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,.lS.1I4iGIEDNY rREV~, H200e


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OOF'EN,OArN."f.S Tri~C~!ifomta E\(>en~, Inc:

ATTORNEYS (fiRM NAME. ,ADDRESS. ANlDTELEPHClNE NWMBER} ~hai~,J. He~f. ~S\l.;,McC~r.& I!n91~n-,IJ.f:

241) 'P<ltk-A~riu(l', 27lf\ A9Gl'

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DEMANCI .:Ii, . QTHER , JUClGE .. --------- Dor.:;:!<ETNUM8;ER _

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.IF OIVER..$H1"; """OJCJ\ nt CITIZENSHIP BELOW. (28 liSC1322, 1441)

Al\1 x IN QNE BOX 01'01. 'if)



prF l)E,F III i 1'1

CiTizEtoI oFl·SlJaJECl.QF (!, I'QRE;IG,t..1 CO !,IN TR\,'


IN CO !'IPOf! ATiO tllind P FUl\lcipAL iooLACE OF·ilUS '; I!'!E.S-S IN 1\~.OTHEIiC SUTE

. ~ORG:~t4 t.lA 'fiON .

I ~ ~ I 15
t 1& t U C!lIZEN' Of ANOT-HER ST II TE: I P I, I ~

... t 0 R"'O~A 't~.O Qr PRINC; I"AL p!.},ce. I I 4, t ] ~ (IF" IIIU.SIlNEiSS ~THIS H.A~'E:

: . ".

f"Lru Nn FF(-5) ADIlRESS(ES) AND" COUNTY(IE$.) Il"i!te m,ationail Merdlandis:1 ng' Corporation

304, f?ark Aven~ Scn .. dt1 '

N~ Yo"rt<. NY '10010 (N.ew York Ccur\ty)

Trims World Intema~onal, IfI¢ ..

420 West 45f; Stree,t

~ew YQr~; NY Hl036 (N.ew YOI1\' County)


Tn-California Event'S. tnc, 12-l!4 Adobe Lane

P:;.eiij~'Gili!\i'-:e. CA 93950 (Monter:ey County)








[ I,.·~b' . . "'1 ., .... i:l-, K;V:ES (bAfE.ADMniED Mo._· __ 'Yr, . ;:;Q~,;om&y 8.alr COOs II ~ 8762


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WiUh,uu L HeUer (\\'li'8,762j .Irene M,' H lI1i:ad.o(fHl 04:5) McCafter ,k Engl:fsh LLP 2~5Park·A venire

271111 Floor

New York, NY '10167-000.1 (212) ,609·6.800

MtC.ane]" &. &,glish l~P Four Gateway Cenier lOG Mul1reITy·.Street Newarl\, NJ 07102

(913) 6.39-'6973

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infrirlge:llleot., f-alse desi,gnafion of origin; faJ:~e advertising! unl~d.r·Ci)m.petitio.n. ancJ otb1er causes:

~ ..


1. This action. is broVght .by IMC against Tri-Cel under' the Lanham Act, 1 S u..s.C.

:q,.r;: 'I ~ '14' d 1 P!l5 ' "'k' t· ,... " .,'I, ," , ,.' • ,', .,,' I' ~l' '~" d ,. ',' . ' ". ..,lI .:1.::i i.l ... i. an.' ,'L"':.· see ·mg pre Immary ana permenent Uljunct.lve re lei. prnnts, , alIlages asn

.other relief relating to Defendant's infrlngemeet of IMC~s registeredtrademark ESCAPE FROM

