7) _______ the planet's ability to support people is being (8)
_______at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are (9) _______ increasingly heavy
demands on it.

The Earth's (10) _______ resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy,
medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to keep us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible
in how we use the resources they will last indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively they
will soon run out and everyone will suffer.
1. A. Although B. Still C. Yet D. Despite
2. A. continues B. repeats C. carries D. follows
3. A. already B. just C. for D. entirely
4. A. alone B. individual C. lone D. only
5. A. sooner B. neither C. either D. rather
6. A. quite B. greatly C. utterly D. completely
7. A. development B. result C. reaction D. product
8. A. stopped B. narrowed C. reduced D. cut
9. A. doing B. having C. taking D. making
10. A. natural B. real C. living D. genuine
1. C. Yet 2. C. carries 3. B. just 4. D. only 5. C. either
6. D. completely 7. B. result 8. C. reduced 9. D. making 10. A. natural

1. ........... it were well paid, I would accept this proposal.
A. Providing B. If only C. But for D. Unless
2. every industry in our modern world requires the work of engineers.
A. Wholly B. Hardly C. Most D. Virtually
3. Jane had a problem with her finances, so we talked and now it's fine.
A. over B. it over C. over it D. over and over
4. Firemen rescued several people from the floor or the blazing building.
A. high B. top C. basement D. low
5. When the electricity failed, he a match to find the candles.
A. rubbed B. scratched C. struck D. started
6. Prices have been .. by increases in production.
A. sized up B. set down C. tied up D. brought down
7. She caught a . of the thief as he made his get-away.
A. glance B. sight C. glimpse D. flash
8. Why are they having those meetings behind closed doors? I am afraid there is something . going on!
A. catchy B. confidential C. fishy D. accidental
9. I usually buy my clothes . Its cheaper than going to the dressmaker.
A. on the house B. off the peg C. in public D. on the shelf
10. My father when he found out that I had damaged his car.
A. hit the roof B. saw pink elephants
C. made my blood boil D. brought the house down
11. According to the captain, his special units can take an immediate action against terrorists should such a
need ........... .
A. arise B. originate C. evoke D. experience
12. To his own great ........... , professor Howard has discovered a new method of bulimia treatment.
A. reputation B. name C. fame D. credit
13. We were ........... by the officers' decision to divert the whole traffic from the main route.
A. rambled B. baffled C. stumbled D. shuffled
14. Something began to go ........... with the experiment when the two scientists were forced to retire.
A. wrong B. stale C. ill D. faulty
15. The book says that the revolution was ............. off by the assassination of the state governor.
A. launched B. cropped C. triggered D. prompted
16. I was awfully tired. However, I made up my mind to ............ myself to the tedious task once again.
A. involve B. absorb C. engross D. apply
17. Seldom does she refuse to do her friends a good ................ , but on that occasion she was too busy to pay
attention to other people's problems.
A. assistance B. turn C. aid D. backing

18. It was .......... from the new minister to introduce more changes in the foreign policy.
A. expected B. hoped C. believed D. awaited
19. The hijackers have demanded a ........... to be paid for releasing the civilian hostages from the plane.
A. currency B. revenue C. deposit D. ransom
20. Lots of people. Yoga to relax.
A. practice B. take up C. give up D. take in

Keys: 1A 2D 3B 4B 5C 6D 7C 8C 9B 10A
11A 12D 13B 14A 15C 16D 17B 18A 19D 20B

Construction of the worlds biggest wave-energy installation is (0)__A___ ahead off the coast of
Cornwall in southwest England. More than twenty-one million pound (1)_______ of funding has been
agreed for what is (2)_______ as Wave Hub, a giant electrical terminal on the seabed ten miles off the coast.
Wave Hub will allow a number of different wave-energy devices operating in the area to transmit energy
they generate along a high- voltage undersea cable, back to the shore.
Once it is in (3)_______ operation, Wave Hub is likely to support the largest concentration of wave-
energy machines anywhere in the world, it will also mark an enormous step forward in the development of
wave power, which has tended to (4) _______ behind its cousins in the other main (5) _______ of
renewable energy technology wind power and solar power.
But surfers in the southwest have (6) _______ concerns about the project. Cornwall is Britains
principal surfing region (7) _______ of the size of the Atlantic rollers hitting the beaches there, and surfers
are concerned that the energy taken from the waves may (8)_______ in a reduction of as much as eleven
percent in the height of those waves When they (9) _______ the shore. But an independent study reported
this week that any effect on wave height will probably be much less than the surfers had (10) _______.
0. A. going B. getting C. making D. setting
1. A. a mount B. value C. worth D. quantity
2. A. referred B. called C. entitled D. known
3. A. whole B. full C. entire D. thorough
4. A. lag B. leave C. drag D. delay
5. A. limbs B. branches C. wings D. prongs
6. A. explained B. spoken C. expressed D. commented
7. A. because B. account C. reason D. thanks
8. A. upshot B. result C. conclude D. arise
9. A. arrive B. realize C. reach D. achieve
10. A. soared B. worried C. frightened D. feared
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5.B
6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D

