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Answer the following questions on a separate piee of paper!

1. On what date was Pearl Harbor attacked?
2. When the radio operator reported aircraft, why was there no alarm sounded?
3. What was the code name for a surprise attack?
. How many ships were destroyed? Planes? !i"es lost?
#. What unfortunate record does Pearl Harbor hold?
$. What re%ion did &apan attack in 1'31?
(. What problems did the &apanese hope to sol"e by their e)pansion?
*. What did the +nited ,tates do in response to &apan-s occupation of .ndo/0hina?
'. Who perfected the plan to attack Pearl Harbor?
11. Why should ha"e the +, been able to find out about the attack on Pearl Harbor?
11. Who were the two commanders in Hawaii?
12. Who was 2eneral ,hort most worried about?
13. Where did the commanders think the &apanese 3a"y was headed?
1. Who was the task force commander for the &apanese?
1#. Who was the +, ,ecretary of ,tate?
1$. What did 456 call 5ecember (
, 1'1?
1(. What did 0on%ress do the ne)t day?
1*. Who was blamed for the lack of preparedness by +, forces? What were they bein% used as?
1'. What do some historians claim about 456?
21. Why did our aircraft carriers escape destruction?
21. What did 7dolf Hitler say about the attack on Pearl Harbor?
22. What did the attack on Pearl Harbor end?

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