ALCi\ T'{lAZ®, infringement oriMC'.s arbitr,ary common law trademarks ~'Alcatraz:Triathlon"

and "Aleatraz," and Tri-Cal ~ s ncts"Q'f unfair competition, false- advertising and, ollie.!" unlawful .aetsas alleged herein •. Plaintlff'Trans World isnow.the .. registered ownerofthe mcontestabie and

distinctive mark ESCAPE FROMALCATRAZ®, RegistratiolnNo. 2.060.729. Both Trans

World and tMC are' whoU y owned slibs~diari es: of 1M 0 Woddwide Inc., whicb controls tha.t

nature and quality of the products offered by' [MC;, thusPlaintiffs are "Related

Companies" under the Lanham Act, 15 U.S:C, § 1027 .. ]MC uses, its federally registered .. famous and distinc,tive InarkESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ®,. whk,h .alse has,

become knQvln' as the: "Alcetraz Triathlon' or ~'Alc~lraZ;" t? pt'!IDotethroughout the United

Stales an annual triathlon in the. San Francisco area.

::t Defendant served for a period in. exeessof'ten (10) yeats as the race, director and

prOlll0b!r of' rlyre·s ESCAPE ,FROM ALCATAAZ® triathlon .

.3. The relatinnshi p between lMC and Derfenda;llt recently rerminated, Deien,dZint.

without authorization.or license from fMC;. has begun using the infrrnging mark or designation

"Alcatraz Triathlon" e"the Infringing Mark") fora competing triathlon inthe same venue,

media and trade channels as IMC's ESCAPE, ,fROM }!LCATRAZ® or ~ A1.catraztri.athlon"

for 'its .colu,p:eting. athletic'evem, and the oth.eracts of De:reA.d~nt al1egoo···hel'cirt; lln1:a.wfunytt~es on the g,oodw:Ul ,and reputation HWC has~es~Z!bnshed through ilsuse aud"pr"Qmotion-ofits regisiered and eemmon law marks. Defendanf s infringement o.'f ·iM:C'·s. masks 1s likely, to. cause


fj.. Plaintiff Iatemetienal :ryIerCh3:1!dlsingCDrpo:tat~.on is a .. 'oorporation organi~.e~l_and

·e~isting under the' h.;aVii'S-C!.f1~·e:State ·~,TtOhiCl.withjqqYrinc~pal':place o(busim:s-s [n New. york .. New York:.

cxi~tin~ under the l'aW~if of:CaJifoJI:'ri.a with its pr.ind~.a~ place cfbesiness .at [284 Adobe Lane, -ratinc Q.rpve. Ca1irorrd~ 9.3 9·5 D.


and theothee claims. are~o rel,.~(ed to claims "lnEh~:ac:do:t1 wlthhl, 'such 0ri.ghml"J ?:tisdictionthm ,(hey. f6tm part (1.£ the same-ease or 00 mroversy .

ll, The Cuurt ha~ persenal juiisdjctio'l:'.i dyecr Defendsnt Tn mea.] because, upon'

ioformation Mdbelief~ Derendan~.lispteseR·~ a:llcVot.con,dluc:ts business in the. Sita.le QifN~w York,

13. Venue··is approprhu.e In tbis Court pursuant 'to 2:& U.S "C .. ~ t 39l(b)'& (c).


~:MC'al1id Its Famous ·Tradem;l},rb

14. Par more ,almostthrce deeades; ]MC ha'~ bee'ifalTlJCmg the leading promotel'~ of

ailileilGevents; the. triathlCirl .branded as .ESCAPE FROM ALCA TAAi®. throughDu.t

15. The .E.s~PE FROM .M,..CA TRJ\.Z® rnm:~ is a w.h1eJyrecoglTl.1M: symbQ,i of

IMC~s .gpod:wilf·nna is the .subjed of federal trademark Re,gi."Str-at-lolJ Nh: 2,060.729,;. in

16. Rights in the ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ® mark, copies, of theregistrencn

certificate for which is attached, hereto, as Exhibit Ar dare. bac)r toat least 198,.1 ~ and the

17. Over theyears, the ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ® mark has been used

exten.sively tbroughout the.Unhed Statesandin foreign countries, The: ESCAPE . PROM

ALCATRAZ® mark has been the subject. of extensive advertising and promotion ina . variety .of

. • ~ I

media; including television, print snd the lntemet,· ESCAPE .FROM ALCATRAi® brand:

IMC's.revenues from the use- of.its ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ® mark have exceeded S,l

minion annually, and in the last five years alone. have exceeded $6 million ..