1. General Custer was confident of victory despite being vastly _______ by the enemy.
A. outnumbered B. outclassed C. overcome D. overtaken
2. Dont tell me youve read War and Peace _______!
A. yet B. still C. already D. just
3. The ministry refused to _______ the figures to the press.
A. release B. leak C. show D. add
4. Steve _______ his chances of passing by spending too much time on the first question.
A. threw out B. threw off C. threw away D. threw in
5. Mr. Jones gave his sons some money to _______ them up in business.
A. get B. set C. put D. make
6. _______ comes a time when you have to make a decision and stick to it.
A. It B. Therefore C. There D. That
7. James had, _______, saved the manuscript of his first novel from the burning house.
A. lastly B. at last C. lately D. at least
8. Mr. Nixon refused to answer the questions on the _______ that the matter was confidential.

A. reasons B. excuses C. grounds D. foundations
9. The lawyer insisted that his client _______ never have been arrested in the first place.
A. should B. must C. ought D. would
10. As they come under the heavy fire, the captain ordered his men to _______.
A. fall away B. fall back C. fall over D. fall out
11. How voters will react to this latest political scandal _______ to be seen.
A. is B. remains C. has D. waits
12. There is no further treatment we can give, said Dr Jekyll. We must let the disease take its _______
A. course B. end C. term D. way
13. He walked from the court a free man, having been _______ of murder.
A. unconvinced B. discharged C. liberated D. acquitted
14. Michael was the _______ force behind the companys rapid expansion.
A. managing B. leading C. rising D. driving
15. Can you take _______ of the shop while Mr. Bentall is away?
A. management B. running C. charged D. operation
16. Jack and Christine wondered how the rumour had begun to _______.
A disseminate B. spread C. run D. develop
17. The minister made no _______ of any further negotiations.
A mention B. comment C. indication D. remark
18. The forecasters take a gloomy _______ of the economic future.
A regard B. aspect C. view D. outlook
19. Youd rather speak to him yourself, _______?
A. hadnt you B. didnt you C. wouldnt you D. wont you
20. I wish the neighbours _______ making so much noise.
A. would stop B. will stop C. stopping D. stopped
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. A
13. D
14. D
15. C
16. B
17. A
18. C
19. C
20. A

Give someone a ring: Gi Ngi No
Good for nothing: V Dng
Go ahead: i trc i, c t tin
God knows: Tri Bit
Go for it: Hy Th Xem
Get lost: i ch khc chi
Keep out of touch: ng ng n
Happy Goes Lucky: V T
Hang in there/ Hang on: Kin tr / i T
Hold it: Khoan
Help yourself: T Nhin
Take it easy: T t
I see: Ti hiu
It's a long shot: Khng D u
it's all the same: Cng vy thi m
I 'm afraid: Ti e l...
It beats me: Ti chu (khng bit)
It's a bless or a curse: Chng bit l phc hay ha
Last but not Least: Sau cng nhng khng km phn
quan trng
Little by little: Tng Li, Tng T

Let me go: Ti i
Let me be: k ti
Long time no see: Lu qu khng gp
Make yourself at home: C T Nhin
Make yourself comfortable: C T Tin
My pleasure: Hn hnh
out of order: H, hng
out of luck: Khng May
out of question: Khng th c
out of the blue: Bt Ng, Bt Thnh Lnh
out of touch: Lc ngh, Khng cn lin lc
One way or another: Khng bng cch ny th bng cch
One thing lead to another: Ht chuyn ny n chuyn
Over my dead body: Bc qua xc cht ca ti

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