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Politics of the 1920s

Warren Harding
Big business ________________ from Ohio. Coins the phrase, _______________ to
_________________. Surrounds himself with his pals, nicknamed, The ___________ ____________.
Honest, but ________________.

Andrew Mellon: ________________ of the _________________ under Harding, Coolidge and Hoover.
Mellons three goals: 1. Balance the _______________ __________________.
2. Reduce ___________________ ______________.
3. Cut ______________.

Supply-Side Economics: Tax __________ and business incentives used for encouraging
__________________ ________________, in the belief that businesses and ___________________ will
use their tax savings to create new ____________________ and expand existing ones, which in turn will
increase ____________________, ____________________, and general well-being.
Harding ____________ in 1923, before __________________ are revealed that ruin his reputation.
Teapot Dome Scandal: Secretary of Interior Albert Fall is convicted of leasing __________________
________ ___________________ to private oil companies.

Calvin Coolidge:
____________ __________. Takes long naps. Supports _____________ _____________ . America
roars into the 1920s under Coolidge. The business of America is ___________________.

Herbert Hoover:
Believes in __________________ _______________________. W.A.S.P. Calls Prohibition the
_______________ ____________________. DRYS. Defeats Democrat ______ _______________
in the 1928 election. Promises American, A ______________ in every pot and _______
_____________ in every garage. Smith supports ending __________________. WETS. First
_____________________ presidential candidate. Son of Irish immigrant parents.

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