'18.. By virtue oflMC'~M;U:bstantitd use. sales and promeijon of the'ESCAFE :FROM

AICA ~ mark, the mark ~ become well-known, has become :distin¢tiiite .QfIMC)s praduct

.and services; and has come '00, serve 'to identl(Y and indicate the source .of IMC" s product and

services to .eonsnmers and the trade, '[Me bas 'developed for itself and its mSeApE FROM

A.LCAT~ brand products .and services substantial goodwill. arid. ,an excel lentreputation

.19, in light of the distinctiveness of the' ES.¢APE~FROM ALCA TRAZ® mark. the

d:ura:don and 'extent of rMC' s saies, marketlng and use of this mark throughout theU ni ted 'Stafes1 and the registretion of'thismark, the .ESCAPEFROM ALCATRAZ~ mark 'is distinctive mid


as "the Afuatraz 1~riathJon.·; or simply" Alcatraz' (as in a participant's statement tbiJt heor she :i 8;

Dd~iida.DJ:'s lInauthQriied uft.he llifringing Ma.-rk and :R:es'Ul:tillgLl.k,eU:b;ood of C'Oufusion..

IMC?:s ESCAPE FRQNt A[.CATItAZ® 'evetlt,and. jn. tna:t c~pac,1ty· bec~me ~ware of lMC\s trademark and ·~]thID'.dgh.·iS.'" end learned :[MC's cust0mers,.sllppliern~ sponsars, markets,.

ESCAP:eFROM ALCA11lAZ® triathlon.

because of'Tri-Cal's year.s;..long affiliation with IMC. Td,.Cal':S deep ~nvo]v:~ent withthe ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ Triathlon wasso extensive that Iii-Cal was steeped in every

in.fonn:at1on owned exclusively by IMC fQ[ the ESCAPE FROMALCATRAZ Trlathlen, abo.

fttmQ:us. bfan,d~d event, the adIiiinisfratiqn ofwhich.IMC enfl1Jst~d to:' Td..cai, tor :~~my: years..

23.. WeU a:fi:er IMe first began u8ing~t-S:ESCAPE 'FROM A.LCAT~ mark. after

after JMCJhst use<!' ~nd a",qiiir~~ .. seconda.ty u].e;aning l'onh~:t:~rn1s UAlt~l'~raz T:r;~thlo:n'~ 'Qr

. . ~. .-. .. -'. . . .

same venue, using the same course, 'same vendors and suhcontracters and using the same

. ' . . .. . . . .

materials to seek permits frem the 10caHty ill which the eventtakes place .

.same venue, ever-the same course, and using the same boat 10 launch the event (the. Hornblower)

and other elements as.,JMC'.s a;nnual ESCAPE FROM ALGA TRt\.z®event~ which has: become

'well-known and associated: withiMC. Com.pounding·Tn-Cal'·:::; infringement, and as pmofthat

"Iri-Cal is. intentj.onaUy and willfully infringing on IMC'straciematk..and other dgl1ts:

A. fMC has learnedthat Tri-Cal has announced that it will begin accepting

registration forits race on. November 27~ 2009,'{our (4j. days before I Me opens-

registration for' its 201.0 EscAPE"FROM ALCATRAZ® :event.. In additioa, fMC'has

trlathlons i.n the US. to. notify ~ts members about ·'early"registr'ati()J1.j thus leaving those'

recipleots ~tb the false .message tballMes ESCAPE F'ROM.ALCATRi\Z® triathlon

lottery is opening early" Tri-Cal crchestrated this schedule, Its use of the In.fringJng

Mark •. and the very.' assets mat IMC .had. e.l1ltrusted t6>, Td~.t(l compete unfairly 'wilh

. .. . ..

fMC and to misappmpriate the .good will and property .rights :oflMC, especially in light ,Iof the fact tbat IMC's event 'IS; scheduled before Tn-Cats triathlon.

content capturing images and audio content form previous years. Q,fthe .ESCAPE FROM .ALCATW® Triathlon and the eventconteet depictedas the "new Alcatraz r

Triathlon," a clear vtolatlon of IMCs imelleetual propertyrights and uofah· competition,


---------- -_ ....

