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414 Pomona Rd.

Cinnaminson, NJ
or !hone ", !lease email #irst.
Rachel Corinne Grenon
Objective $o %or& in a health and %ellness en'ironment %here learning is
contin(o(s and the a!!lication o# &no%ledge, e)!erience, and s&ills are
re*(ired and e)!ected.
Education Jan. +01, - J(l. +014 /a!lan 0ni'ersit. - 1nline 2chool
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Health & Wellness
3(g. +004 - 5a. +01+ 6(rlington Co(nt. College - 5t. 7a(rel, NJ
Degree: ssociate Degree in !s"cholog"
Degree: ssociate Degree in #iberal rts & Science
eb. +008 - J(ne +004 6(rlington Co(nt. 9nstit(te o# $echnolog.
Career $ajor: Cos%etolog" :estam!ton, NJ
7icensed Cosmetologist - +004
Wor& e'(erience eb. +01, - c(rrent ;air C(tter. Cherr. ;ill, NJ
Cons(lt clients
Per#orm ser'ices re*(ested b. client %ithin m. !ro#essional standards
Pro#essionall. recommend to clients %a.s to maintain health. hair
No'. +008 - c(rrent Rehab Connection Cinnaminson, NJ
!h"sical *hera(ist id
$a&e ne% !atient in#ormation, 'eri#. ins(rance, s(bmit a(thori<ations,
collect co-!a.ments, manage sched(les.
3id !h.sical thera!ists in monitoring !atients, criti*(ing !atient e)ercise
techni*(e #or sa#et. and e##icienc., and g(ide !atients in rehabilitati'e
$rain ne% aid em!lo.ees.
eb. +007 - eb. +004 5andee =elran, NJ
Sales ssociate ) Cashier
C(stomer ser'ice
#icenses )
+ards received
NJ Cosmetologist>;airst.list 7icense ?+004 - c(rrent@
CPR Certi#ication ?+004 - c(rrent@
3l!ha 6eta /a!a ;onors 2ociet. ?+014@
=eanAs 7ist ?+014@
2&ills 023 Entre!rene(rshi! Com!etition ?+008@
!lace metal in the state o# 11 com!etitors.
2&ills 023 9n-;o(se Com!etition ?+004@
Princi!leAs ;onor Roll ?+007 - +004@
National ;onors 2ociet. ?+008 -+004@
References $om 6ianco, =P$ PhoneB 8C8-404-1441 3c*(ainted since +008
Cath. 5ason PhoneB 8C8-408-8444 3c*(ainted since +000
/imberlee :illiams PhoneB 804-+87-4++8 3c*(ainted since +007

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