C., Upon information and bell ', ef, Tri-Calhas used'IMCaQwoed ESCAPE

J:'R,OM ALCATRA.z® eontent tor promotional purposes -at a Stlnfrancj sco Chamber: of Commerce mixer on November 16.

D. TH...c~ is promoting the "Alcatra'Z ldathlcmn'over the same course as

IMC)s.ESCAPEFROM ALCATRAZ@event. The start froma Ferry, ,the Swim to Marina Green. the Bike through the Great Highway and Golden Gate Park, the Tun 011 Baker Beach and up the infsmous Saud Ladder. is the ESCAPE i'FROM ALCA TRAZ~i ·cQ'urse. Tri-Cal has had access to IMC'.Sc 111apS of the lMC'cOUf'Sie. and used. them to repnca'te '~h~ famous ESCAPE FROM ALCA TRAZ® event to compete unfairly with 'IMC. Upon lnfcrmation.andbelief Tri-Cal has. use,d.IMC's permitting epplicationsend mstertals for submission to authoriries it! San, Francisco to seek permits forits knock-off event

E. Trl-Calts ads.for its new event state. odmp!y that Tri-Cel has sepa:r~ted

from IMe because Tri-Cal canprovide iii. betterrace or expedence, thus disparaging [MC and falsely advertising Tri -CaJ' s new evenrwhich lS a clone of the 1M C triathlcn. TriCal'sadvertising and promotion has led third perties to believe: thai FMC .00 longer.ewns the ES'CAPE FROM ALCA TRAZ® triathlon.

F. .Me sponsors,! qualifiersend 'licensees have-complained that the new T.ri~

CaJ event dilutes the value of theirlnvestmem and relationship with IMe through the ESCAPE.FROM AlCATRAZ triathlon,

G. fMC believes that Irf~Cal has llsed,u:ri],awfullycopied. crea,red derivative

works of, andfor misappropriated IMC's proprietary .database. oftiiathlon participants:


H. Tri-Cal bas Jail'e,d to respond adequately 'and com.pletely. to .fMC's demand

for the rerum. of its. intelleciual prop-erty an·9··propriewy materials following the

25: Actual confusion aleeadyhas.oceurred. Participants seeking to register for IMC's

event have started to' ccmpletereglstretion for Tri-Cal's rogue al'id knoek-off'triaihlonhave

eentacted Th1C and have'stated dial the new fri.-Cal. evem c9,nfuSed them into p,eliev:it:lgthat

there is someassoeieticn between the tri-Cal event and the -famous branded 1M C triathlon, In

Qther words, registrants thought: that the Tri-Cal event is the: IMC 'ESCAPE :FROM ALeATRAz.


26. Tri-Cal : sought to buy the ESCAPE FROM ,t\LCATT:tA~ eventfrom IMC Iast

year without success, and its current unlawful activities are an-effort 10 mlseppropriate that

which it- was unablete buy Iegiti.niatdy. Tri-Cal merely C hanged the. name to replicate the event

that lMC bas entrusted to Tel-Cal for many years.

27. Defendant has [lot now and never has.been amhorized hy [Me or its' affiliatesto

connection with. Itsccmpeting products '9' services,

FIRST CLAIM FOR R,ELIEIi' l11,f'dn,g,emeat of Federally Regis,tered, M.ark (15 us,c, § 1114(1)(a»)

28. Plaintiffs repeat andreallege.paragraphs l through 27 QIlhis Complaint as .iffulJy

set forth herein.

29~Th]s claim is fo'l" of a tfade.m;tn~k registered in the United States P:atent and Trademark-Office. pursuant to Section' 32(1) of theLanham Act, 13 U:S.C. §

11140 )(a), as amended,


30. Defendant's Infringing Mark; 1s confusingly similar to, endacolorable imitation

'ot~ the :federally registered ESt.'APB H{OM ALCA TRAZL'® .l1'lafk and infringe,s IMC"s trademark .regtstr,atia[l eovering th~t marks, Defendant uses the InfiingtF.ig Marek in or tbrouglr similar channels of tralde to the same participants. and potentia! participants as those who have registered.

and. participated it.i.lMC·s.aIlIlualESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ® event.

deceptinn efpurchasers and the conseming publlc as tothe source Of Origin: of its goods and

services, A substantial number of actualand potential pur-chasers and consumers, upon

likely to mistakenly believe that Defendant' s' goods or serviceaonginate with. or. are Uc~nsed~

... . ..

approved; orsponsored by. or otberwise affiliate.d·Twith or relatedto, JMCnr its ESCAPE FROM ALCA 11{;\i~ brand prudu,cts and services,

32. Defendant's acts. are causing or, unless enjoinOO1 will cause and' will eentinue to

cause- damage and irreparable harm to lMC and. to i ts valuable reputation and goodwill wit11

conduct described above is enjoined,

33. 011 infbrmatlon.,and ~Uef, Defendant' s aci;l of trademark infringcmenchave. been

uhjuSlly enriched or, unless enjoined., will profit and. be unjustly enriched by sales that Defendant

would n~t Ni1erv.ise bave.madebm for.:·its!J.u.lawfu], conduct.

~ltd have caused or .unless enj o;hied~ will cause Irreparable in:j ury to Plaintiffs' goodwilland win

continue to cause- further irreparable ,injury, wherebyPlaintiffs have no 'adequate ·remedy at law.


SECOND ~LAI.M FOR. REL:IEIf Infringement 0:£ Unregistered .Ma.T.ks; False :Des~lRation O'f Origin 'Unfair Co.Qll?etition. and False Ad\'ertising

... (15, (J~S.c.·§ U~5(a.)) -

3 5'0 PI~intiffs .repeat and reallege parag.r,aphs 1 through 27 of this C",?mplalnt as if fully

set forth herein.

36. Thiselaira is·fen: inftingement ofU~,e unregistered and common. Jaw marks

"Alcarraz Triathlcn" and "Aleatraz" and for.false designation of origin; 'false advertisingand

unlhlrcompetition'in vi olatiorr of Sec,tiVI;l. 43 (a} of the Lanham .Act~ ] ,5 V .S, C. § 1'12S{ a),

37. Defendant's unauthorized. use or, unless enjoined. future use ofthe ltlfri.nging

to compete l~nfajrIy with: plainti.ffs,. in violation of 15 U :S.C~ § l12S(a) ..

38. Defendants advertisements are literally faJ se, false. by necessary impl~cat.i(ril> or

misleading because (among. other th!n~s}T'rL~Car;li ads for irs nevi event stale or impJy that TriCal has separat,ed"from.lMC because Tf1~CaJ can provide .;;1, better raceor experience, "thus

triathlon. Tri-Cal's advertising.and promotion has led third parties, to believethat ]MC no longer

owns the' .E:SCAPE FRO;lJ( ALCAtRAZ®iriatbJo.n,

39. .Detendanf's .aets of infringement ofunr~glstered marks • false designatiea of

origin, false advertisingand unfair eampetition have- been or, unless.eujoined, will he d.qJ'u.~ willfuLly and delioo1'ately and Defendant has.profited and bee-n unjustly enriched or, unless

eOj oined, wil l profit or be unjustl y' end ched by sales that it would not" cithet'V>lis:e have made but

"for its UJdawful conduct,

-40:. Defendant's acts described above have caused-injury and damages to Plaintiffs

" .


adequate·remedy at law,


.lntert'e.reneC.'lidtb. ContraC1 and. w:I€b··Prospective·Ee-o.numie ,Advant~ufe

~~ .

relationships' and-the vi'J!]llab]e 'P'fl)fibHuuleoonorrdc ·.arlV:anlage (hey represent.

44. Defendant has thOfOiUghknOW]ooge·. 'Of PIaintiffi tiforesald C~n1tact"a]

4~. WithomjustHjc3flml~ D-ef~n4:all:t has, wrpn;gfull.y. toT!iously and ~·n.tenth:many

attempted to interfere; has imerfered, and unless enj.olned 'b~thls Court will tnted';ere with. PlaiIltifr seontraets, cQn!nictual rela.tionships and"pros:pecdve;'eoonomi~, ,~d:vantage" '-a]l~to the

detrimeo.l .:::!llct cla~nage~of Plaintiffs:

. "


D,feacli 'of ClnltraCt

SC'[ forn~. herein.

47, 'Pursuant to": the·.contract between thepsrties, Defendant' was ·obliga.Jed to'ritum to

Plaintiffs valuable lang.~~Ie:a;n~ intangible-a'$Siets u.wned"by Plaintiffs and.used 0:1 ~~e~te~by


. participants, maps, -contracts with suppliers .and. subeentreetors, 'a:ppHca:tio.hS for penuits from . g~v.ernm.enlal ;3utli:qclties, -.and other h'lf\(lfn::l.UflOU as iuvestig'l.liQ!tJ and d~iscovery' 'Wi]I disclose

4~:, Upon t,berennll¥l.t:lorr .oft~.e ¢orlU~ctbetwe.en ,tfie ,p<:Irth::s, demanderl. ~.b.e·

returnef an (l'tPla:i[iti'ffs~' Assets.


5·] ~ [h::fen4ant.iS'_lnp'()s$'ession~ custody .or COl1ill)} rqfPlalnti'fiS t As-se;ts';

52. Up-on the te1'n1t:ination: ofthe reladonship betweentlre pailies., P,12imtiff deITfan~OO

·witn· P:1ai;ntiffs~ ell 'of PI.a:i:ri,tH']s. Assets that i tlNftlngfuUy bus. retained.

55,. Upon "intormatJclJ:l. and belieft Def~ndanfs actions have been committed wiHftdly-.t·

56. AS" a direct and proximate result of Defendant' s actions •. P'f~~ntiffs have been and

wJIl continue to be lrrep.arabl y harmed and damaged, and as a furtber result ofwhicb. Plai:ntiftS'

have sustained damages.

81:\.'TU .. CLAB'1 FOR, R~I,.IEF IJafair,CoDtpeliition under New Vor.k Law

57.P'lnintiffs repeat and reallegeperagraphs I through 27 9fthi~ Complaint as .. iffully

get forth herein,

association with Plaintiffs, The purchasing public iSlikdy'lQ attribute t.oP]ahrtiffsthe use by

Defendrull of the Infringing Mark asa source of origin, ·authorization·andf.or sponsorship tor

Defendent's .inmnging products or services, andt)1¢tefQt-e; to buy such products or-services in

. - .

that erroneous belief

60·. Defendant intentionaLly appropriated the good win in the Plaintiffs' registered .and

of its goods or services, Therefore, Defendant has 'cemmitted trademark infringement and unfai.r

competition under the c-ommon law nf tbe Stale of New York.

will continue Into the future.

,62. Plaintrffs have no adequate remedy .at law. Moreover, unless Defendant is

injuries win continue to occur.


6.:3". .As .;:1 result of '~he foregoing, ~Pbinti ffs have .Iost profits and Defendantl:1SS been

unjustly enriched, and, 1n addition," Defendant's actions have boon .erxtr11Oruinary. entitling lMC to' attom~s; fees and eosts'of'suit, and sUichother:and.further relief as ihe Court shall deem appri)prl.ate in the; cireumstanees.


WHEREFORE, IMC prays that tbis Conrtenter jud;g;tnent against Defendant fJS follows:

A. Grenting preliminary and. perm.anent inj unetive relief restraining Defendant, its

o ffice:rs. dtrectors, a,g.en:ls~etnplo}lees~ servants, attorney s, successors; aasigns-ead others coetrolling, coatrolled by or affiliatedwirh Defendant and all those in privity or active concert .or ,participation with any of the foregoing (incJudi.l1i,withaut limitatioD"leach distributer m reseller of 111le Defendant's. products Of services ).' and all those who receiveactual notice by personal

serv Lee 0.]; atherwise:

(1) from using.orelly, irl'wrrungor in 'any media, the name.word.or mark

"Alcatraz Triathlon" 01" any other name, word Of .mark confusingly similar to'plaintiffs-' ESCAPE: 'FRO~if ALCATR.A~® mark tor 'any purpose;

(2) frnm otherwise oompeting,unfairly with Plaintiffs;

Be. Ordering that Defendant be! adJud~edto have violated. SectloDSl32 ."t)d 43(3) of'

the Lanham Act" 15 U.S.C" §§ 1114and' 1125(a)~ and further orderingthat the foregoing;'ucts'by Defendant be adjJ1dg}ed to have been done ~':illfidly anddeliberately.

C. Ordering Defendant to pay far and cause to ,he disseminated, coreecrive advertising,

to ani:eliorate _ the adverse eonseq uences of Defe.lli;Jarit' s acts of trademark ~r!.fthl,g,ement~ fal se designation of'origtn, atiq unfair competition, the content, nature, form .andextent ofwhich is to, be approved by plaintiffs and: this Court';


---------- -----

Defendanrfrom its aforesaid acts 0 ftrademerk infringemem,' false designation of origin, and.

unfair competiHon~.

E. Awardinl;un.lch damages @S Plaiiltiffs shall establish in :oonseq:uenlciC of

competition. together with appropriate interest thereon, including three times the amount found

as actual damages ·by the trier of fact to properl y compensate Plaintiffs fOT their damages,

·pur-s:uantto 15 u.s,c. -§ IlJ7(a):;

F. Ordering Defendant. to. recall from. all chains .of.a istri bution all .goods, prcduct

'the dissemination by Defendant nf which would vic"late the .i~junction herein granted;

violate the llljunlCtion herein granted;

~ .

and resel ler .of Defendant' s.products or serv ii;;~~:S:' a noticeadvislng, persons of Defendant > 5, acts of trademark Infringement, falsedesignation of'originrand unf-air competition and advising

L Ordering.that, pursusnt te Section 34(a) ofth¢ Lanham Act, ] 5 V.S.C. § ] 116(a),

Defendant shall seree upon :plai.ntJ.ffs within thirty (30! days after service-on De:mnd.al1J!t ohLl1

i:njuncdon,.or such extended periodas the Court may direct, a report in ·'Wri.1ing undm oath setting

forth in detail the manner and faun ill W hiqn Defendant has complied with the iJ1jun~rlcm.;

. .' . . . .


K. Awardin.g plaintlfis·their costsand expensesof.this action,

L, . Declanng that this js an, ,¢xceptiol'W,] ease, pursuant to 15 U, S. C. § . ~ ] 17. because

ofthe willful and deliberate nature of Defendant's acts nfttad~mark i:nfringen.l,ent._~aIse designation or origin. and unfair competi tion, and. awarding P1a-intiffs tben: :r~sQna'~,le ~l.tJomeys"


M, Awarding Plaintiffs compensa~ arrdpunitive (jwtJa.g:es. and an lawfulcosts; and

L, Granti~g such other and further relief as this. COQ.rt may deemjust and proper.

l\t1:cCARTER & ENGLISH LLP 245 Park. A venue

27th Floor

New Ynrk~ NY 10167..:0001 (21'2) 609-6800

~ arid-

McCarter &, English L'LP Four Gateway Center 100 Mulberry Sired Newark, NJ 07102

(973) 6j9-691':.

Oared: November 30,2009


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